Dark Mansion
by: Jean, Jox, Sara, Quinn, Alica, Mirage

The ride to the mansion was nerve wracking to say the least. Jean's greatgrandmother explained exactly what needed to be done once they got there. The two couples understood why she'd needed able bodied people, but it was far from the mystical experience they'd expected.

The next several hours consisted of the four people forming a chain from the attic to the huge, spacious living room carrying trunks, boxes, and anything else they could. Once everything had been moved, they sat down and began looking through the old picture albums and records that had been stored of the lives of the slaves and the masters.

In all, five people had died at the hands of the master - two girls, Faith and Claire, and two boys, Andrew and Luke. He'd taken the girls for his own purposes, but the boys had been killed for their love for the girls. It was this - their death for love - that had convinced these spirits that love was terrible and would only result in punishment. The only other death had been
that of the master, at the hands of his slaves in a revolt. Someone had kept newspaper clippings of that event, and it hadn't been pretty.

The fifth death had been that of the master's brother, Aaron. He had incited the rebellion, and the rest of the family had turned against him for his "betrayal". This was a different kind of love destroyed, and would have to be dealt with differently.

The channeling was then planned out. Mark, terrified as he was of the thought, would take in Andrew, because he had been older. Jean would the Claire, Alicia would take Faith, as their souls had already met, Shane would take Luke, Glenn would take Aaron, and as had been established at the hospital, Kevin would take on Eric.

Jean's greatgrandmother stressed how important it was to keep all the couples separate from each other. The spirits would recognize each other, and if any of them saw the person responible for their pain, they could cause the body they were in to commit violence, or act out. This was why everyone had to be better - they had to have full use of their bodies. The only time anyone channelling could be in the presence of someone else channelling was when they repaired the relationship between the brothers, and that would be the last. Everyone would be present in case the need arose for the men to be restrained, and Quinn would arbitrate.

Now all they had to do was wait for the others to heal.

Shane and Jox followed the rest of the party down one of the  hallways.Douglas, being a practical joker,saw a mask on the floor. Thinking  that just finding it out of the blue was odd, he put it behind his back and  hid it. He didn't believe all this mumbo jumbo but who'd believe him anyway?  Jox was by his side. Her heart raced. Grasping the Franchise's hand, she  walked with him down the hallway. Suddenly the rest of the group wasn't  together anymore. It was just the two of them. Jox turned to  im,"Shane , I really don't like this. But I can't just leave Jean without solving the  mystery of this first." Kissing her forehead,"You can't resist a mystery.  Never could Never will." She smiled and turned to flash the flashlight in a  corner. Shane got a mischievious grin and slid the mask on over his face.*Jox  is gonna kick my ass for this.* He yanked her around to look at him and she  turned white as a sheet. "Damn you Shane Douglas!",she said hitting him,in  the arm. All of a sudden,the hitting stopped and Jox was looking at something  behind him."Ok Joxy. Ya got me back.Cut it out.Jox. Joxy!", he yelled before
she collapsed lifeless in his arms. Shane never saw the ghost that had been  behind him."Somebody help me!,"he yelled as the gang found Joxy out cold in  his arms. Shane Douglas,the Franchise of ECW,was a tough man. But right now  he'd sell his toughness to see her eyes open again. "I love you Joxette,"he  whispered to the unconscious form in his arms.He blamed himself for this and  no one could convince him otherwise.Paul Wight took her from him and brought  her downstairs.Where would they go from here?

Quinn shivered, the rain not helping her feel any safer. Every time she  closed her eyes, all she saw was the face in the mirror. Before they went  outside, Sean had found an old cloak for her to wear - a black ankle length  hooded cloak, very colonial. The clasp at the top was a pair of skeleton  hands, silver. She played with it as she swept the orchard with her  flashlight, thankful for the company of those around her. Jani walked beside  her, hunched in her raincoat, trying not to look scared shitless, and doing a  fair job. She'd confided earlier that the site of the other team's lights on  the widow's walk had nearly killed her. Sean and Glenn walked in front of the girls, Scott was at the back.

"Well, we've combed the orchard three times. We need to check the lakeshore.  I suggest two smaller teams, one in each direction - " Sean was cut off by the heavy iron tolling of the bells at the church, nearly two miles away, but still audible. They all stopped and stared at each other. The bell was an almost foreboding sound, cautioning them against further exploration. After
six or seven rings, they all seemed to wake up from a daze, shaking their heads and walking out of the orchard to the lakeshore. Glenn slowed down to allow Quinn to catch up to him.

"You feelin' better? You know you gave us all quite a scare." He put his arm around her shoulder and gave her a little squeeze. "We can still leave, if you want." But that was the last thing she wanted. Her meeting with whatever she saw in the mirror had only fueled her resolve to see who or what was behind this. As they arrived on the shore of the lake, a gust of wind blew her cloak back and she shook her hair as her hood fell off. "Wow, you look like a warrior or something" he remarked as she replaced her hood. The wind and the bell had, for some reason, renewed her energy. She felt like she could stay out all night and hunt, even in the rain. Her fear was replaced by excitement. She was a character in those horror novels she read all the time!

"I don't think splitting up is a good idea. Strength in numbers, ya know?" Scott stepped to the front of the group, leading them out onto a small peninsula sticking out into the water. The waves were white-capped, lightning make them appear more severe than they actually were. A couple small boats were tied to stakes on the very edge. "Let's head that way first." He swung
his flashlight over to his left, indicating a stretch of shoreline. They carefully picked their way across the rocky coast, always talking to ensure constant contact. They came to a huge willow tree and rested for a moment, thankful for the relief from the rain. They were about to continue when they heard voices, soft at first but getting louder, crying their names. Flashlights appeared at the ridge just above the shore, shining down on the troupe.

"Holy crap, you guys look awful. Come back inside. We've had more… problems and it would be best to have the rest of the groups together, inside, ASAP." Rey, KDogg, Brian and a few others, indistinguishable in the dark, stood watching them.

"We'll head back the way we came - it's much less steep." Glenn called up, pointing back towards the peninsula. Assured that they would be safe, Brian's party ran down to meet them, arriving before they'd even stood to go. Just as they were leaving, a bolt of lightning hit the willow tree, a huge branch snapping off. Rather than falling straight down, however, it seemed to fly
after the group, catching Glenn in the back and sending him toppling on top of Quinn and Jani. He would've hit his head on the rocks had Quinn's arm not flailed out and caught it. Shane and Brian, hearing the crack, came sliding down the embankment to see what had happened. Together with Scott, they lifted Glenn off of the girls and hurriedly carried him back inside.

The current room where Jean was now had other occupants, so Glenn was placed on a pile of blankets before the fireplace. Quinn brought a bowl of water to clean his face; his lip had been split on her elbow. She was forced to allow someone else to tend to him, though, as Rey insisted on taking her to the bathroom to fix the huge wound on her upper arm, caused by the fall, worsened by Glenn's head driving the exposed bone into the rock when he hit her. Stitches being impossible, he wrapped her arm in gauze and made a makeshift sling for it so the cut wouldn't tear further.

"So, now we have Jean, Glenn, Sara and Jox, all down for the count, at least for the moment. Has anyone seen the people who were checking the first floor? I was looking for them, but they're nowhere to be found. I heard a scream. I thought it came from the first floor, but it was in the wine cellar. I was going to go check on it when I saw you flashlights." Mark appeared in the
doorway, his huge form looking worn from the night's activities.

"I want to start by apologizing to all of you. Had I any idea this would happen, I would never had thought of this." Kevin hung his head, sighing deeply as he sank into a chair by Glenn. "I know you've spoken of having a discussion about this evening, but I want to do it upstairs, with Jean. I think she can hear us, even if she isn't awake."

Quinn, cradling Glenn's head in her lap and stroking his hair with her one good arm, looked up in alarm. "You're not leaving Glenn down here by himself, are you? Christ, he was hit by a flying tree! And now you want him alone in front of a roaring fire?" The flying tree comment seemed to startle everyone enough to agree to move Glenn. Mark and Kevin slowly lifted him, a
funeral-like procession moving up the stairs to Jean's room. 

they brough glen to the room and everyone look at kevin as he sat down next to jean..(in her mind*don't touch me you ass*)he held her hand and said look what i didn't tell you was that this house..was or is a slave house..i didn't know bout it until i went back down and read some new clips bout it...it seem that the owner of this house is a family member of my friend...now before i get why didn't you say anything..i didn't know..not until an hour ago..i was trying to find a way to tell you without you trying to kill me.....(*too late bub*) kevin said please know i didn't want anyone of you to get hurt or anything...alica look at kevin and said and why don't i beleve you nash....everyone turn and saw her standing there...kevin said who the hell are you....alica said your worst nightmare...as rey and kdog and jean all know i do vdoo and black magic....shelly said i remmber jean talk bout
you..why are you here...alica said let see...people got hurt.....stop when hunter came in with mayme he told everyone what happen....alica look at mamye and said i think it best we cont talking way from kevin..i don't trust him...kevin look at the other and said why would you believe her over me..i'm been friends with you all for years....alica said how long have you know
these men kevin....kevin look at her and said um.....daria came in and said well this should be fun to know...as she grab jean and threw her outside..now if you all want to see her..play nice and we might let you have her......and then they left....they all look at kevin and hunter went up to him and said when jean said that it wasn't you i though it was becase of the blow...but
now this happen i think she right..who the hell are you...and where my friend....kevin grin and said soon you all will know...and the ghost left kevin body..he fell on the floor....alica went to him and felt for the pulse...put him on the bed...the ghost is gone...from him..look everyone...we need to get the others back up here and then take these people and leave...mark..i want you to set this place on fire....mark said wait...but why.....alica said becase it the only way to let the ghosts who live here
rest in peace.....and hopeful jean can forgive them....the other look at kdog and said why did you bring her here...kdog said becase she know this stuff and i though it would help us....

while they did the circle..mark was telling kevin all that was happen when kevin was out cold..kevin said damn..now daria and a ghost has jean...mark said yep....sara and jox woke up and look around..hey...the other came by their side..hey hon...said mark as he put her in his arms..god i though i lost you..sara frown and said what the hell happen...all i remmber was that i
was going downstair when someone push me and i fell...she look where kevin was and saw that jean wasn't there...sara said so jean ok then and where is she....the others look at her and mark whisper what happen in her ear..sara said what..how...he told her the rest of it....sara said damn....shane went up to jox and said sorry babe....jox said for what...it wasn't you that made
me passout it was the face i saw in the hall...shane said really...she nodded and held out her hand..he grab and sat next to her..she put her head on his sholder and whisper if you ever do that again i'm going to hurt you..he laugh and said ok....the girls look at the new comier and said um who she as they point at alica....kevin said that alica a friend of jean,rey,and kdog..the
girl said oh ok..hey alica...alica look up and smile..hey...and then went to the circle...glen moan as he came to....hal came by him and touch his cheek...he open his eyes and said what...can we go now please....hal said soon babe..soon...glen growl and pull her into his arms...he whisper i'm going to hurt them after what they did to us..glen look over and saw alica....ok i know her....alica right....alica look up and saw glen...yea that me...glen smile and said my grandfather is friends with yours....we meet
thru them...alica put her head to oneside and said oh god teddy....glen said yea..that one nickname i had..hal said teddy? the other look at him and said teddy....glen growl and said hush you all....alica said cute...that when everyone hear jean scream for them......

kevin jump out of bed and ran to the door....he open the door and left the room...what he saw made him scream jean...the other ran to the door and saw jean floating over the stairs...kevin tried to get her...but was held back by something....jean hon...jean look over and said guys..please help me please.....she didn't look at kevin....

"Jean!!!!!!!!!!!" Kevin screamed again as he tried to get closer again. This time however, he wasn't held back, he stepped forward and tried to grab Jean, but then lighting struck and Kevin was thrown against the wall.

"What are we going to do?" everyone questioned.

Mayme stepped forward and she began to walk closer and closer to where Jean was floating.

"May..what the hell are you doing?!?, get back here!" Hunter pleaded

"Mayme get your candy ass back here!" Dwyane yelled

"Wait...let her go, she know's what she's doing" Alicia said.

"She what?!?" Hunter said

"Just let her..." Alicia responded.

Mayme stepped closer and she raised her hands towards Jean and she began to speak a language that no one could understand (except for Alicia). Then Jean began to slowly come down. While she spoke, Mayme stuck out her hand for Jean to grab, Jean was getting closer and closer to Mayme's reach when suddenly a very strong wind blew in and it seperated Jean from Mayme. Then this force threw Mayme against the wall, she hit her head and was knocked out cold. Then Jean was pulled away faster than a speeding bullet and she vanished. Then an evil laugh echoed through the halls and it spoke...

"Nice try!...but its going to take a lot more than that to rescue your precious Jean, and soon, you will all be mine!...hahahahahahahahahaha!"

When the voice vanished, Hunter ran to Mayme's side and he embraced her "May?...are you okay?...May?" he asked. But she couldn't answer, she was knocked out cold. He then picked her up and he walked in the room, everyone else followed. He laid Mayme on the bed where Kevin had rested and he kissed her in her forhead and then he turned around and he approached Alicia...

"Ok Miss Voodoo...what the fuck just happened?...What the hell was Mayme doing?...Why didn't you let us stop her?" Hunter demanded

They both were eye to eye and then Alicia said..."my half sister"...said alica...hunter said"she is...wait..now.i remmber your
name before...dad used to talk bout a girl,who half sister like to do this..and that mayme help get into so they could get closer....i'm sorry i yelled at you".hunter look down...alica said"it ok...i haven't been such a good sister to her anyway..haven't seen or talk to her for a few months..don't sweat it"..mark and paul wight help kevin in and lay him down on the couch...

kevin growl and said"this shit end now...alica.i want you to do what ever and get jean back now!!!!"as he held his head.."this is the second time i been hit in the head"kali said"well.i know jean would say some smart ass comment bout his head".she whisper to cindy....cindy smile and said"what it going to do...hurt it"..they both brust out laughing...everyone turn and said"what so
funny?"..kali said"um notthing sorry"..cindy put her head on shawn sholder to tried to stop laughing...alica hear it and grin....she shook her head and said"i need help..with the circle...i need three in the circle and three out of it."

kevin look at the others and said "ok big men..we are going to find jean while the girls do the magic"...alica said"i can't let you do that..jean would kill me if something happen to you...so please just lay there and let me do this spell"..kevin said "look" ..but mark and paul said "let her please...the faster she does this. the faster we can go home..or at least to jean home to sleep"....the big men went to the clostet and pull out some blankets....and pillow...

alica look at rey and smile...he smile back...kdog notice the look those two has send..and made a note to get them together soon.....

the ghost look at daria and said what if this plan don't work....dari said trust me..what i have in store for miss vdoo woman will help us get free....

jean great-grandmother felt danger from her....she called her son to see if jean there...her son said "no..she left a note saying she going to a party at her boyfriend friend house."she curse and said thanks and hung up....that house is danger....the only reason i go there is to see the lake....now my great-granddaughter is in danger...she got up and went to the mirrior..and did a spell on the house....those who are in there please be safe..and protect my great-granddaughter...she did it in a dif lang......

alica felt the spell and smile...

the ghost in daria came out and was now a ghost..what the hell....they went by jean and tried to hurt her...but jean and daria vanish from where they were...

cindy was talking to shawn when jean and daria appear in the circle...kevin saw this and went up to them...alica i didn't know you did the spell...alica said i didn't...but i know who did....shane went and pick up daria and kevin pick up jean...jean woke up and saw him..she look into his soul and said oh god you are back..she hug him..he smile and said i'm fine..jean look up and said i want to go home....everyone said i'm with her....jean felt her great great grand mother sprite in her and said abe...please...jean said ok i do it when we leave..she nodded and they left...they went downstair and was by the door...kevin was by jean side as jean..did a little spell on the mansion...i forgive thee now thee can rest..she bend down and pour some salt by the door...those who live here before can now rest and know that you are forgiven....she step out of the mansion and then the mansion fell
down....jean turn to alica and said any more bad vibs....alica said nope they are resting in peace...kevin said good...jean look at her friends and said come on let go to my place and we can sleep there..they nodded and left to go to jean place...

they all arrive at jean home and they went in and took a shower and bath..and then went to sleep....

kevin finish his shower and came out and saw jean by the window...babe..she turn and said yea...he came up to her and whisper i'm sorry...jean said for what..you didn't know...kevin said true...but you got hurt and then the others...i feel responable..jean turn and kiss him on the chest..i forgive you..babe..alway..he nodded and brough her to the bed...he lay her down and was on top of her..he kiss her on the lip,neck,and was going lower when the phone rang....she laugh as she hear him curse...she said yea....her great grandmother said "are you ok little one"...jean said "yea i am granny...why?"she said i had a feeling you were in danger...jean smile and said i'll tell you later what happen ok...she said ok..stay safe babe...jean
said ok..love you..she said love you too..and they hung up...kevin said ok..now that over..he took off her clothes and they made love.....

cindy was talking to her father and said i'm fine dad..ok..night and she hung up..shawn look at her and smile...so how bout a hot bath....she said that would be great...they went into the bathroom and took off their clothess....and went in and took a hot bubbles bath...shawn nibble on her ear and said thanks god that over..cindy said i know...i wonder if the others are ok..shawn said yea..they have the oter men there...it was funny though that shelly tried to kill dwyna...cindy said i know...shawn said so..tell me what you and kali was laughing bout...cindy said well we was saying if jean was there and hear what kevin said bout his head..jean would say andhead hurt huh..if it hurt at all..shawn said yep that jea for ya...cindy turn to face shawn and whisper i want you...he nodded and they wash the bubbles off and went into the extra room and they made love....

in the morning...late morning jean's dogs begin to barks..jean growl and look at the time...she got up and grab a robe and went downstair and let the dogs out...they did their business and came back in..jean feed them and gave them water....and then went and sat down on the couch..she was too tried to go back upstair....she rest and was there when kevin woke up....he freak and
said jean...jean where are you..he got up and ran downstair...he stop and saw her sleeping on the couch...with her dogs sleeping by her feet....the baby woke up and went over and lick kevin hand...he went over and pick jean up and brough her to their room....and lay her down....

the girls woke up and went downstairs...alica made some food for them....gin said i wonder how jean is..shelly actully i wonder how she and daria..they been thru hell...jox said i know..god i hope they are ok..jean came down with kevin and saw her girls...hey..they all came up to her and hug her..guys i'm fine...tried but fine..i'm going to see the doctor to check my head..but then i'm fine...jox said maybe you should sit..jean frown and said guys..please...they nodded and sat down...jean went to the kitchen and made some tea...she sat down and look thru her mails...her phone rang and said yea..jean talking...hey granny..ok i'm on my way...ok bye..and hung up...she finish her drink and left the kitchen...guys stay as long as you want..i haveto go visited my granny...they nodded and she went upstair and got dress...she look at herself in the mirrior and smile...i'm fine....that when the mirrior broke and all the glass fell on her..she scream and then passout..from the blow..

kevin was talking with vince and said yea i know..but these men need to rest..after the hell they be....that when he hear jean scream shit..vince i call you back..he hung up and ran upstair.....he tried to open the door but couldn't...jean babe..open the door..he hear notthing...but he felt something was wrong...paul kick the door down...he did and they saw jean on the floor
cover with glass.....kevin went over to her and said babe...wake up please...she didn't wake up....kevin look at the other and said get alica quick....mark ran to her room and open the door...he peek in and what he saw made him sick..she was floating over the bed ..but he saw the blood coming out of her....rey was on the floor cover with blood...mark went over and pick
up rey...and they went to the door..mark stop and saw what was writing on the mirrior scream....next person who cross me will die...now leave this place now.....and the mirror bust and went over........

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Livin' On the Edge