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I Was A Teenage Science Fiction Fan

Things About SF Fandom

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Nice Beanie

FIAWOL Spoken Here

I learned to read early, 4 or 5. By 8 I'd begun reading novels, and by 10 I was reading Heinlein and Tolkein. I began buying books and by 12 the idea of my collection was realized. I discovered the magazines and though I missed the spurt of fanzine reviews in Ted White's mags and elsewhere, I noticed the cons and by 1975 I attended Westercon 28 in Oakland CA at the now gone Hotel Leamington. Walking through the parking lot, I thought, wow, look at all those fannish bumper stickers. I'm not alone.

Well, yes and no. I feel more at home in the community of fandom than with any other group, yet even there I feel marginalized. Fandom is what it is, and I am what I am, maybe with enough spinach I'll finally finish. In other words, learn how to nurture and sustain mutually beneficial relationships. At beneficial, you're good for more. Remember that jingle? Our minds are colonized from within and without, like it or not.

It's late and I'm really not happy about the complete loss of the initial version of this page, mysteriously eaten by Windows. One click to close the preview and the whole thing vanished. What I like about web pages is once you put it up, it stays up. HTML code and images can be saved to floppy or other medium, to be restored in case of server failure. Hard drives come and go, operating systems crash. All flesh is grass, nothing endures like change. Creative energy is the only force capable of maintaining order, of reaching through time. Such is my current understanding.

LGC at 02:10 PST Mon 24 July 2005