
Helen Morgendorffer

Name: Helen Morgendorffer
Age: 48-ish
Occupation: Lawyer
First Appearance: "The Esteemsters"
Voice: Wendy Hoopes
Favorite Pastimes: Faxing work-related items, talking on her cell phone, sitting at her office desk, power walking, attending seminars

Helen, Daria and Quinn's mother, is one of Lawndale's most prominent and sucessful lawyers. However, because of her busy work schedule, she's a little neglectful of her family and their activities. Despite this, she is often very supportive to her daughters and is occasionally there when they need her most, though most of her parenting attempts seem to fall though.

She doesn't think much of men in general and believes strongly in women's rights, which leads her into conflicts with other people quite frequently. Her dominance of her husband, Jake, is a perfect example of her rather overpowering personality. Jake and she do not exactly have an ideal marriage, and they go to Couples Counseling Night every week. However, they seem to be pretty happy together for two somewhat insane people, and neither one seems to make any indication of wanting to split up. (Despite Helen's co-worker Eric's rather one-sided crush on her.)

Helen's typical ensemble includes pink lipstick, a pink jacket-and-skirt business suit, red pumps, a yellow blouse, circular gold earrings, and a necklace of gold beads.

Helen's Trivia

- She has a tan briefcase that she takes practically everywhere

- Her desk always has a pink lily on it

- Her maiden name is Barksdale

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Helen's main picture was taken from Outpost Daria.