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Sept. 2005 News, Week 39:
 20th Tue - Updates, 18:04 EDT
  1.  Marked 121 Minerals Veins (Nodes) and 390+ Herbs nodes.  Some of which are in instances (WC).  Totals:  110 Copper (1), 10 Tins (65), 1 Iron.
  77 Peacebloom (1), 96 Silverleaf (1), 66 Earthroot (15), 50 Mageroyal (50), 55 Briarthorn (70), 7 Stranglekelp (85), 23 Bruiseweed (100), 9 Wild Steelbloom (115), 6 Kingsblood (125), 2 Liferoot/WC (150), 1 Purple Lotus (210).
  Codes:  (C) Copper (1), (T) Tin (65), (I) Iron.  P Peacebloom (1), S Silverleaf (1), E Earthroot (15), M Mageroyal (50), B Briarthorn (70), Sk Stranglekelp (85), Brw Bruiseweed (100), WS Wild Steelbloom (115), Kb Kingsblood (125), Lr Liferoot (150), PL Purple Lotus (210).  F Food Crate, W Water Crate, T Treasure, An Anvil, Fo Forge, AC Armor Crate...  NW North-West, NE North-East, SW South-West, SE South-East.
  [Dur] Durotar totals:  66 Copper, 44 P, 37 S, 30 E, 11 M;  + 7 F, 8 W, 18 T.
  Durotar NW Thunder Ridge:  24 Copper, 12 P, 5 S, 9 E, 3 M;  + 4 F, 3 W, 7 T.
  Durotar NE Drygulch Ravine:  22 Copper, 13 P, 17 S, 6 E, 5 M;  + 1 F, 2 W, 9 T.
  Durotar SW Razormane Grounds:  4 Copper, 9 P, 9 S, 9 E, 3 M;  + 1 T.
  Durotar SE Sen'Jin Village:  11 Copper, 10 P, 6 S, 6 E.  + 2 F, 3 W, 1 T.
  [TBa] The Barrens totals:  22 Copper, 3 Tins, 13 P, 17 S, 15 E, 23 M, 29 B, 11 Brw, 5 WS, Kb 4;  + 3 F, 3 T, 1 AC.
  The Barrens NW:  2 Copper, 2 Tins, 1 P, 8 S, 4 E, 4 M, 4 B, 2 Brw;  + 1 T.
  The Barrens NE:  8 Copper, 4 P, 3 S, 4 E, 2 M, 6 B, 1 Brw;  + 1 F.
  The Barrens SW:  3 Copper, 1 Tin, 1 P, 10 S, 2 E, 6 M, 5 B, 6 Brw, 3 WS, 2 Kb;  + 1 F, 1 T.
  The Barrens SE:  9 Copper, 3 Tin, 13 P, 17 S, 15 E, 23 M, 14 B, 2 Brw, 2 WS, 2 Kb;  + 1 F, 1 T, 1 AC.
  [TG] Tirisfal Glades  5 Copper, 6 P, 14 S, 3 E.
  [Mul] Mulgore  10 Copper, 7 P, 10 S, 6 E;  + 2 T, 1 An, 1 Fo.
  [SF] Silverpine Forest  5 Copper, 4 Tins, 7 P, 14 S, 9 E, 10 M, 13 B, 3 Brw, 2 Sk;  + 1 F, 4 T.
  [StM] Stonetalon Mountains  1 Copper, 1 Tin, 5 B, 6 Brw, 4 WS, 2 Kb.
  [AV] Ashenvale  1 Tin, 1 Iron, 2 M, 2 B, 1 Brw, 4 Sk, 1 PL.
  [DS] Darkshore  1 Copper, 4 S, 3 E, 2 M, 4 B, 1 Brw, 1 Sk.
  [HF] Hillsbrad Foothills  1 Tin, 2 B, 1 Brw, 2 Kb.

 19th Mon - Updates, 16:19 EDT
  1.  As mentionned in the WoW Notes Update - Mon 29th, 16:56 EDT, 4., I have marked many new useful resources points.
•    Here's an old map I saved July 6, 2005.  My current Durotar map is much more detailed than that. Durotar Copper Veins & Herbs Map

•    The Enlarged Durotar Map.  Prints Portrait rather than Landscape.  Almost 140% original size.
Enlarged Durotar Map

July 2005 News, Week 30:
 Update - Mon 18th, 17:20 EDT   1.  Got many new maps 'spawns', over 44 Copper Mineral Veins in Durotar alone...  I also sorted them in 4 cardinal points regions.  I got location for Wild Steelbloom, and some other middle level herbs.  First made it to Expert Herbalism and Alchemy.  Update coming up.

June 2005 News, Week 27:
 Update - Tue 28th, 13:24 EDT   1.  
•  22 Mineral Copper Veins & 23 Herbs
(9 Peacebloom, 6 Silverleaf, 8 Earthroot)
Location:  Durotar [NK] 1-10
Horde Orc & Troll Start Map
Durotar 22 Mineral Copper Veins & 23 Herbs Location Map Also a quick note that Durotar does have 2 (or more) "levels"...   There is the Ridge level up top, and the main level or ground level...   Some nodes show on the map, but cannot be reached from the ground level.   I have not included them in the above map, but do have record of one.   On the middle of the lenght of the road going to Orgrimmar.   I'll most likely be doing a second map for that level.   There also are 3 caves (or more) in that region.   Some of which used to have [Green] loot.

 Update - Mon 27th, 16:26 EDT Durotar 22 Mineral Copper Veins Location map  Update - Sat 25th, 16:29 EDT  1.  

•  22 Mineral Copper Veins
Location:  Durotar [NK] 1-10
Horde Orc & Troll Start Map
Coming up, with 30 Herbs and 1 Treasure Location. Many [Chunk of Boar Meat]s also available in Durotar...

 June 2005 News, Week 23:
Update - Sat 4th, 03:25 EDT  1.  
•  18 Mineral Copper Veins
Location:  Durotar [NK] 1-10
Horde Orc & Troll Start Map
18 Mineral Copper Veins Location map in Durotar
May 2005 News, Week 21:
 News - Wed 18th, 17:55 EDT   1.  New Notes on Regions page.   

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> Created: 2005, May 18.

> Updated: 2005, June 4, 25, 27, 28;   July 18;   Sept. 19, 20.

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