The Three Js

The Three Js

Names: Joey, Jeffy, and Jamie
Ages: 16
Occupations: Sophomores at Lawndale High School
First Appearance: "The Esteemsters"
Voices: Steven Huppert (Joey); Tim Novikoff (Jeffy); Marc Thompson (Jamie)
Favorite Pastimes: Following Quinn around and offering to do things for her, playing football

Joey, Jeffy, and Jamie, better known as The Three J's, most determined admirers. They're always hanging around Quinn, each one putting the other two down and trying to go out with only him. They don't really seem to have actual personalities, but they'll do anything for Quinn, even if it means putting themselves in mortal peril (like getting crushed to death by a boa constrictor). Its an ongoing joke that no one can remember Jamie's name, and he's been called practically every name in the world that begins with a J.

Joey has black hair and wears a peach V-neck with orange and red trim, a teal shirt around his waist, blue jeans, and teal shoes with white soles.

Jeffy has red hair and wears a teal button-down shirt with an orange stripe on its left side, khakis, and light blue shoes with dark blue soles.

Jamie has blonde hair and wears a light green button-down shirt with rolled-up sleeves over a dark green T-shirt, army green pants, and black shoes with white soles.

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The 3 Js' main picture was taken from Outpost Daria.