Qu'ellar Druu'giir
This house has no formal alliances, but its role as the leader in Sorcerous training, as well as a major mercantile influence insures that it can exert pressure on most any other clan or guild in UnderGaia.
This house desires to execute an attack against any House who seeks to thwart its goals.
House Druu'giir has a direct influence over other houses in the city due to the fact the clan controls nearly all of the Sorcerous training that occurs in Au Shinduago as well as a large portion of the mercantile trade. The clan is dominated by male wizards, and can quickly augment its troops by hiring the Barra Vla'rinnyn or another mercenary band if necessary. The ultimate fear inspired by the house's reputation is the rumor that the house wizards can employ gate spells to bring their quickly-reinforced armies to virtually any house, any room, in any city!
Valatar Druugiir, Drow, Lord of House Druu'giir, Powerful Mage
Erelala Druugiir, Drow, Mistress of Valatar, Priestess of Eilistraee(?)
Master Drizzt, Drow, House Weapons Master, Captain of the Guard
Dragon of the Deep Dark, Deep Dragon, House Ally
Arachnae, Human(?), House Ally and Agent on the Surface
Druugiir Slave, Drow, House Slave