June, Tehachapi kept true with tradition in holding their annual
lift-a-thon, where 70 THS athletes competed in five different weight
classes in three lifts: the bench press, the squat and the power clean.
The overall winner was
Lance Lange. He lifted a total of 965 pounds in the three lifts with a
weight quotient of 5.42. Weight quotient is the ratio of total amount
lifted is relation to the athletes’ body weight. Lange, who weighs 178
pounds, was also the first place winner in the middle weight class
followed by Zac Schlais, second with 805 pounds and James Esparza at 755

Heavy Lifter -
Zac Schlais strains to lift several hundred
pounds in the "squat." He finished second in his weight class, lifting a
total of 805 pounds. (photo by Mike Duffy)
The top Bantam Weight
lifter was Raymond Gomez, 148 pounds, who lifted a total of 710 pounds.
Steven Bajorek was second and Paul Castro was third lifting 610 and 585,
The Light Weight winner was
Robert Wright. Robert, weighing 160 pounds, totaled 735 pounds and was
the third overall lifter. Stefan Bekker was second and Robert Gibson was
Super Middle Weight winners
were Michael Barboa, first with 830 pounds, Chad Johnson second
finishing with 780 and Sherwin Smith with a total of 755.
The Heavy Weight winner was
Ralph Curiel. He totaled 965 pounds in the three lifts. Levi Kerstien
was second with 950 pounds and Michael Papac was third, finishing with
915 pounds. |