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Lindsay Geronimo Crawford Photo Gallery

~...New Page Sun 21 May 2006 ~...Phamily Photo Pharm

BLUE NOTES, 2006/04/28 Friday:
Tyler took a photo of himself because he saw others on the Magic boards he reads. Aaron took photos of himself and me because I suggested his mom might like to se them. He seemed to be having a good time. I will revise this page as often as I can find time.

My Logitech Images: we've only just begun.

Tyler, self portrait, 06/05/10

Canon photos (circa) December 2001 through May 2002:

Something about the background... HOWEVER_BLOW_THE_WINDS

Previous revision: 17.27 DST Sunday 21 May 2006

revision: un current: 17.03 PST Saturday, 16 December 2006

For The Offcicial U. S. Time visit You have chosen the Pacific timezone, Coordinated Universal Time dust bunnies down the rabbit hole...~

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