
Trent Name: Trent Lane (The God of Never-Ending Sleep)
Age: 22
Occupation: Lead singer of Mystik Spiral and slacker extrodinaire
First Appearance: "The Invitation"
Voice: Alvaro J. Gonzalez
Favorite Pastimes: Sleeping, practicing with 'The Spiral' in his basement, writing songs with no deeper meaning, ranting about how superior vinyl is, walking around his house looking like he's in a coma, gazing forlornly into his perpetually empty refrigerator

Trent is Jane's big brother and the lead singer of Mystik Spiral, an anarchist alternative band. Daria has had a major crush on him ever since the second episode, and he is completely oblivious to this. He, however, does like her as a friend and proclaims that she is "the coolest high-schooler I know."

When the show first started, Trent seemed to be rather aloof and cool towards Daria and even Jane, but in "Road Worrier", he realized he was missing out on a lot by acting this way.

Trent is basically the definitive slacker, and he is often depicted sprawled across his bed in his landfill of a room, fast asleep. Despite his abudance of sleep, he's usually tired when he's awake, due to what he claims to be "staying up all night writing a song". (Yeah, right.) Even though all of this might seem rather bad, he's actually quite intelligent, nice, and sometimes pretty funny, but like Jane, he doesn't exactly live up to his potential.

Much to Daria's ditress, Trent has an on-off relationship with Monique, a goth girl who sports, among other weird features, huge bulging eyes (drug-induced, perhaps?). Monique was in a band with Trent until she joined another band, the Harpies, which is an all-girl alternative group. Lengthy breakups seem to make up the major part of relationship with Trent, so Daria really doesn't have that much to worry about.

Trent always wears a greenish-tan T-shirt, ripped up grey jeans, black boots, a gold pendant necklace, and has three small silver hoops in each ear. He has bands tattooed on both arms right below his sleeves and a tattoo with a triangle, a circle, and a couple of dots on his left arm.

Trent's Trivia

- In Season I, Trent's goatee was made up of aboout 5 separate hairs, but by Season II, it had evolved into an upside-down triangle

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Trent's main picture was touched up by Kuschko.