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The camara opens up to Sunday Night Psycho, and the crowd is going banana's as they are about ready for some great CCWA action! The camara moves around the sold out arena show, and theres pyro and fireworks blasting all around the ring and the front stage area! As you look at the CCWA-Tron, a CCWA logo flashes all around and shows highlights and Clips of Alex Kinkade hitting his finisher, Mo'Bad along with the rest of the Hell Razors running out to the ring, Quezzy dressed up in a Barney suit falling down, as well as L-Mo and Loki making their interviews! Finally the music and pyro's stop as the camara goes down to ringside as we are met by the CCWA announcing team!

McClain: Welcome all to yet another spectacular night of CCWA wrestling action!

Johnson: Other wise known as Sunday Night Psycho.... DUH!

Head: And these fans are going ballistic! Lets get down to the ring for our first match tonite!

***Abraham Kane vs. Miss Kristen***
McClain: Folks we’ve got a real treat up next. Abe Kane is facing off against Kristen.

Head: That’s right we’ve got two very contrasting styles on display here and this is going to be a great one. The powerhouse Abe Kane going up against the quick and crafty Kristen.

Johnson: I still can’t get over this Kristen playboy spread! Thank you Kristen!

Head: Do you need to bring out that playboy every time Kristen comes down to the ring?

Johnson: Any excuse to read Playboy is fine for me!

Ring Announcer:First up from Lexington KY and accompanied to the ring by Jezebelle, Miss Kristen!!!!!!!!!!!!

“American Woman” by Lenny Kravitz begins to play as Kristen makes his way down to the ring with Jez following in the rear to a really mixed reaction from the fans! They make their way ringside ignoring the chants of the fans before Kristen enters the ring and Jez takes her place beside the ring.

Ring Announcer: And her opponent Abraham Kane!!!!!!!

Goldberg’s WCW music begins to play and the CCWA big green screen flicks into life and shows Abe Kane leaving his dressing room dressed in a pair of black boots and trunks and wearing a flesh coloured rubber cap on his head. The action then changes to the entrance way as two large sparklers light up the entrance way and “Goldberg” appears from amongst the smoke exhaling some of the smoke and throwing some punches. He’s then handed a mic.

”Goldberg”: I am whatever I say I am, cause if I wasn't, then why would I say I am... No matter who you wanna dress me, I'm still the most devastating force here in the CCWA.

Abe then rips off his rubber cap.

Abe Kane: And you're about to find that out first hand here tonight... bitch!

Abe Kane then charges ringside sliding into the ring and before Kristen has a chance to do anything nails Kristen with a spear!!!!!!

McClain: What a spear by Kane nearly decapitating Kristen! Quick cover 1,2, how the hell did Kristen kick out of that?

Head: Abe’s asking himself the same question. Abe scoops up Kristen whips her into the ropes and Jez just grabbed Abe by the foot! Abe’s enraged! He’s grabbed Jez by the hair and he’s winding up here. Kristen with the low blow from behind and Abe drops like he’s been shot!

Johnson: It looks like Abe Kane’s going to be singing falsetto for the next few weeks, not having any little Abe Kan’s, not doi……….

Head: Point taken Seymour. Kristen starts kicking Kane and he’s doing his best to protect himself and roll out of the way. Abe somehow manages to get to his feet and a side kick to the stomach folds Kane in two.

McClain: Kristen with a hard DDT and Kane goes down heavily. Kristen scoops up Kane again and throws him into the ropes a beautiful drop kick straight to Kane’s face and Kane’s still on his feet and a follow through clothesline by Kristen sends Kane sailing straight over the top rope.

Johnson: Beautiful and she kicks ass! Is Kristen just not the most perfect woman in the world? And now she’s distracting the ref while Jez kicks the crap out of Kane! I nearly forget Intelligence!

Head: Jez goes for the Irish whip into the steps and reversed by Abe Kane! Jez went crashing into those ropes and she looks hurt!

McClain: Kristen goes for the body press over the top rope………….Caught by Kane and Kane rams her into the ring post! Kane enters the ring again and wow some of these fans are chanting Kane’s name and he’s looking a little surprised! Kristen crawls back into the ring but Kane’s right on top of her and whips her hard into the turnbuckle and Kristen is lying in that corner gasping for breath! Kane approaches Kristen and props her up on the top turnbuckle.

Head: This doesn’t look good for Kristen! Kane’s up top with Kristen and he’s going for the superplex……..

McClain: Holy cow a stalling superplex……How did Kane manage to keep himself up there never mind Kristen for that length of time? Kane cover 1,2,3…….Where was the third count?

Head: Jez pulled the ref out of the ring just as he was going for the three count. Kane goes straight for Jez and picks her up by the hair and throws her into the ring! Jez straight up and swings a right…….blocked and Kane nails Jez with a chokeslam! Kristen climbed the turnbuckle and waits for the unsuspecting Kane to turn round!!!!!! Kristen goes for the body press and Kane’s just turned it round into the prairie fire!!!!!

McClain: That was just pure strength from Kane. Kane covers 1,2,3 and Kane pulls what could be considered an upset victory against Kristen!

Johnson: I’m going to kick Kane’s ass right now! This shouldn’t take long!

The noise of Johnson getting out of his seat can be heard and some muffled shouts at Kane before a loud crash can be heard and the noise of Johnson getting back in his seat!

Johnson: He’s damn lucky you two held me back there and try it again and your two asses are next!

Head: Whatever Johnson. We'll be back after these messages!

***Winner by Pinfall: Abraham Kane (at: 8:48)***

***Inca vs. American Bad Ass***
McClain: "This next match-up is between two up and coming stars in the CCWA!"

Head: "Yeah, these two haven't quite made the name for themselves yet, but with a win here tonight it could boost either one of them way upu the ranks!"

Johnson: "You've gotta be kidding me, Inca and American Bad Ass, wake me up when this one's over"

(The lights go dim, as "American Bad Ass" by Kid Rock kicks up and the fans greet the large American Bad Ass with a mixed reaction, not really into the guy too much, the pyrotechnics flare and he makes his way into the ring)

McClain: "At 6' 8" and 320 pounds, this guys a beast in the ring.."

Head: I have to agree with you there Tiger

(As American Bad Ass is playing to an unamused crowd, "Darkness" by TKO blares through the PA system and the crowd welcome the mammoth Inca accordingly with a few cheers and a few boos, Inca wastes no time and puts on of his huge legs over the top rope and then the other)

McClain: "And the 7 foot Inca wastes absolutely no time in this contest and levels the American Bad Ass with a clothesline, well a clothesline from hell is the best way to describe that one"

Head: " That one almost decapitated ABA, who rolls out of the ring and is clutching the back of his head"

Johnson: "Is it over yet?!"

McClain: "If you're not gonna commentate Johnson, then just be quiet!"

Head: "I second that"

Johnson: "I don't have to take this, I'm going to be quiet!"

McClain: "Back to the action, ABA is climbing back onto the apron, but is met by the 7 footer again, this time Inca high vertical suplexes the Bad Ass back into the ring!"

Head: "And you could hear the mat nearly give way from that massive move. Inca now, scaling the ropes and drops a huge elbow onto the flattened ABA.."

Johnson: "How many American Bad Ass' are there anyways?!"

McClain: "Seems to be only one here in the CCWA, and right now Inca's climbing to the top turnbuckle, he's pretty agile for a big guy!"

Head: "Very agile, and ABA hasn't moved since that huge suplex"

Johnson: "If Inca hits this move, they'll rename ABA to American Pancake!"

McClain: "And Inca's going for a SPLASH, he's up, and nobody's home, as ABA moved out of the way just in the nick of time!"

Head: "And American Bad Ass is up but a little wobbly, he quickly gives Inca the boot to the back of the head, not once but twice"

Johnson: "Guess the big man's not so agile anymore, matter of fact, he's not even moving!"

McClain: "Well with a hand full of hair ABA picks up the beast and irish whipss him to the opposite ropes, the big man bounces off, ducks a wild clothesline attempt by ABA and bounces off the opposite ropes, but gets stopped by ABA who wraps his arms around Inca!"

Head: "ABA tries to lift him but to no avail, he tries again this time he got the big man on his tippy toes and just falls back?! I guess that's what you call an ABA side belly-to-belly suplex"

Johnson: "Not impressive at ALL, Riptide could've pulled a better move then that!"

McClain: "Inca's still on the mat and ABA's a little slow to get on his feet, that suplex took alot out of him! Now he comes over and double axe handle smashes Inca in the back as he was attempting to get up"

Head: "Now ABA's unrelentlessly sending rights and lefts to the skull of Inca who's trying to fight them off, but is still getting rocked by the closed fist punches!"

Johnson: "I wonder how ABA got hired, he has as much wrestling skill as George W. Bush!"

McClain: "Johnson, sheesh, anyways back to the action, Inca's finally back on his feet and ABA's creeping up from behind, what's he gonna do?!"

Head: "He, he slaps the SLEEPER HOLD on Inca! No one's used tha to finish an opponent since..since "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase"

Johnson: "Now there's an American I like!"

McClain: "ABA has it sinched in good too, as he has the big man reeling, but wait, Inca's leaning forward and now ABA's on his back with the sleeper hold still in tact!"

Head: "And with a huge lunge backwards, INCA SENT ABA AND HIMSELF DOWN TO THE MAT HARD! And that had to take some if not all the breath out of American Bad Ass as well as Inca, and neither man are moving as the ref starts his ten count, he's up to four!"

Johnson: "Yayy maybe this match will finally be over!"

McClain: "Shut up Johnson, anyways, now it seems that Inca's stirring a little and he's got to one knee, which stops the count, and ABA just slid out of the ring under the bottom rope, what the hell is he doing?" (p)(p) Head: "Looks like he's living by the American code, if you can't beat 'em fair, beat 'em with a chair!" (p)(p) Johnson: "hahaha...I liked that one Dick!" (p)(p) McClain: "Oh gosh, does the ignorant comments just rub off! Well ABA's slid a chair in and now has it as the ref is helping Inca on the opposite side of the ring, ABA's turned trying to hide the chair as the behemoth Inca is up and storming towards the American Bad Ass!" (p)(p) Head: "And, OH MY GOD! Did you hear the thud of that chair on Inca's skull, but the BEAST didn't budge! Inca shook it off and is staring like a rabid monster down at ABA and ABA swings again and it has no effect!" (p)(p) Johnson: "I think the mighty American Bad Ass just peed his pants!" (p)(p) McClain: "And now Inca wraps his huge hands around ABA and tosses him in the middle of the ring by his throat! Now he's motioning to the crowd for his finisher! He lifts the stunned ABA and puts his head between his legs for a SITDOWN POWERBOMB!!! Now he's up for an Electric Chair Drop and he covers! (p)(p) Head: "Elementary! 1...2....3...this one's over before it even got started good, and look at the small gash on Inca's forehead, what a monster!"

Johnson: "Thank God for Inca, or thank Inca for God, nevermind!"

McClain and Head: "(in unison) Shut up Johnson!"

***Winner by Pinfall: Inca (at 7:35)***

***Showtime vs. Twista***

McClain: Well now for our next match. It features two of the new and rising superstars, Showtime vs. Twista. This should be a very interesting match ehhh Head?

Head: These two fighters are very diffrent in styles and history. It should be a great matchup!
Johnson: Yea but you guys can keep BS'ing about this match, but that fact of the matter is that I dont really care!

Larson: And here comes Showtime now!

"Lets Ride" by Choclair plays over the Pa system as Showtime walks out from the locker room. He slowly walks down to the ring as observes the crowd.

McClain: He's observing the crowd, look how confident he is about this match.

Just as Showtime is getting in the ring, "Next Episode" by Dr. Dre begins to play, and out runs Twista to the ring!

McClain: Here comes Twista .. He slides under the ring ropes and hits a low drop kick right at Showtime's knee. Showtime hits the gound in pain!
Head: It's obvious that Twista had a plan from the start as he gets up and puts the boots to Showtime's left leg. He's obviously softining it up right from the get go.

Johnson: That just show's how pathetic of a wresteler Twista is. He has to come out and attack someone's knee right from the start.

McClain: Shut up, Seymour! And there goes Twista applying the figure four leg lock to Showtime's legs. This is really smart of Twista's part. By taking the mans legs out, Showtime dosn't stand a chance.

Head: Showtime is using his long figure to get to the ropes..... but he reverses it instead. and the pain is squarely on Twistas legs now. And Showtime is force to break the hold. Both men are slow getting up..... There finally both stading as Twista again hits another low drop kick. Showtime is obviously in pain now. Laying on the mat!

McClain: Twista get's up after the drop kick and climbs the top turnbuckle! OHHH MY GOD THE INSANE TWIST! But it wasnt on a table, just right straight on top of Showtime to the mat! Twista has hit his finisher on Showtime! UNBELIEVABLE!!

McClain:What the hell? Why doesnt Twista go for the pin! He's just playing up to his fans now! Showtime is getting up now groggily, as Twista shouldve made a pin, but didnt! Showtime grabs Twistas arm as he whips him into the ropes. Twistas coming back and Showtime meets him with a spine buster. Showtime is going for a cover and only gets a two count.

Head: Showtime must be out of it. Twista picks up the man and picks him up over his head and we know what comes up always comes down as Twista drops Showtime on the mat HARD!

Head: Twista picks up Showtime again but Showtime kicks Twista in the gut..and again. He runs towards the ropes as he gets greeted by Showtime's clothesline!

McClain: Showtime is signaling for a powerbomb. He grabbs Twista up and puts him in position. It's all power from here. Showtime picks up Twista over his head and BOOM down he went! Heres the cover, 1.........2..... NOPE! Twista able to kick outta that one! And Showtime backs off, standing a good distance away from Twista now...
Johnson: I fear the end is near!

Head: Twista is up now, and just as he turns around to face Showtime, BAM! Showtime just hits his superkick finisher the Showstoppa!! Here's the pin: 1................2.............3!! And that all she wrote folks! As Showtime picks up this hard faught victory!

***Winner by Pinfall: Showtime (at: 5:02)***

***Exile vs. J.C. Michaels***

McClain: Up next, we have have CCWA vet Exile going up against Quezzys up and coming star, J.C. Michaels!

Head: In what seems to be an unexpected match up of wrestlers here, it should prove quite interesting to say the least!

Johnson: I dont know guys, Im thinkin JC has a pretty good chance here tonite!

McClain: Ok, lets see how this turns out...

"My Hero" by Foo Fighters begins to play as out walks JC Michaels, surprisingly to a pretty good reception, and no Quezzy with him! He's still dressed as Wolverine, and as he enters the ring, the ref tells him to take the forks/knives/spoons out of his gloves, because this is not a hardcore match...

McClain: HA! Well it looks like Michaels still thinks he's Wolverine, and had to has his "claws" removed!

Next, "Fu*k the World begins to play throughtout the crowd and the instant boos start up from the crowd... After a few seconds the fans realize that Exile hasnt made his way out yet, and the music just keeps playing...

McClain: Wait a minute, where is Exile at?

Johnson: HAHA! Look guys, SPIDERMAN is coming down from the rafters! This is great!

Head: But who is that? Is that Quezzy?!

McClain: I dont know, but Exile's music hasnt stopped playing, lets find out as "Spiderman" now has a mic!

Spiderman: Well it seems that Wolverine has a bit of a challenge here tonite! It's time for me to give a friendly neighborhood asswhoopin to YOU Michaels, because my Spider Sense tells me that its TIIIIME FOR THE EXILE!!!

McClain: Well what do ya know? IT IS Exile! He rips off the mask, and these two have immediately gone at it with lefts and rights flying as the bell rings!

Head: HA! Even thought Exiles part of the Hell Razors, he's still got somewhat of a sense of humor...

Johnson: OUCH! You call low-blowing a guy twice, a funny thing? I sure as hell dont!

McClain: And look at JC, he's on the ground, clutching his pelvic area! And Exile flips the fans off, sending the boos his way! He's ascending the top turnbuckle now, and is waiting for Michaels to get up... Its gonna be a long wait there "Spiderman"!

Head: Exile just changed his mind, as he hits a great frog splash, and here's a quick cover! 1....2......3!

Johnson: No wait, that wasnt quite 3! I think "Wolverine" just barely kicked out of that one!

McClain: Yah, it seems so, and Exile is lookin a bit pist, as he gets right in the ref's face!

Head: The ref is not backing down here, and JC Michaels catches Exile off guard with his patented school boy rollup! 1...........................2.............TWO AND HALF!

McClain: Oh please! Tell me that Quezzy has taught JC some more moves! PLEASE! Exile getting more pist off here, as he grabs JC's head, and great swinging neckbreaker!

Head: I think JC may know a move or 2 more than when we last saw him wrestle! Im hoping anyway.... And now Exile is working on that left leg of Michaels, as he has him in a good and tight leg lock!

McClain: Ref's asking JC if he wants to give up.... No, as Exile releases, and stands JC up, and dragon screw leg takedown!

Johnson: Yah! Thats how you do it, pick him up, just to knock him back down again!

Head: Exile now has JC laying in the middle of the ring, as he goes right back up to the turnbuckle again, and big time top rope leg-drop! But why doesnt he go for the cover?

Johnson: Because "Spiderman" wants to punish "Wolverine" some more! I love it!

McClain: You would, and Exile now stomping hard on JC, and has him in a powerbomb position now! But no! JC actually countered with a back body drop on Exile! How the hell did he know to do that?

Head: Im not sure! I dont think thats a move that Quezzy has taught him yet.... And JC doesnt even know what he did himself! Exiles getting up, and Michaels meets him with another one of his move, the arm drag takedown!

McClain: See? Thats like 3 moves total, and how many has Exile used? Quezzy, you need to work on this kid some more before throwing him into the ring with guys like Exile!

Johnson: Oh shut up Tony! Quezzy knows what he's doing, and so does JC! JC was just about ready to take the win here a couple minutes ago!

Head: Seymour, I haveta agree with Tony, JC's near fall was just a lucky 2 1/2 count, thats all! He just caught Exile off guard...

McClain: Indeed, and now Exiles up and he's sick of messing around! He whips JC into the ropes, and hits a BRUTAL clothesline from hell there, sending Michaels sprawling to the mat!

Head: Exile picks up JC once again, and pushes him chest first into those corner turnbuckles! JC is walking backwards now, holding his chest in pain, and Exile is waiting behind him!


Head: He hit that one hard! And here's the count 1........2........3!!! Exile's your winner!

Johnson: Thats just bullsh*t! Wolvering would MURDER Spiderman normally! I demand a rematch!!

McClain: I dont think JC's gonna want a rematch after taking a beating like that one from Exile! Spiderman's your winner in a well fought match! But it doesn’t look like Spidey is done yet. Hes calling for a rope to be dropped from the rafters! Here it comes. Exile is tying up the barely conscience Wolverine and hanging him up from the rafters! Spiderman is now showing off his punching skills! Hes turned JC Micheals into a human punching bag. But the refs are pulling Spiderman away but the damage is done and another hellrazor victory in place.

***Winner by Pinfall: Exile (at: 6:22)***

***JAWZ vs. Switch***

(We see the commish making his way down to the ring.)Commish: I just came down here to announce this is a title match. Like it or not the title is on the line.

MCclain: Wow what an announcement. I guess its time for the Confederation Title match. We have Jawz the Confederate Champion vs Switch. This match here could go either way as both these men have been on a pretty good streak.

Head: Yeah, sure. All I have to say is this is Jawz's match to lose.

Johnson: If you say that then it's Switchs match to Win.

MCclain: Guys relax your both right. But being childish and stupid. You can say it anyway you like but someone has to earn it. There could be a new champion by the end of the night.And by the sounds of it the match is about to start.

Head: Bout time!!

Ring announcer:(Suddenly Country Grammer by Nellie starts blasting into the arena) Coming down to the ring standing 6ft 2 inches tall and weighing 235 pounds this is Switch!!!

MCclain: I will say Switch looks like he's really ready for this match, especially since it's for the title.

Head: Well I have a feeling tonight might not be his night. He's going against that Hardcore King Jawz. And he'll have to watch out for the HellRazors to.

Johnson: Who cares. Wheres Jawz, lets get this match under way.

MCclain: It sounds like Jawz is ready.

Ring announcer: (Brain stew by Green Day hits the Arena) Now coming down to the ring weighing in at 230 pounds and standing 6 ft 2 inches The Confederate Champion Jawz!

MCclain: Switch is wasting no time, and throws Jawz into the corner. Switch is nailing Jawz with rights and lefts. The ref is trying to break them apart to no avail.

Johnson: It looks as though Switch wants this bad. He is on fire.

Head: It's only the start. Jawz will get em.

MCclain: Switch with an armbar. And a whip and a shoulder block sends Jawz down to the mat. A quick pin by switch. 1 and a quick and hard kickout by jawz. Switch is right back ontop of him with a wristlock.

Johnson: Jawz should give up, he's in pain. That wimp.

Head: Shut up your talking about a hardcore heroe.

MCclain: And Switch is really turning that wrist. And a whip, a reversal send Switch into the turnbuckle. Jawz follows up but Switch puts the feet up and Jawz is down. Switch with another cover,a 1, and a kickout.Switch is up, and has Jawz and belly to back suplex. And follows up with a quick knee drop!

Johnson: Switch is really showing he's ready for the limelight! Get em boy. Beat that wuss.

Head: I'm gonna tell jawz you called him a wuss. He's gonna kick your @@@.

MCclain: This is a family show guys, so cut the crap. Switch has him up, vertical suplex. Jawz is in a world of hurtin. A pin, 1,2 and a kickout. Switch climbs the rope, a drop kick, NO JAWZ MOVED. And now Jawz is kicking on Switch's ribs.

Head: I told ya, Jawz is Hardcore King. He will win. I told ya.

Johnson: He's just lucky. Switch will show em.

MCclain:Jawz, picks him up. A quick DDT. Wow what a move. and Jawz isnt waiting, he drops the elbow. A pin 1,2 no a kickout. and Jawz isnt waiting, he pulls switch up and goes for a suplex but Switch slips over him and nails Jawz with a bulldog out of nowhere.

Johnson: WHAT A MOVE. This guy has what it takes.

Head: It ain't over til the bell rings.

MCclain: Switch is up and climbs the ropes, elbow drop connects. 1,2 ,3, No he barely got the shoulder up. We were close to having a new Champion. Switch is wasting no time, he follows up with thats the Texas Cloverleaf. My god Jawz is in a world of pain.

Head: He's gotta get to the ropes. He just has to.

Johnson: He should just give up. Switch is just better than him.

MCclain: He's made it to the ropes and the ref is breaking the hold. Switch is trying to drag him to the middle of the ring. He picks him up and hits a powerbomb. And Switch follows up on the top rope, OH MY GOD< A FROG SPLASH!!!!!! Switch is hurt to. and now he's going for the pin 1,2,3 no he barely got his shoulder up. Wait a minute whose this. Hey thats Razor and Kristen. What are they doing down here.

Head: It's insurance, thats all.

Johnson: This looks bad for Switch. Look Switch is calling for his Finisher. Razor just ran in the ring with Kristen. And they have Switch, A powerbomb by Razor. Kristen has a chair, she lays it over his body and drops a knee to his face. That hurt.

MCclain: My god Switch was just robbed. And look Razor and Kristen are helping Jawz to the back. My god what a match. Switch was robbed but I'm sure he'll get another shot at Jawz. And now onto our next match.

***Winner by DQ: Switch (at: 9:22)***

(As the crowd is settling down and the camera's are coming back from>commercial break, "F*ck The World" by ICP begins to roar up and the crowd immediately reacts with boos and obscene chants, and soon from behind the curtain comes Mo' Bad, wearing a red and black Hell Razor tanktop and red and black camouflage pants with a black bandana. He hops into the ring and springs over the top rope with microphone in hand)

Mo' Bad: "Ya know when I returned to the CCWA it was because of the sheer demand from the fans, the staff, and from other guys no means did Mo' Bad HAVE to come back to the CCWA, and by no means did Mo' Bad WANT to come back to the CCWA!"

(Some fans are shocked by his words and the crowd is somewhat silent)

Mo' Bad: "If I wanted to be surrounded by a bunch of morons in and out of the ring....I by all means would have stayed where I was at, in the U-W-C...but instead I came to CCWA because I thought that with my demand and with the locker room it once had, that it could return to the prestigious plateau it once held.....but I've been proven horribly.....WRONG!"

(An 'Asshole' chant sparks from this)

Mo' Bad: "Instead I'm involved in comedy act after comedy act....I have to wrestle the likes of Loki, L-Mo, Quezzy...jokes in the wrestlin' world, week in and week out....and now Kinkade and Moss, both I guys I could respect to a certain degree...have fled the area..why you ask...because one lived to much in the past, and the other looked so far into the future, his head now I'm left, as the only respectable guy around here, outside my fellow Hell Razors, so I'm tellin' the CCWA staff and officials this right now! At Phoenix Rising, next Sunday, it's my time to wear the gold that I so rightfully deserve and whoever you put in my way and in whatever type of match....doesn't matter, jus' know, realize,'s gettin' DONE, see ya next Sunday!"

(Mo' Bad throws up his favorite finger and the crowd react accordingly as "F*ck the World" roars up on the PA system and Mo' angrily walks out)

***Main Event***

***Intercontinental Hardcore Championship…………4 Corners Match!!!***

McClain: Ho Haw, that 4 corners match is up next guys for the Intercontinental Hardcore Title!

Head: Yes Tony, and right now, we still don’t know who the 4 competitors are. Ok. We know that its Quezzy vs. Loki for sure, but we don’t even have a clue who the other 2 competitors are gonna be.

Johnson: True.

McClain: And another thing we don’t know is if this is gonna be a single elimination, or if its gonna be first pinfall wins.

Johnson: I don’t believe a 4 corners HARDCORE match has ever been done. Just think about it. These guys have the entire run of the arena.

Head: Well that’s the CCWA for ya. Anything can happen! Anything!

Johnson: I can’t wait to see who the two mystery opponents are gonna be.

McClain: Well a recent survey taken by the CCWA, seemed to strongly think it was gonna be the team of VAIN & NASTY! Ex- CCWA Tag team champions.

Head: The awesome twosome could really mix it up here tonight, that’s for sure.

Johnson: Hey, here comes Quezzy……HAHA! Ain’t he great?

(“My Hero” by Foo Fighters blares over the PA system, as a bleached Blond Quezzy comes out, wearing blue wrestling tights with orange writing down the side, he’s pushing a huge dumpster that appears to be filled with weapons of all sorts.)

McClain: Listen to this capacity crowd.

Johnson: They love the Quezmeister! What do you expect!?

Head: Here comes our Great Scot!

(“Calm like a bomb” by Rage Against The Machine signifies the arrival of the purple and green haired Scotsman! He comes out to a huge pop from the fans, and appears to be all business as he walks to the ring, and pulls the apron up, and begins pulling out trash cans, covers, frying pans, cookie sheets as well as road side sides and throws them into the ring!)

Johnson: This is gonna hurt!

McClain:M Both men looking ready, Look Loki just smacked Quezzy over the head with that stop sign!


Head: Hey, you can’t have a 4 corners match with only 2 guys……..

(Suddenly, “Kryptonite” by 3 doors down blasts, as we see none other than CCWA Newcomer Abraham Kane come running out from the back and sprints to the ring, sliding in under the first rope, he grabs a trash can cover and begins wailing both Loki and Quezzy!)


Head: Crash, Boom Bang! Abraham Kane going to town with that Trash can cover!

Johnson: What do you expect……Trash finds trash! You stink Kane!

McClain: Look, that must be the next Mystery Opponent!

(“Lets Ride” by Choclair begins to play, and “SHOWTIME” comes running out from the back, runs to the time keepers spot, pulls the time keeper off his chair, grabs it, folds it, and throws it into the ring, and rolls in after it!)

Head: Ok, Showtime Grabbing that chair, and BOOM! He just nailed Abe Kane in the back! Now….

McClain: WOW, WHAT A SPEAR BY LOKI TO SHOWTIME! Now’ Loki is on Showtime and pummeling him in the face repeatedly!

Johnson: This is gonna get confusing to call…..there’s too much action goin on! QUEZZY OFF THE ROPES! DIVING HEADBUTT TO KANE! HAHAHA! He’s covering! 1…..2…….

Head: The count was broken by Loki! Now he’s grabbing Quezzy by the hair…..Irish whip……….OUCH….Trash can cover to the face of Quezzy…he’s down!

McClain: Now Showtime is up….

Johnson: No he’s down… Loki sends him packing with that badly dented Trash can cover…..Look Abe is up now…..

Head: Nope…..Down he goes as Loki is on fire with that trash can cover! Loki off the ropes…BOOM! Elbow drop on the face of Abe Kane! He’s covering…..1……2…..and…….

Johnson: Yeah Quezzy! Count broken…..Get em QUEZANATOR!

McClain: Quezzy now grabs Loki, and helps him up….Whoa, swinging neck breaker……SHOWTIME OFF THE ROPE ROPE!!!! OH MY GOD!

Head: SHOWTIME JUST LANDED ON THE HEAD OF LOKI! LOKI’S NOT MOVING! Showtime is in pain now too! Now Abe Kane is up, and he grabs that stop sign! WATCH OUT!

Johnson: CLANG! Quezzy takes that stop sign to the head again! Hoof!

McClain: That just sent Quezzy to the outside…..Abe Kane just gave Showtime a speeding violation with another clang from that stop sign! Abe Kane off the ropes….he’s still got that stop sign in his hands! OH MY GOD! HE JUST FLEW OVER THE 3RD ROPE AND JUST WENT THROUGH AN UNSUSPECTING QUEZZY! HE’S COVERING!

Head:1……..2…….and 3…….

Johnson: Hell No! Quezzy kicked out….Look, Quezzy is busted open! Abe Kane can’t believe it! OH MAN!

McClain: I can’t believe it either! Showtime and Loki are in the ring slugging it out! And Abe Kane and Quezzy are now fighting it out on the outside of the ring! Their making their way up the ramp! Hoof, Quezzy sends Abe crashing into the protective railing!

Head: Now Loki seems to have the upper hand here in the ring! Massive clothesline sends both Loki and Showtime over the 3rd rope……Who’s gonna get up first….

Johnson: Now Abe and Quezzy are exchanging rights and lefts…..OH, Rake to the eyes by Abe Kane……My Hero is blinded! Shoot, they just disappeared behind the Big Green Curtain!

McClain: Now Showtime just clambered Loki with the steel steps! Showtime helps Loki up………Irish whip by Showtime……WHOA, THAT JUST SENT LOKI INTO THE CROWD! SHOWTIME GOING IN AFTER HIM! Security get in there!

Head: I can’t see them anymore….Quick, someone get a camera to the back, I wanna see whats going on….

Johnson: Ok, there it is….We’ve got a camera there now…..Abe is now sending Quezzy into those water bottles!

McClain: Quezzy goes crashing down! Thank god those are plastic bottles, He’d be fillet like fish!

Head: Look at the determination Abe Kane is showing! This is unreal! He’s outright Savage!

Johnson: He’s covering! 1…2…..Hey…where did they come from?

McClain: Loki and Showtime just came out, duking it out and breaking the count by the ref! All 4 guys are having a hard time standing up……there are too many plastic water bottles on the floor! Look, Quezzy is up now…he’s……

Johnson: HAHA, He’s throwing water bottles at the other competitors! THIRSTY BOYS? HAHAHA!

McClain: Loki manages to dodge those water bottles, and he’s going for Quezzy……No, Abe Kane just picked Loki up, and WHOA……BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX ONTO THOSE WATER BOTTLES! That’s gotta hurt……..

Head: Quezzy still throwing those water bottles…..he’s still bleeding, Look, Showtime is returning fire with those bottles! Showtime just reached Quezzy, now their duking it out! There going to the outside! We just lost them…..Quick, someone get a camera outside!

Johnson: Look, now Abe Kane and Loki are fighting it out as Loki sends Abe sprawling into the woman’s bathroom! GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS!

McClain: Only one woman in there, She’s screaming and smacking both wrestlers with her purse! She’s screaming…..

Head: She just left, as Loki and Abraham Kane are fighting to get the upperhands…..Loki grabs a trash can and wallops Kane over the head, sending him into a stall! Loki is trying to get Kane’s head in the flush…

Johnson: That’s the stall that woman just came out of…….WHO DOES NUMBER 2 WORK FOR? HAHAHA!

McClain: ACCESS DENIED, as Abe Kane elbows Loki in the gut, and again…..Abe Kane off the flush…….Hoof, they just ripped the walls off that stall altogether…..They….What the hell? Whats going on?

Head: We’ve got nothing but static….they appear to have bumbed into the camera, and….we can’t see anything….Hey, get us some picture….get another camera man on the job…..whats going on….

Johnson: Hey, back to the outside……Camera’s up…Quezzy and Showtime are in the parking lot….Showtime has Quezzy up on the hood of that car….Hey…..THAT’S MY CAR!!!

McClain: PILEDRIVER!! Hoof, that just put a big dent in your hood Johnson! Look, Showtime is covering! 1…..2……and………………….


McClain: Someone get another ref out there! Now Showtime is grabbing Quezzy, and sends him crashing into the side of that truck……Hey, that’s the President’s truck!

Johnson Oh oh. Look at the big dent in the side door……HAHAHA! Someone is gonna get his walkin papers for sure! HAHAHA!

Head: Look, back in the halls now….Abe Kane and Loki are both bleeding like two pigs! What the hell happened….Hey, their heading back into the arena…Listen to that crowd! Loki just body slammed Abe onto the steel ramp! Whats he doing now?

McClain: Looks like he’s climbing the Big Green Screen framing……He’s gonna flatten Abe Kane! Loki is 10 feet in the air! He spreads his hands, points them in the air! The crowd is going wild! THERE HE GOES….THIS IS SUICIDE!


Johnson: 3!


Head: You can’t win if you haven’t got a ref to make the count…..Showtime knocked out the ref! Showtime is going to town now on Loki and Abe Kane, as neither man is moving…..This is devastating! This can’t go on! Common……Someone stop this!

McClain: Hey, There’s Quezzy…….He’s carrying a wooden Pallet from outside! Showtime turning around……….

Johnson: MY HERO! Quezzy just rammed Showtime with the pallet…..




McClain: QUEZZY WINS IT BY PINFALL! Not one guy is moving, none of the 4 competitors are moving…..We’re out of time again this week fans…..Tune in next week, for our PPV PHEONIX RISING! I guarantee you, YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED! I’m Tony “The Tiger” McClain, bidding you good night, for the CCWA and my partners in crime..Seymore Johnson, and Rick Head……SEE YOU NEXT WEEK, AND REMEMBER…….ITS NOT EASY BEING GREEN!!!