Murder was the Case
By Wouter Jaegers.
Sandi strikes back, with a vengeance.
This is my sequel to "Let's be in Love". For those of you that haven't read the story, this is the short version. Quinn discovers the reason why she refuses to go steady, she then finds out why Stacy is so fond of her. Quinn and Stacy are hitting it off on their newly found lesbian love but soon prejudice forces them to go underground. Sandi fires them from the Fashion Club and Ms. Li expels them from school. Daria offers her help to Quinn, who now has become an outcast herself. Trent introduces them to Wesley; a friend of his who he knows from middle school. Wesley was born as a girl, but lived her life like a boy. Wesley starts to date Sandi in order to take revenge on her.
They continue their trip in silence. When they arrive at Lawndale High School Stacy is already waiting for them.
Stacy : Good morning sweetheart. (She and Quinn kiss) Ready for yet another day in heaven?
Quinn : Every day I spend with you is a heavenly day, Stacy.
They walk in and wander through the halls when they suddenly run into Tiffany.
Tiffany : Hi guys, how are you?
Quinn : How are you?
Tiffany : I'm all but well. Ever since Sandi fired you from the club things haven't been the same. She really has become more violent then before; just take a look at this. (She lifts up her skirt revealing a really big bruise on her stomach; Quinn and Stacy wince at this.) We were at Cashman's the other day and I asked her if a certain type of dress made me look fat, and she lost her temper and kicked me, stating "This will get you slim again, you yellow whore." (Tiffany slowly starts to cry.) Oh why?
Stacy : Tiffany, I know this isn't easy, but you must leave the club if Sandi takes out her anger on you.
Quinn : Take it from us Tiffany, it's not worth it, it simply is not.
Stacy : I know of your uncertainty about your appearance but I work in a shop that sells clothes that will never make you look fat.
Sandi : (Calling in from behind) And who is she to believe you?
They turn around to see the rest of the reformed Fashion Club standing behind them.
Sandi : Come Tiffany, these DYKES have no right to talk with you.
Stacy : Why you...
But Tiffany silences her and speaks up for herself.
Tiffany : You are right about that; this "Chimp" has no right to talk to these people and this "Yellow whore" will obey... BUT, Tiffany Blum-Deckler doesn't apply to those titles you gave her and beating me like you did the other day was the last straw. Find someone else to boss around, Sandi; I QUIT!
Sandi is taken aback, but Tiffany hasn't finished yet.
Tiffany : When did this start? Was it the first day that Quinn came to school?
Stacy : Yes it was, wasn't it?
Sandi : If Quinn hadn't shown up, you would be straight like you were before.
Stacy : No I wouldn't. If I didn't meet Quinn I would've surely met some other lesbian girl, although it would've taken me longer to accept my sexuality.
Tiffany : Oh yeah, you gave me something and I want you to have it back.
Tiffany takes a swing and slams Sandi in the stomach.
Tiffany : Let's go, girls.
Sandi winces in pain but then is starting to look furious.
Sandi : (Growling) You're going to pay and pay dearly.
Elaine and Brooke help her up and they walk away.
Ms Barch' class: the three former Fashion Club members are sitting together and catching up on to the things that happened in the past couple of months.
Stacy : And you'll have to meet Wesley; you'll love her.
Tiffany : Buuuut, isn't Wesley a guys name?
Quinn : Yes, but she lived her life as a boy and named herself Wesley. Her real name is Wendy.
Ms. Barch : Ms. Morgendorffer, would you care to share with the class what you and Ms. Rowe and Ms. Blum-Deckler are saying?
Quinn : Sure, we were talking about the people we met when both Stacy and I were expelled from school.
Barch : And in what way...
Quinn : These people include a girl who I would like you to meet. She never felt feminine and lived all her life like a boy. She is the living proof that someone with an alternative lifestyle can be happy.
Ms. Barch tears up
Barch : A girl living like a boy. (Sobs) How recognizable, just like my Timmy.
Stacy : (To Quinn) "Timmy" as in Timothy, Timothy O'Neill?
Quinn : Could be...
Barch : Class dismissed. (Walks out and yells) OH TIMMY!
O'Neill : (Answering) Yes, my little mantis?
Tiffany : (Laughing) "Little mantis".
Stacy : (Shallow voice) That's not a cute nickname.
Quinn : Yes, bugs are un-cute creatures.
Tiffany : That is sooo...wrong.
The threesome burst into laughter.
Quinn : I'm glad we're friends again, Tiffany.
Tiffany : Why didn't I see this earlier? Our way of being was so stupid.
Stacy : Glad to be true to myself. When I was like that, I really wasn't sure of myself, but now that I'm comfortable with who I really am, I can look back and laugh about those silly ethics we've had in the Fashion Club.
Tiffany : How about going out to dinner to Chez Pierre tonight?
Quinn : We can't. Sandi has arranged that they won't let us in, however we found a restaurant that has better food and is way cheaper.
Tiffany : Alright, me and Yukyo will be there.
Stacy : "Yukyo"?
Tiffany : I met him at a meeting of the minorities. He is of Japanese origin, just like my mother is. What's the name of that place?
Quinn : The "Black Lion" inn. It lies on Dega Street.
But Sandi has been overhearing their conversation and decides to take action.
Dega Street later that afternoon, Sandi is checking out the shops in search of Quinn and Stacy. She finds Quinn at the "Fair Truth" bookstore and Stacy at the "Funky Doodle" clothes shop. She then enters the "Black Lion" inn and walks up to the counter.
Sandi : Like excuse me, can I speak to the manager or whatever?
Mr. Jackson, a tall black man, turns around and smiles.
Jackson : That will be me. What can I do for you, cutie?
Sandi : I want you to do me a favor. Can you promise to keep these two girls out of your establishment? (Shows him a picture of Quinn and Stacy)
Jackson : Ms. Morgendorffer and Ms. Rowe, two of my regular customers? Are you kidding me?
Sandi : Maybe this will convince you. (She takes out the picture that Upchuck took when Stacy and Quinn kissed each other.) Don't you agree that this kind of behavior is unacceptable?
Jackson : No, I don't agree with that; my place is welcome for everybody regardless of race, taste or sexual interests. In fact, they kiss all the time when they are here. Losing them as customers would be a fatal mistake, since they've brought along all of their lesbian friends and told them about the quality of our food and my open attitude towards them. Losing them as customers would mean bankruptcy for me.
Sandi : Now listen, you n****r, these two...
Jackson : That's it; out! And don't bother returning, first you tell me to get rid of my best customers and then you insult me? GET OUT OF HERE, YOU LITTLE BITCH!
The rest of the customers, most of them female, stare at Sandi with hostile looks as she silently retreats.
Sandi : But I'm not finished yet.
Sandi walks towards the "Fair Truth" bookshop and patiently waits until Quinn goes into the backroom to get a couple of books for a customer. She then walks up to the store manager and says that there is something he should know about his store clerk.
Mr Nelson : (At seeing the picture) So this is the picture Quinn told me about. I'm sorry young lady, but I already knew about Quinn's sexuality, I don't need this picture to remind me she's gay. Now if there is nothing else I can help you with, I would kindly ask you to leave.
Quinn : (calling from the backroom) Mr. Nelson, do we still have copies of AWar and Peace"? I can't find them.
Nelson : Try the third cabinet on the second floor.
Quinn : Ah, here they are, thank you.
Nelson : You're welcome.
Sandi mutters out of the shop.
Sandi : I don't believe it; isn't there anyone normal in this street?
Sandi tries the "Funky Doodle", but the manager has the same reaction as Mr. Nelson.
Mrs. Peterson : (At seeing the picture) Hmm, Stacy?
Stacy comes up.
Stacy : Yes Mrs. Peterson?
Peterson : Is this the picture you were talking about?
Stacy : Yes it is.
Peterson : Then this girl must be the one who you thought was your best friend and who betrayed you and your girlfriend.
Stacy : She's the one, all right.
Peterson : Well then what can we do for you?
Sandi : (while walking away from the store) Never mind. Like I would go clothes shopping here.
Stacy : Why wouldn't you? We have the last summer collection from "Junior Five" for half of the price.
Sandi : Nooooooo!
Peterson : What's up with her?
Stacy : Material girl. She has to spend lots of money to survive. Sales cutoffs are out of the question for people like her, believe me, I know.
Tiffany walks in.
Stacy : Mrs. Peterson, let me introduce you to Tiffany Blum-Deckler. She is one of my best friends.
Peterson : (Shaking Tiffany's hand.) Pleased to meet you.
Tiffany : Thank you. Gosh, this place is so different from Cashman's.
Peterson : We sell clothes from people that don't want them anymore and clothes from shops that must get rid of their summer collections when fall arrives.
Tiffany : (Looking at an Olivia Newton John style petticoat dress) Oh this is really cute; would it made me look fat?
Peterson : (Under her breath) So this is that weight obsessed girl you told me about?
Stacy : Yes, and I sometimes pity her; she isn't happy with herself.
Peterson : (Turning to Tiffany) Of course it wouldn't; the real way for you to look slim is to wear wide clothes. A petticoat will lay the accent to your hips while making your torso look smaller.
Sandi : (while listening from the outside) Not according to Waif. That woman can't seriously call herself a clothes salesmen if she doesn't even read Waif.
Tiffany : Sandi always said that your waist should always be clearly visible.
Peterson : She must be a reader of Waif. That magazine is only out on marketing girls, who will eventually all end up in prostitution.
Sandi : What?
Peterson : Just think of it, Stacy told me about your dating games of who would get the most boys and who'll spend the most money on you. It is a really clever way of getting teenage girls into prostitution.
Sandi : (Bursting in) NO, THIS CAN'T BE TRUE!
Peterson : It is true, I was like you when I was your age and I was a regular reader of Val magazine and Waif, but the popularity game eventually drove me to the wrong people. (She rolls up one sleeve of her shirt and shows Sandi several injection marks.) I eventually ended up in the prostitution to finance my addiction. Did you girls ever try drugs?
Sandi : No. What would we want to do that for?
Stacy : Don't lie to her, Sandi, you and Robert both do speed.
Tiffany : And you claimed that doing drugs and sleeping with as many guys as possible is good for your popularity.
Sandi is taking aback and runs away screaming.
Peterson : Oh man, she is in really deep.
Sandi looks at her magazine and looks at some street hookers comparing their clothing to what she is wearing; the hookers are wearing a spiced up version of her own outfit.
Sandi : (Speaking to her magazine and shaking it violently.) Not you too!
The Griffin residence early evening, the Griffins are having dinner but Sandi can't get herself to eat.
Linda : Sandi, your dinner is getting cold.
Sandi : I'm not hungry, Mom. In fact, there's something I need to tell you.
Sam and Chris start to fight and Tom is rushing after them.
Linda : What's the matter?
Sandi tells Linda the whole story of discovering that Quinn and Stacy are lesbian and that Tiffany left the Fashion Club to discovering what the intension of Waif magazine really is.
Linda : Come on Sandi, that is bullshit. You can't seriously believe that.
Sandi : Then why are they encouraging girls to wear revealing clothes and to have their bodies altered? I've seen the hookers, Mom, and their clothing is similar to mine and I started using speed a couple of months back because it stated that it was okay to use drugs.
Linda : So? I used heavier stuff in the sixties.
Sandi : And I lost my virginity when I was 14.
Linda : Really? So did I.
The last part of "A Day in a Life" from the Beatles starts to play when Sandi storms off to her room and locks herself in. (John Lennon can be heard singing "I'd love to turn you on...") But her room is not a safe haven anymore. (The orchestra sets in) The posters of Waif magazine are now looking with evil eyes at her. (The chaotic sound is building up.) Even the Backstreet Boys poster seems to be saying in a five some version of Upchuck "Why fight it toots? You'll be on the backstreet, alright, and we'll be picking you up for a ride." (The cacophony is reaching its climax.) Her stuffed animals seem to be changing in to businessmen offering her money and dealers offering her drugs. (The cacophony explodes) And finally her eyes focus in on a picture when she loses the last of her sanity, a picture of Quinn. (The massive piano chord slams down.)
"Running with the Devil" by Van Halen starts to play as Sandi plans her moves.
"I lived my life like there's no tomorrow, and all I got I had to steal."
Sandi walks in to the attic and searches through her father's military equipment.
"You came to me for a beg and borrow..."
Sandi takes out a big army knife, cuts her hand and laughs at the blood.
"Yes, I've been living in a place that kills."
Sandi walks towards her room and throws the knife at the picture of Quinn.
"Running with the devil"
The knife pierces through the picture and nails it to the wall.
Lawndale High school the next morning: The Fashion Club is walking past Daria and Jane.
Sandi smiles at them.
Sandi : (Singing) Boom bitty bye, bye. You open up your eyes and be next one to die.
Elaine and Brooke are starting to look scared.
Daria : What's up with her?
Jane : Frankly, I don't want to know.
Daria : It takes a lot to scare me, but she really freaks me out this time.
Quinn and Stacy pass along the Fashion Club and Sandi smiles at them.
Sandi : (Singing.) You'd better kiss her goodbye 'cause all beauty must die...
Stacy : Oh-oh, Sandi is going crazy.
Quinn : Oh man.
Elaine picks up what Stacy said and quietly nods to Brooke, who gets the message.
Elaine : Sandi, Brooke and I reached our class; we'll see you at lunch.
Sandi : (Wicked tone in her voice) Go right ahead, I'll see you later.
Mr. O'Neill's class: Sandi sits and smiles.
O'Neill : And so our next topic will be revenge. Would anyone like to share something with the class about this topic?
Sandi lifts her hand.
O'Neill : Yes Sandi?
Sandi : About two years back, a girl entered my life and took away all the popular boys and she took away my best friends and ever since that happened...
O'Neill : (Notices something is really wrong.) Er, that is a really good example. Now if you'll excuse me...
O'Neill rushes to Mrs. Manson's office.
Dream sequence.
The Lawndale High cafeteria, Daria, Jane, Quinn and Stacy are sitting together, when suddenly a loud scream is heard.
Jane : What the hell?
The doors fly open and Sandi makes her entrance, dragging an unmoving Tiffany behind her.
Sandi : (Laughing in the most wicked of ways) Oh Quinn, its payback time!
She roughly drops Tiffany, revealing a big army knife stabbed in her back.
Sandi : Now she will finally stop bawling about being fat.
Sandi takes out the knife from Tiffany's back and licks off the blood.
Daria : Oh my God, she really lost her sanity.
Sandi walks up to Quinn. The rest of the students are too upset to even try to stop her.
Sandi : I'm gonna enjoy this. The time has finally come, Quinn. You took away my popularity, the members of my club and set me up with dating a girl and now it's payback time.
Sandi lunches out to Quinn, but suddenly Stacy jumps between them and takes the full force of the stab.
Quinn : STACY!
Stacy turns around and with a bloody mouth she kisses Quinn before collapsing in her arms; Quinn's mouth is filled with Stacy's blood.
Quinn stands motionless with the body of Stacy still in her arms.
Stacy : (very weak.) G, goodbye'
Quinn : No, don't leave me!
Sandi : (Laughing) You will suffer, just like I did.
Sandi stabs Quinn. And then the alarm goes off.
Sandi : (waking up) Wonderful. That was the best dream I ever had.
Sandi undresses and walks into the bathroom. She has just entered the shower when Sam and Chris walk in.
Sam : Hi sis, nice boobs.
Chris : Let's see the rest of you.
But Sandi reacts quite differently then the boys expected. She first socks Sam square in the face, knocking him out. A quick look at the outside of the Griffin household shows us the fate of Chris as he suddenly flies through the bathroom window.
Chris : (Moaning) Man, this has got to be the worst case of PMS I've ever seen.
Fluffy walks in Sandi's room and surprisingly starts to purr.
Sandi : Oh Fluffy, now that I'm wicked you finally like me.
Fluffy looks at her boss with evil eyes and Sandi looks the same way back at her; they finally have some common ground. Linda walks by and sees Sandi (who is still naked) cuddling Fluffy.
Linda : Sandi, what have you done to your brothers?
Sandi : I slammed Sam "knock out" and pushed Chris through the window, something that they really deserved.
Linda : And why haven't you dressed yet?
Sandi stands up and looks her mother straight in the eye.
Sandi : Tell me, Mother, did your body look like mine when you were my age?
Linda : (Smiling uneasily) Why yes, I looked exactly like you.
Sandi : Such a shame that beauty fades with the years, isn't it?
Linda : (Getting angry) Now listen, you...
Sandi : Eh-ah MOTHER, you listen. I've had enough of your lifelong course of teaching me how to become a megabitch like you. I had my graduation last night and why would you care about anything I say?
Linda : (Seriously pissed) Because you're my daughter and without me you wouldn't even be here!
Sandi : That's where you are wrong; without TOM GRIFFIN I wouldn't be here. 'Cause it wouldn't matter who my father is, it would always be you that is shaping me into a younger version of yourself, so I can carry on your crusade against the world. Dad was right all along, he should have married a plain girl like Patty Wells instead. I'm sure that the Sandi Griffin that came from that couple would be happy girl with all the support she so desperately craves from her parents!
Linda smacks Sandi but Sandi laughs evilly at her mother.
Sandi : What's the matter, Mom? You knew that this was coming up eventually. And what about Dad? I don't even think that you love him.
Sandi : (Really evil) No, YOU are the fake one, and I for one...(Picks up the army knife and cuts, without wincing, the words "4-REAL" in her arm.) real.
Linda goes pale.
Sandi : See my blood? It's real. See the cuts? They are real. And see this knife stained with my own blood?
Without saying a word Sandi licks it up.
Linda : Oh god, you really have lost your mind!
Sandi : Yes, my madness is real too, Mother. But why should you care? I knocked one of my brothers out and I threw the other out of a second story window, I'm standing here buck naked in my room and just seriously mutilated myself. BUT WHY SHOULD YOU CARE? After all, you did worse when you were my age.
Linda faints.
Sandi : Go right ahead, Mom, rest for a while, I got other business to take care off.
Sandi takes a bottle of iodine and cleans her wounds, gritting her teeth because of the pain. She then bandages up her arm and dresses, packing in her army knife, and heads for school.
"Motorcycle Emptiness" from the Manic Street Preachers (Take a wild guess why I chose that song from that band.) starts to play as Sandi arrives at school. Elaine and Brooke quickly join her but wisely keep their distance.
Upchuck comes up.
Upchuck : Good morning ladies, you are looking fond today.
Sandi : (Just as sleazy) And you are looking fond yourself, Charles.
Upchuck : (Not a little surprised) Oh, er...thank you.
Sandi : Would you like to experience your wildest dreams with me? I would.
Upchuck : (Can't possibly refuse an offer like that.) Most certainly, my fair lady.
Sandi : (Lowering her hand to his crotch and gently squeezing it.) Let's go then; the storage room of the auditorium is empty.
Upchuck : (Drooling in excitement) I'm all yours.
Elaine and Brooke look at each other in astonishment. Did they really just see Sandi taking Upchuck with her for a wild ride?
"The Camel Walk" by Southern Culture on the Skids starts to play as Sandi pushes Upchuck into the storage room and nearly rips of his pants. A few hours pass, Sandi sits up and smiles at Upchuck.
Sandi : And did you live out your wildest dreams?
Upchuck : (Still dazed) Ooh yeah...
Sandi : (Ripping the laces out of Upchuck's shoes.) Good. Now it's my turn to live out MY wildest dreams.
She ties Upchuck's hands and feet together and takes out her knife.
Upchuck : (Reality dawns on what she's doing.) Hey, easy there, toots.
Sandi : Don't worry, I won't be hard on you, just enjoy the ride and keep quiet. This little red hair went to town, this little red hair stayed home...
A few agonizing and humiliating moments later, Upchuck emerges in Mr. DeMartino's class, wearing a cap.
DeMartino : Ah MR. RUTTHEIMER, glad you could finally join us. WOULD you care to tell us what kept you SO LONG?
Upchuck takes of his cap revealing that Sandi has shaven him totally bald. The class nearly collapses as everyone is laughing at him.
Mr. DeMartino : (grasping his stomach) Hahahaha, it looks like your hours of absence were well spent, Charles. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
Daria : (Tearing up) Heeheehee, oh damn it, why didn't I bring my camera with me?
Jodie : (Hickcoughing through her laughter) Buhuhuhuhut, I brouohohohoht one. (She takes a few snaps before falling on the floor in laughter.) The bald and the beautiful. Hahahahahahah!
Jane : I don't know who did this but, that person finally gave Upchuck what he deserved. BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!
Upchuck : (Dreamingly) I think I'm in love...
The Morgendorffer residence later that day, Stacy and Quinn share a private moment at Quinn's room while "Dreadlocks" from Me'shell n'DegeOcello is playing on Quinn's stereo.
Stacy : Did you see what happened to Upchuck today? Somebody shaved him totally bald.
Quinn : Yes, I've seen it. It was the best thing I ever saw from Upchuck. And I also found out who did it.
Stacy : Really?
Quinn : Elaine came to me and told me that Sandi accepted Upchuck=s invitation for a sexual game.
Stacy : (Repulsed) Eeeew, I can't believe she would really do that.
Quinn : According to Elaine, they went into a storage room at the auditorium, stayed there for one and a half hours, and when they emerged Sandi was busy putting her top back on and Upchuck was totally bald.
Stacy : It scares me Quinn, Sandi is really going crazy. If she can do this to Upchuck, then who knows what her next move might be.
Quinn : (Hugging Stacy) I'm afraid too, but we'll survive.
Meanwhile over at the Lane residence, Jane is watching "Sick, Sad World."
Announcer : Is this farmer really selling ugly bacon? Visiting the largest farm of warthogs next on "Sick, Sad World."
Jane turns off the television and looks outside.
Jane : Daria, where are you? You were suppost to be here half an hour ago.
Outside of the Lane residence, we see Daria getting out of Trent's car, zipping her jacket and repositioning her skirt.
Daria : (Whispering) I'm so glad we've decided to go dating after that night at the pizza bar.
She then walks in and goes to Jane's room
"Loco" by Coal Chamber starts to play.
The Griffin residence: When Sandi arrives, the house is in a big commotion. Sam is wearing a Band Aid on his broken nose, Chris is wearing a neck supporter and Linda and Tom are waiting for her. Sandi opens the door winks Upchuck to come in, she then kisses him and tells him goodbye.
Upchuck : (While walking away) She loves me and she is so feisty. (Howling) Arrwwooooo!
Linda : Was that the son of Charles Ruttheimer? Sandi, how on earth can you date the offspring of such a snake? Imagine what the rest of the Lawndale Businesswomen's Alliance would say if they found out?
Sandi : And why would you care? I sliced my arm, I started using drugs, I lost my virginity at age fourteen and you couldn't care less.
Tom : (At hearing all this) LINDA, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS?
Sandi : I'll answer that dad; because she wanted to keep you dumb and she doesn't even love you.
Linda : SANDI!
Sandi : (Laughing mockingly) Did I hit a sour spot?
Linda stands up and smacks Sandi, who laughs it off and licks up the blood dripping from her nose.
Sandi : HA! I know all about your way of being. I'm still a younger version of you. Just like you I get myself laid to get higher, (Tom looks in astonishment and then in pure rage) just like you I date rich guys, and will probably end up marrying one of them to keep up the appearance that I'm capable of leading a normal life. But in reality, I'd like it too much to cheat on my husband in order to triple my payment, just like you do.
Tom : (Calmly) That's it; I'm out of here.
Linda : Honey, wait, you can't seriously believe that silly talk from Sandi?
Sam : (Admiring his father.) Oh boy, just look at him.
Chris : (Also) If he'd done that more often, he'd be a cool dad after all.
Tom stands up and goes upstairs, a few minutes later he emerges with two suitcases and without saying a word slams down a file.
Linda : (Reading the file) D...DIVORCE?
Tom : I guess you've always thought that I wouldn't have had the balls to actually do it.
Sam : (Actually crying) Don't leave Dad; I don't care if you're not our real father, but we love you.
Chris : (Also) Sam and I can be big pains, but we appreciate you trying to stop us from being big pains; don't leave dad.
Tom : (Hugging his sons) Sons, you never know how hard it is for me, but I have to. When my own house is no longer a home, I just have to go. But I'll be around, don't worry. No matter what happens, I'll be there for you. Samuel, Christopher, and you too, Alexandra, I love you.
Sandi : (A tear rolling down her face, speaks up to her mother) This is what I never had from you: a token of gratitude and genuine parental love.
Tom : (walking over to Sandi) Alexandra, I know I never got to be with you quite as often as I should, and seeing you in such an alarming state worries me. Don't do anything stupid. I don't want you to get hurt or anybody else getting hurt because of you. (They hug.) I love you, and always will.
Tom walks out and closes the Griffin household door for what could be the last time.
Tom : (Steps in his car and smiles contently.) Aah, what a relief.
He starts the engine and drives off while all hell is breaking lose in the Griffin household. Finally free, he heads to Oakwood, knowing that Patty Wells might still be living there.
Tom : Goodbye, Lawndale.
"Always on my Mind" from Willie Nelson starts to play as he picks up speed and heads for the highway.
Sandi's room a few hours later. Sandi picks up a leather belt and straps her arm, waits until her veins are starting to show and slowly injects her self.
Sandi : (Crying) Oh why, why, why...
"A Head with Wings" from Morphine (Poor Mark Sandman.) starts to play as she heads off in her trip.
Sandi : Aah, drifting away and getting high...
Quinn's voice : Oh really, haven't you learned anything from what happened?
Sandi looks up and sees Quinn in leatherclad S&M gear; she shrieks and climbs in her bed, pulling the covers over her head.
Stacy's voice : (Moaning) Oh hi Sandi, how nice of you to join me.
Sandi turns to her left to find a totally nude Stacy lying next to her, stroking her breasts and clearly enjoying herself. Sandi screams and jumps out of the bed.
Tiffany's voice : Sandiiiii, didn't you know that the heroin chick look is a fashion don't? Just look at you. This is soooo wrong.
Sandi turns around and sees Tiffany wearing a pink police officer=s uniform. (Not unlike the ones that were seen in Marilyn Manson's "Dope Show" video)
Jane's voice : Too late, it's already crowded inhere.
The door from her closet opens and Daria and Jane walk out, both wearing Sandi's clothes. Jane is wearing a mint colored T-shirt and brown overall, while Daria is wearing Sandi's current attire. Quinn is cracking her whip.
Quinn : Do we get our point across, Sandi?
Sandi : (Megabitch) And who are you to command me? You are no longer a Fashion Club member!
Quinn : Ah, the Fashion Club; I nearly forgot.
She winks at Stacy, who opens the door and lets in Elaine and Brooke, who are both naked, wearing dog collars and crawling towards her.
Stacy : Isn't it funny? Now they embody both meanings of the word "bitch".
Sandi tries to run for the door, but Quinn cracks the whip around her ankles, causing her to fall down.
Stacy : You fired us because Quinn and I came out for our sexuality, but you let our replacements kiss your ass all the time. Isn't that similar to the things Quinn and I do?
Daria : I guess so. What about you, Jane?
Jane : Certainly.
Quinn : Tiffany?
Tiffany : (Handcuffing Sandi) Oh yeah.
Elaine and Brooke crawl over to her and pull down her pants.
Stacy : Oooh nice butt, Sandi, I guess this is the reason why I joined in the first place.
Quinn : (Snarling to Elaine and Brooke) Okay you little bitches, KISS HER ASS!
Sandi : (Screaming her lungs out while tripping on.) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Sam and Chris walk over and see Sandi tripping. They see her lying on her stomach, her hands tight to her back as if cuffed and violently kicking as if she's trying to keep somebody from her pubic area. They watch in horror as Sandi screams and slowly opens her legs at a movement that suggest that somebody is forcing them open. She makes some resisting movements and moans in displeasure as she slowly falls asleep.
Sam : Oh man.
Chris : (In tears) Daddyyyy, this is so scary!
As Sandi slowly awakes, she make a decision: someone is responsible for making her father leave, someone is responsible for making Quinn and Stacy lesbian, someone is responsible for all her misery and to make that all stop, someone close to that person will die!
A few hours later at the Lane residence, is Jane waking up from the sound of the doorbell. She then looks at the naked male form lying next to her and smiles. Tom yawns a question.
Jane : Just a minute; someone at the door.
Jane walks over to her window and peeks outside to see a girl who is wearing a dark green jacket and has brown hair. Jane puts on her red jacket, slips on her slippers and goes down to answer the door.
Jane opens the door and sees Sandi standing there, wearing a similar jacket to the one Daria wears. Without warning, she strikes, stabbing Jane with her knife in her chest. Jane only manages to make a short yelp before collapsing.
Sandi : I knew that seeing your best friend's jacket would make you let me in. That friendship you've had with her and the rest of those dykes will be your end, Lane!
She takes out her knife and runs away laughing. Tom hears her laughter and bolts up, puts on his boxers and runs down, fearing the worst. Jane lies motionless in a pool of her own blood with the word "DYKE" carved into her skin.
Trent : (Also coming down) What is going on here? OH NO! JANEY!
Trent and Tom rush over to Jane, slapping her, hoping she is still there, but it's already too late.
The Morgendorffer residence: The phone is ringing and Quinn picks it up.
Quinn : (Perky) Hellooo?...yes, this is Quinn speaking. ...WHAT? Okay, I'll get her right away!
Quinn rushes over to Daria's room and hands her the phone.
Daria : Yes? ...Yes, you've got Daria on the phone...
Quinn, unable to see her sister get hurt, decides to back off and leaves Daria's room quietly. Helen comes over and sees Quinn's face.
Helen : Honey, are you all right?
Quinn : (Sobbing) Something really...
Daria : (Screaming as loud as she can) NOOOOOOOOO! JAAAAAAANNNEEEEE!
The Lane residence: The police have started their investigation, while Amanda and Vincent are crying in each other's arms over the loss of their youngest and probably the strongest of their children. Daria is crying together with Trent, who probably knew her better then anybody would. Trent thinks back to the time that his parents brought little Jane home; he vividly remembers her pale blue eyes and her wry smile that almost became a trademark for her. The same eyes that were showing permanent terror when he and Tom found her.
Trent : (Squeaky, hickcoughing through his tears) The person who did this is going to pay for it!
He bawls on and Daria joins him; crying over the loss of her best friend, she thinks back to the time when she met Jane, a quiet, soft spoken gothic girl who sat behind her at the after-school self-esteem course. Later, she found out that Jane was snide toward who was trying to control her, antisocial toward the popular crowd and resentful toward anyone who stood on her bad side. Finally after all those years of loneliness and misunderstanding she found a friend. And now she was dead; murdered. The person who did this will pay, for murder was the case!
To be concluded in "Manhunt".