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Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff, July 16, 2002

Proof: Acts 19.35.


  • A. What government tells us.
  • B. What I know is true.
  • C. What the Bible reveals.

  • A. What government tells us.
  • For purposes of national security, in response to the many sightings of objects in the sky, for proper air travel and space exploration, Project Blue Book, PBB, was formed. PBB investigated very many sightings to determine if the objects were of human, natural, or other origin.

    When PBB was completed, I met with the Pentagon's Air Force Colonel William Nowacki (click for earlier years photo) about PBB results.

    I had known Colonel Nowacki for years and knew he had brilliant reasoning abilities and great integrity. He had always provided me with clear and truthful information.

    Because national security was involved, certain aspects of PBB may not be revealed to unauthorized personnel.

    According to that which is permitted to be made known publicly, clearly the threat, fact, or implication of creatures [not of earthly origin] flying vehicles to visit earth is unfounded.

    The reliable evidence is that no such contact with intelligent life from beyond our solar system is available, excluding religious, ghostly, or similar intangible scenarios.

    In lay terms, there may be aliens out there in space, but as yet we have not found them or any direct evidence clearly showing.

    As with any case, there are many leads, and there are many forms of evidence. Points of factual evidence compliment each other, fitting together, through which the truth may be revealed.

  • B. What I know is true.
  • I personally know two people that claim they have actually personally had UFO experiences. One said she saw a UFO light shine on a small mountain and said it was so bright that she believed it was not from a plane. The other person said he hears martians talking to him, telling him what to do (he once gave me $1,000 to help people, I gave the money back to his wife).

    I love both of these people dearly. I also understand why they believe as they do, as I've been told they both suffer from manic depressive disorder (also to the best of my knowledge and without placing any medical and / or legal diagnosis to that effect: in consideration of their illogic and destructive focus).

    They each lead fairly normal lives and at first sound very credible. Their motor skills and their subjective abilities (survival skills, attack / defense reflex, routine automatic response mechanisms...) are in good working order, however they suffer due to their higher reasoning abilities being encumbered.

    When I was young there was a moving picture on TV of a UFO. Later with overlapping image frames, it was clear that it was an airplane.

    It is easy for people and / or nature to create temporarily unidentfiable flying objects, such as fire balls, lightening, and so on. It is also easy for perception to misinterpret.

    Earth has carbon based life, silicon based life, spiritual life and probably other life forms. Does life exist on other planets, yes. Science teaches us life drifts through space similar to tiny seeds, with great virility against heat, cold, vacuum, and other.

    I also believe not only small, but also great and large life exists of grandiose proportions. As a sponge full of water flowing, the fabric of space is full of life. Is this flow part of a giant creature? No answer is given here, but it is recommended you consider it and come up with your own conclusion(s).

  • C. What the Bible reveals.

    The Bible speaks of God's creation of the earth and associated life.

    Aliens to our solar system are not discussed in the Bible to the best of my knowledge. In the books of the prophets, and in Revelation we can find verses on things generally considered beyond current human comprehension. The stories these verses tell may include alien pesence, but the Biblical trail of evidence, does not point to alien beings, per se, but to beings surpassing planetary type existance and / or originating from earth, heavenly beings with earthling interactions.

    It seems the heavenly beings and the earthly beings will become more similar, toward more on the same level in the power struggle. But it does not seem within the teachings of those verses that aliens will invade earth.

    If you ask my opinion: Did God create other planets similar to earth? Yes. Did God create other people similar to us? Yes.

    Those are just my theories based on the facts. I do not have proof of other earths or peoples.

    You can have theories even more strange than fiction, based on the facts, such as aliens having wheels instead of feet; or aliens impersonating humans. If they don't already exist, at the pace science is moving, they soon will.

    The point is to make a clear distinction between fact and fiction.

    God blessed us with reality. God also blessed us with the ability to form theories, opinions, and guesses. Let's not get them confused.

  • __________________________________________________________________

    There is more advanced and less advanced Life Throughout The Universe not of earthly origin, they're just looking in the wrong places. This essay mathematically discludes UFOs, and includes interaction capabilities and limitations.

    To visit the Internet Church of Christ founded by Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.