The Fashion Club

The Fashion Club is Lawndale High's most exclusive clique. It only has four members: Sandi, Tiffany, Stacey, and Quinn, though several girls have nearly become member five. Its members are easily the most popular girls in school, and really hate unpopular people like Daria and Jane. Its not known whether the Fashion Club is a school-sponsored club, or just four stuck-up girls who like to put other people down, but the latter is probable.



Name: Sandi Griffin
Age: 16
Occupation: Sophmore at Lawndale High School
First Appearance: "The Esteemsters"
Voice: Janie Mertz

Sandi is President of the Fashion Club. She is probably the meanest and most popular person on the show, and she despises both the unpopular and people who try to take her place on the social food chain. Because of this, she has an intense rivalry with Quinn, who she suspects of trying to get appointed president of the Fashion Club instead of her. She's right.

Sandi has a very interesting deep voice, which is the subject of must conversation. From her voice and her manner, its obvious that Sandi isn't one of those ditzes who got to be super-popular by accident. She actually has a brain, but all its focused on is climbing the social ladder. She'd probably kill for popularity and she basically uses all of her friends to get even more popular.

Sandi usually wears a sky-blue shirt with two maroon stripes and one black stripe on it, maroon flares, pink lipstick, white socks, and pink tennis shoes with white soles.

Sandi's Trivia

- In Season I, Sandi wore a green shirt, grey shortalls, a necklace with three green oval beads, and black boots with brown heels. In Season II, she switched to her current outfit.



Name: Tiffany Blum-Deckler
Age: 16
Occupation: Sophmore at Lawndale High School
First Appearance: "The Invitation"
Voice: Ashley Albert

Tiffany is the Outfit Coordinater of the Fashion Club, which means that she is officially in charge of making sure that the members' outfits don't clash. She is extremely obsessed with her weight and looks, even though she's very thin and pretty. To put it lightly, she isn't very smart, and talks very slowly with a valley-girlish lilt to her voice.

Tiffany always wears a short, light-blue dress, a white shoulder-purse, pink lipstick, and white heeled sandals.

Tiffany's Trivia

- She dots her lowercase i's with circles

- Her last name was first mentioned on the list of Tiffanys at Brittany's party in "The Invitation," but she wasn't associated with it until the Fashion Club's page was put on the MTV website.


Name: Stacey Rowe
Age: 16
Occupation: Sophmore at Lawndale High School
First Appearance: "The Esteemsters"
Voice: Sarah Drew

Stacey, the Fashion Club's secretary, is probably the least important of the club's members. She worships Quinn, and once said that they should dress alike and colour their hair to match. She usually agrees with Quinn's ideas, but Sandi almost always bullies her into submission.

Stacey is very insecure and has been know to start hyperventilating if Sandi and Quinn try to get her involved in one of their particularly heated arguments.

Stacey always wears a blue shirt with yellow ribbing, a short, light blue skirt, pinks lipstick, a blue belt, light blue knee-highs, and blue tennis shoes with white soles. She wears her hair in braids ornamented with yellow-beaded ties.

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Tiffany and Stacey's pictures were taken from Outpost Daria.