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~Faeries, fairies and more~

It's very nice to have you stop in for a visit! Please make yourself at home. Feel free to meander around, and explore everything!
For as long as I can remember, faeries have been a big part of my life! All of my favorite books and stories had faeries in them. I remember reading Lucy Atwell stories, and of course, my favorite~ Enid Blyton. They always had faeries and wee folk, galore! I remember playing pretend games of being a faerie. I always had the most beautiful silvery, gossimer wings, and the longest, softest, pink hair imaginable! :•)

Being born in England, and spending my early years there, I learned to associate faeries with my everyday life. To this day, I am still so very fascinated with the fae and other wee folk!

Please check out my ~Awards~, that I have gotten for this page! (I can't help but be proud of them!! ~SMILES~ :•)

Before wandering through my Enchanted Garden links, or sailing away on my Webrings, please take just a few moments to sign my Dreambook! I would love to hear from you!

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