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This is My world

Some of my Photo-realistic computer aided landscape pictures

Lake Femko

This is one of the first pictures I created. It is named after a German friend of mine and I feel it is one of my best yet.

The Highlands

This is a mountain set I made to test the depth of some of the pictures I can make. Took forever to render. =)

Crater Island

One of the Island tests I made to set an Ocean in my world.

Mount Hamlyn

The very first image I ever made =)

The Mountains Of Gore

This is a mountain range made for another friend from Finland =)

The Hills of Malkav

Wandering these hills will drive one mad, it is said.....

River Valley

Tjis is my first attempt at adding extra effects to the images, the waterfall is painted in The GiMP, and the surface map is SnowandGrass2 from the Terragen websight.