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Sovereign Elite Squad

Welcome to the offical Sovereign Elite Squad website. We are a Clan that plays both Halo 1 and 2. We are more into Halo 1 with our Nice skill and good team work in objective games. Halo 2 Our team work is Real Nice. Every member thats in the Halo 2 Division is a Level 30+ with our Clan level use to be Level 24 legit... Before the Stats got reset.. If you are interested and need questions e-mail us.

Members: Shows all of our members, it also shows what they like and other information such as favorite guns, maps etc. It also has location and there online rank in everything.

Gallery: Gallery shows Halo 1 / Halo 2 pictures that SES members have taken or have found funny to them most of are done by Carnage... A lot of weird stuff happens in campaign and multiplayer... you never know what's going to happen when your playing Halo. The Gallery also Has carnage reports that we have owned in and have raped.

Videos: We will have a nice video selection that shows tricks and glitches in multiplayer... some of them are pretty basic that people know about but we have some that we like to keep to our self... so we keep owning.

TryOuts: We are always doing tryouts and if you're interested give us a shout on Xbox live or xbox connect, or you can just e-mail us if u want 1 ... We will give u a shout back but most important ... make sure you're good first before you want a try out.

Info: Info shows a lot of stuff such as allies, upcomming tournaments, and how we done in other Halo 2 tournaments... We go to practically every Halo 1/2 tourny we can find and we will be comming to MLG & AGP ... hopefully if our money is good :P.

Download: Basically downloads.... like xbox connect, x-link kai, game spy, and any other online programs for Halo 1/2.. if you know anything that should be there e-mail us and we will gladly to put it on the site :D.

Links: Links to other sites like friends and other offical sites.