
Jake Morgendorffer

Name: Jake Morgendorffer
Occupation: Consultant
First Appearance: “The Esteemsters”
Voice: Julian Rebolledo
Favorite Pastimes: Reading the newspaper, cooking penne ala pesto, ranting about how horrible his childhood was, being really stressed out, playing golf

Jake is Daria and Quinn's father and Helen's husband. He isn't highly involved in his family's life, and the thing he likes to do most around the house is reading the newspaper. He is also very easily excited, and any male who is unfortunate enough to wander into his house usually becomes a victim of his male-bonding attempts.

Jake is definitely the weaker part in his marriage, and thus far, he seems also to be the stupider part. He occasionally makes an attempt to be fatherly, but he usually fails, especially when his opinion doesn't match Helen's. He is very stressed out and pretty wrapped up in his work, and it sometimes seems that his family could disappear and he wouldn't notice, as long as his business was going well. However, after his best client fired him, he has taken to wandering around the Morgendorffer house wearing a red "Kiss The Cook" apron and cooking various pasta-concoctions.

Little is known about Jake's childhood, but he was supposedly traumatized by his father (who was commonly refered to as "Mad Dog Morgendorffer") who sent him to military school. After spending several years in military school, Jake graduated and became a flower child. He met Helen Barksdale, and they were married at a very interesting wedding. At least it wasn't in a hot tub.

Helen & Jake's Wedding

Jake’s Words of Wisdom

Note: These are real. I mean, they are as far as I know. It feels pretty special to be emailed by the dad of your heroine, let me tell you. Also, I know there were more, but the others have disappeared, which disturbs me…oh well. Enjoy.

On Episode 401
On Computers and Episode 404
On TRL, Carson Whatshisname and MTV in General
On Daria/Trent Shippers
On Current Musical Trends
On Criticism and Marriage Counseling

Jake's Trivia

- He never reads any section of the newspaper other than the Buisness section

- He drives (or used to drive, depending on whether its front end is fixed yet) a Lexus sedan.

Jake's Quotes

"Why don't they just put Marmaduke to sleep?" ("Lane Miserables")

“I just don't get it. If B.C. is a caveman, how can he celebrate Ash Wednesday?”
(“Lane Miserables”)

Helen: “Honestly, Jake, sometimes I wonder if you know even the most rudimentary facts about our girls. How old is Quinn?”
Jake: “Uh, eleven. . . ish? That was a guesstimate.”
Helen: “Jake, what's my middle name?”
Jake: “It's got a "K," right?”
(“Lane Miserables”)

Jake: “Well, I know how it can be, being driven from your childhood home. Even if it was a dark, depressing place, the air thick with oppression, and the constant threat
of . . .”
Jane: (holds up folded napkin) “Look! A ducky!”
Jake: “Hey, neat!”
(“Lane Miserables”)

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