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Student of the Month
March 2001
April 2001
May 2001

06-03 The third Student of the Month Award goes to...
Yes we have finally crowned our May's Student of the Month. This award is long over due. He deserves great attribution since he was one of the prime candidates to expose the melancholic controversy with The Dancer & Model cheating in the Polls. Without waiting any longer, please stand up and give a round of applause for the May's Student of the Month! Who is he you ask? Well you'll have to click HERE to find out!

05-01 The second Student of the Month Award goes to...
Yes people, the time has come to crown the lucky winner of the second Student of the Month Award for the month of April. In a recent interview on 20/20, Great Grand Master Lou Chi said that people are coming from all around the world to get a chance to win this award.

As for this month's winner, this student doesn't need any introduction. He is a good apprentice that shows up in class with nothing less that his dancing shoes. Who is he you ask? Well you'll have to click HERE to find out!

04-10 The first and most prestigious Student of the Month Award goes to...
Yes people, the time has come to crown the lucky winner of the Student of the Month Award for the month of March. The Hung Gar student of the month award is the Grand Daddy of them all. You think people pray and push themselves to the limit to win the Super Bowl! Well guess again. Time Magazine has rated the Hung Gar Student of the Month Award as the #1 goal that martial artist would die for. Just to give an example, the one and only Fern who was formerly known as Big Shot Fern Chung was quoted has saying: "This prize is what I've been waiting for all my life. Let's just say I would stop modeling and dancing, something by the way I love and cherish, to get my hand on that prize." Rick "Chicken Wing" Fry, who is the master of the "Wing Block", also said: "I have to admit, I've never wanted anything more in my life except chicken wings. Nonetheless, to win the award, I would stop eating them, or I would eat the bones."

As for this month's winner, this man doesn't need any introduction. He is a great guy, which deserves nothing less that this award. Who is he you ask? Well you'll have to click HERE to find out!
