Item Name | Description | Price | # | Damage | Range |
Med Packs |
Small Med Pack | Heals 25 HP | $50 | 1 | -25 | ~ |  |
Large Med Pack | Heals 100 HP | $180 | 2 | -100 | ~ |  |
Magellan eXplorist 100 | Displays your location, as well as enemy location. | $350 | 3 | ~ | ~ |  |
Magellan eXplorist 400 | Displays your location, enemy locaion, and enemy distance. | $500 | 4 | ~ | ~ |  |
Magellan eXplorist 600 | Displays your location, enemy location, enemy distance, and can display whether or not a weapon can hit the enemy at that distance. | $1800 | 5 | ~ | ~ |  |
Handguns |
Single PPK, Right handed | Standard handgun | $150 | 11 | 20-35 | 15 |  |
Single PPK, Left handed | Standard handgun | $150 | 12 | 20-35 | 15 |  |
9MM, Right handed | Same distance as PPK, but stronger | $200 | 13 | 30-35 | 15 |  |
9MM, Left handed | Same as one PPK, but stronger. | $200 | 14 | 30-35 | 15 |  |
Rifles and Shotguns |
Sawed off Shotgun, Right handed | More powerful at close range, this shotgun can be stronger than the sawed off 30-30. | $200 | 30 | 20-40 | 12 |  |
Sawed off Shotgun, Left handed | More powerful at close range, this shotgun can be stronger than the sawed off 30-30. | $200 | 31 | 20-40 | 12 |  |
Sawed off 30-30, Right handed | Longer range than a handgun, but a little weaker. | $225 | 40 | 10-30 | 25 |  |
Sawed off 30-30, Left handed | Longer range than a handgun, but a little weaker. | $225 | 41 | 10-30 | 25 |  |
Full Size 30-30, Two handed | Longer range than a sawed off 30-30, also more powerful. | $400 | 42 | 25-50 | 50 |  |
Ammo |
9mm ammo | Standard 9mm ammo for the PPK and 9mm. Comes in 500 shells. | $50 | 60 | ~ | ~ |  |
Shotgun shells | Standard 20ga shotgun shells for the sawed off shotgun. Comes in 500 shells. | $60 | 61 | ~ | ~ |  |
30-30 ammo | Standard 30 cal shells for the sawed off 30-30 and full size 30-30. Comes in 500 shells. | $50 | 62 | ~ | ~ |  |