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Posted 07-04-05 - 08-29-05

The season will be here before we know it...and in the off-season we will once again take a sneak-peak look at some of Tehachapi's opponents for the upcoming year.  Click on the link to each team below to get an in-depth analysis of the week-by-week opponents for Mountain Football! 

(Click On Individual Opponent For Pre-Game Summary)
Sept 9 Compton (Los Angeles) 0-10 (0-6 Moore League)
Sept 17 @ Paraclete (Lancaster) 4-7 (2-2 Olympic League)
Sept 23 Foothill (Bakersfield) 2-8 (1-4 SEYL)
Sept 30 @ Stockdale (Bakersfield) 12-1 (5-0 SWYL)
Oct 7 Garces (Bakersfield) 2-9 (1-4 SEYL)
Oct 14 @ Wasco 4-6 (1-4 SSL)
Oct 21 Taft 9-2 (5-0 SSL)
Oct 28 @ Arvin 7-4 (3-2 SSL)
Nov 4 @ Shafter 4-7 (1-4 SSL)
Nov 11 Golden Valley (Bakersfield) 2-11 (1-4 SSL)

TEHACHAPI NEWS - In early June, Tehachapi kept true with tradition in holding their annual lift-a-thon, where 70 THS athletes competed in five different weight classes in three lifts: the bench press, the squat and the power clean.

The overall winner was Lance Lange. He lifted a total of 965 pounds in the three lifts with a weight quotient of 5.42. Weight quotient is the ratio of total amount lifted is relation to the athletes’ body weight. Lange, who weighs 178 pounds, was also the first place winner in the middle weight class followed by Zac Schlais, second with 805 pounds and James Esparza at 755 pounds.

Heavy Lifter - Zac Schlais strains to lift several hundred pounds in the "squat." He finished second in his weight class, lifting a total of 805 pounds. (photo by Mike Duffy)

The top Bantam Weight lifter was Raymond Gomez, 148 pounds, who lifted a total of 710 pounds. Steven Bajorek was second and Paul Castro was third lifting 610 and 585, respectively.

The Light Weight winner was Robert Wright. Robert, weighing 160 pounds, totaled 735 pounds and was the third overall lifter. Stefan Bekker was second and Robert Gibson was third.

Super Middle Weight winners were Michael Barboa, first with 830 pounds, Chad Johnson second finishing with 780 and Sherwin Smith with a total of 755.

The Heavy Weight winner was Ralph Curiel. He totaled 965 pounds in the three lifts. Levi Kerstien was second with 950 pounds and Michael Papac was third, finishing with 915 pounds.

Funny how the whole situation with Burroughs and Tehachapi worked out.  Slated to play each other again, both schools sought to go separate ways and test their mettle against other opponents on Sep 9th, with Tehachapi going with Compton - Los Angeles and Burroughs taking on Grant - Los Angeles.  Wouldn’t it make more sense if Grant and Compton got together and Tehachapi played Burros?  I mean…I’m all for diversity in the schedule and all…but with budget crunches these days, if you can minimize travel time and still have a formidable opponent to play shouldn’t you go that route?  Just my thoughts.

Congratulations to Ryan Chavira, Kyle Bruce, and EJ Muro for being selected to the first-team All-SSL team in baseball this past season.  Also, kudos to departing Senior Dan Haycock and Sophomore Nathan McKinnon for being selected to the All-SSL second team.

In addition to the league recognition, Chavira, Bruce, and Muro were selected to play in the 14th Annual High School Seniors All Star game on June 4 at Bakersfield College.  Head Coach Ed Patterson and RC Wells were coaches for the Red Team, who helped the team overcome a 12-4 deficit in the fifth inning to win the ball game 14-13 in the bottom of the ninth.

ALL-SSL - Congratulations to Ryan Chavira (left), Kyle Bruce (center), and EJ Muro (right) for being selected to the 2005 All-SSL first team.  Tehachapi won the 2005 SSL Championship in baseball this season.

On a special note, the game was Coach Patterson's last representing Tehachapi...with the long-time baseball coach accepting a position with Liberty High School towards season's end.  Thanks coach for all the great years in baseball, we appreciate all the time and dedication you gave!

There will be more Weekly Warrior articles to come infrequently throughout the off-sesaon, be sure to tune in to get the latest new, highlights, and commentary!  Thanks to all of you for logging in and supporting Tehachapi High School Warrior athletics!

Questions?  Concerns?  Corrections?  Send Tom Shea an email, he'd like to hear from you.  
