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Name: Alan

Birthday: 4/18/1980

Height: 5'8

Weight:128 lb.

Name: Tommy

Birthday: May 4, 1980

Height: 174 CM

Weight: 128 lb.

Likes: Piano, singing, basketball, football

Favorite holiday: Chinese New Year and christmas

Favorite flower: White rose

Favorite color: White, red

Name: Tim (Yuk LAi Yin)

Birthday: July 20

Sign: Cancer

Height: 5'8

Weight: 150 lb.

Favorite Food: Awn dried fruit, chocolate, Italian

Favorite Singing Stars:Eason Chan, Aaron Kwok, Alan Tam, H.O.T, the GOD

Favorite color: purple, blue

Favorite fruit: Pomegranate

Favorite season: Autumn

Favorite cartoon character: Mickey


  • House Of Devil - Evil Sledge (2003)
  • Albums

  • E-kids Diary (2002)