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PLM Coop

Email: PMcDo0227 at aol dot com
PO Box 314
Rockville, MD 20848-0314
(202) 639-0300
Facsimile (202) 403-3008

Welcome. The PLM Cooperative provides stenography services for the Washington, D.C. Metro area. It provides legal services for Washington, D.C. E-mail or telephone us for price quotes. Chapter 7 bankruptcy starting at $2,000.00 plus costs and court filing fees of $400.00. Special prices if referred; have a friend call us for price quotes.

Call Allen Credit & Debt Counseling at 1-888-415-8173 (605-458-2500) for required Certificate of Credit Counseling or check out Money Management International at 1-888-845-5669. Contact Abacus Credit Counseling,, for a less expensive online course. You may call Abacus at 1-800-516-3834 to hear a recording about the online or telephone course options. Contact for the post-petition course. Call 1-877-322-8228 to order your free annual copy of credit reports from the three major credit reporting agencies.

Patricia McDonald has self-published a book "Footprints in the Grass", an interesting 259-page autobiography, religious dissertation and struggle in the legal system—$19.99 plus shipping. Folks who have read it say "it is so-o-o interesting." "A book they could not put down—read in 2 days." Available on, and for ordering information from the publisher, go to directly and search under Trish McDonald.

PLM Coop also provides an online marketing outlet for handcrafted knit products. Below is our CATALOGUE.

The Dishcloth Capital: CATALOGUE

This is an online marketing outlet for Tricia McDonald's handcrafted products. She is in her thirty-ninth year of production. She follows the old-fashioned dishcloth pattern that she learned at the knee of her grandmother. To achieve smooth tension in every stitch, she also uses techniques which she learned while studying in Europe.

Pat's Dish Cloths are made of The Original Sugar'n Cream 100% cotton yarn. Use Pat's Dish Cloths for the toughest jobs. They won't scratch. Feel the quality. Many colors on hand. Solid, variegated yarn. You can place an order for one, two, three. You won't want just one. Handcrafted with discernment, love, and care. Value. Invite a friend to this web site. The perfect answer for the holidays. Get one for yourself, for the friend and for the newlywed, the child, parent, or grandparent.




Singles Dishcloths (10 inches x 10 inches): $10.
Set of 3 Dishcloths of same dyelot: $25. You may select the colors. Shipping & Handling: $3.50 for 3; $1.00 for each additional. Colors based on availability. Single $10. Two $18. Set of 3 $25. After 3, each additional is $9. Shipping & Handling add $1.50 for for the first and $1.00 each additional.

  • 1 set of 3 rose pink; 1 set of 3 red; 1 set of 3 ivory; 1 set 3 creamsickle: each set $25.
  • 1 set of 3 light blue; 1 set of 3 yellow: each set $25.
  • 1 set of 3 (1) red, (1) white, (1) navy (July 4th set); 1 set of 3 (1) pumpkin, (1) yellow, (1) pine green (Thanksgiving set): each set $25.
  • 1 set of 3 black; 1 set of 3 white: each set $25.
  • 1 set of 3 ecru; 1 set of 3 soft violet; 1 set of 3 pumpkin (copper-kitchen/orange): each set $25.
  • 1 single wine: $10.; 1 set of 3 wine: $25.
  • 1 single pine green: $10.; 1 set of 3 pine green: $25.

Tricia McDonald

This is Tricia McDonald taking a rest from her knitting.



Last Updated: November 30, 2010.

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