The Logic Of Emotions

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The Logic Of Emotions

Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff, July 7, 2002.

New mathematical proof that God exists, click here.

Your emotions are a very special personal tool God gave you.

Profound energies can be channeled through your emotions as you choose to have your divine spirit mingle with the Holy Spirit of God.

Wreckless feelings and ideas, or haphazard emotions by chance are less able to be one with the Holy Spirit in typical thinking from the human perspective.

Emotions can span a wide range of intensities. Love, for instance, can more than range from an emotion characterized by tenderness and affection, to a deep devotion. Building on Christ's passion, your emotions mingling with the the Holy Spirit can far exceed the depth, intensity, and power of human understanding, just as turning a valve can release a high pressure flood of water.

Emotions take over when logic seems to fail. Yet emotions are united with logic.

A logical thought is just one small part of an emotional feeling.

Your emotions are made from your desires, expectations, needs, yens, yearnings, and hopes. Your emotions are part of your faith, your wisdom, and your learning experiences. Your emotions are a part of you, and being a part of you, are subject to you, subject to your highest logic in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Your emotional groups, such as love, hope, and desire to help charitably, are representative groups of what you've been through. Your emotional groups are formed from deeply embeded memories stemming from your traumatic experiences.

You might not even remember the time that one particular tiny bug surprised and frightened you as a child. Yet at that time your subconscious mind made sure to set a place in your brain for the aspects of that event important to you, your survival, and your benefit. Your brain and mind might not even remember that event as a bug, but it might remember that event as an attack, a threat, or perhaps a series of electro-chemical impulses normally associated with danger.

So since you already have many emotional groups, you may as well have those emotions work for you, not against you. You may as well control and use all of your emotions to help people for the greater glory of God.

A very emotional person is not necessarily associated with being logical. This is due to allowing emotions to take control of their life.

Picture it this way: You get new ideas such as by conversations, experience, education, television, and so on. Your mind either fits these ideas together with similar ideas for the greater glory of God, or your mind puts the new ideas elsewhere. Elsewhere can include partial ideas that form a person's personality, or the ideas can fall into bins, much as spoons go into one bin and cups into another.

So we find that amidst all the logic, there are many emotional groups of logical, yet incomplete, ideas. These incomplete ideas are emotions.

So a person that has not yet completed assembly of sufficient ideas and emotions properly for the greater glory of God, may find it difficult to understand the reasoning of an overly emotional person, unless they share similar traits.

Furthermore, if a person is stuck in an emotional trait, most people may find it difficult to help or be helped by that person. Being stuck, their impaired reasoning hinders them from functioning optimally.

A person that abnormally keeps repeating the words "have faith" has such impairment, although they may be socially acceptable. A person that keeps thinking about "vengance" on the other hand is less socially acceptable.

So we see that society reinforces certain reasoning impairment traits, when actually such people may need help, since near perfect people need help too.

Jesus Christ said dig deep and build your foundation on the rock of Christ.

You might ask yourself how to handle your emotions, but you already know the degree to which that works. You could wonder how children generations in the future would benefit from your current emotions, but governments do as much, and you should work to be an heir to the land, so you should work to be better than governments.

Instead of relying on yourself and/or other people, go to the source and do what Christ said to do. Pray, and study the Bible, and dig into the teachings of Jesus Christ.

To handle your emotions properly, first seek Christ, and find out what Christ wants you to do with your partial bits of logic. Pray always in your heart and mind and soul so when the bits of logic you gather are assembled in your mind, they are one with Christ's mind.

Christ's teachings and the living example Christ gave you show you how to assemble bits of logic constantly.

Some people have nightmares, some people have ongoing fearful thoughts while they're awake. All of these can be changed into good, useful, logical patterns to the great benefit and delight of all people. This includes the delight of those who have been contrary to Christ for logically incomplete reasons, because you will have greater preparedness to convert them according to their newly found hope according to your logic.

God is not the father of confusion, that is to say that while God created all, God is anxious for you to have good, not bad. If you wonder why God created the thing called "bad", then let's examine that in you.

By this sermon's author's definition, God and logic are one and the same in terms of human thought (although God has power over logic, since in human terms definitions are per consensus). Accordingly, if you are logical you are one with God.

If you are one with God, you do not wonder about "bad", your mind is on good.

Also, your mind logically has some expectations of what "good" should be. Therefore your mind has some good logical patterns. Knowing this, if you were creator from the start, you could logically create from void, something good.

Therefore if void was nothing good or bad, by comparison to newly created "good", "void" relative to "good" now logically appears less good than "good", and so seems relatively "bad". When actually you know that only "good" was created.


For a related Internet Sermon on higher logic click here.

To visit the Internet Church of Christ founded by Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.