Name: Stephen Fung
Chinese Name: Fung, Tak Lun
Birthday: August 9, 1974
Sign: Leo/Tiger
Place of Birth: Hong Kong
School: University of Michigan
Languages: Cantonese, English & German
Height: 5'9
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Singing, guitar, gym, acting & basketball
Favorite Colors: Black, blue, & white
Favorite Anima: Dogs
Favorite Band: Nirvana
Favorite Actor: Brad Pitt
Favorite Cartoons: Peanuts & South Park
Favorite Food: Fish
The Avenging Fist (2002)
Bio-Cops (2000)
Bishonen (1999)
Cheap Killers (1999)
The Conman 2002
Devil Face, Angel Heart (2002)
Dragon Heat (2001)
Gen X Cops (2000)
Gen Y Cops (2001)
Haunted Office (2002)
He Comes From Planet K (1999)
The Irresistible Piggies (2002)
Life is Magical (2003)
Metade Fumaca (2000)
My School Mate, The Barbarian (2001)
The Poet (2003)
Shadow (2002)
Sunshine Cops (2000)
Un Baiser Vole (To Steal a Kiss) (2000)
- Healing Hearts (2001)
- Starry Journey (2001)
- 4 Green Hopes (2000)
- Love Not Enough (1999)
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