A Brother's Blood
by: Sarah Nansen
Rating: PG
 Subject: Drama
Wrestler: Edge/Gangrel/Christian  
A Christian Story
by: Mireille
Rating: PG-13
Subject: Romance, Alternative Universe
Wrestelr: Christian, Test, Edge, Gangrel 
A Gothic Epic
by: Mellissa O'brian
 rating: R
Subject: Alternative Universe, Fantasy
Wrestlers: Edge, Christian, Gangrel 
Always walk on the Wild side of Life
by: Catherine Semerjian
Rating: PG
Subject: Alternate Universe
Wrestlers: Brood, Shane McMahon 
Brood Servents - A comedy in Nine Periods
by: Sakura
Rating: PG
Subject: Humor
Wrestlers: Brood 
Child of the Ministry
by: Sakura
Rating: PG 13
Subject: Alternative Universe
Wrestlers: Gangrel/Ministry 
by: Catherine Semerjian
Rating: R
Subject: Action
Wrestlers: Brood 
Crystal Rose
By: Gangrel Spawn Cindy
rating: NC 17
Subject: Alternative Universe/ Romance
wrestlers: Gangrel, Edge, Christian 
by: Casey
Rating: R
Subject: action, Romance
Wrestler: Edge, Christian, Gangrel 
Dark Flames
by: Casey
 Rating: G
Subject: action, Romance
Wrestler: Edge, Christian, Gangrel
by: Sakura
Rating: R
Subject: Romance
Wrestlers: Gangrel 
For a Freind's Love
by: Sarah Nansen
 Rating: G
 Subject: Drama
Wrestler: Gangrel/Christian 
For the love of the Brothers
By: Gangrel Spawn Cindy
rating: R
Subject: Alternative Universe
wrestlers: Gangrel, Edge, Christian, Jeff and Matt Hardy 
Gabrielle’s Never Ending Story
Part One
by: Gabby Choovanski
Rating:  PG
Subject: Romance/Fantasy
Wrestlers Featured within: Edge, Christian, Gangrel.   
Gabrielle’s Never Ending Story
Part Two
by: Gabby Choovanski
Rating:  PG
Subject: Romance/Fantasy
Wrestlers Featured within: Edge, Christian, Gangrel. 
Giving Into the Vampire
by: Sarah Nansen
Rating: R
 Subject: Drama
Wrestler: Gangrel
Gothic Family
By: Kat
Subject: Real to Life
Wrestler: Edge, Christian, Gangrel, Undertaker/Minstry 
Hidden Love Revealed
by: Sarah Nansen
Rating: PG
 Subject: Action/Drama
Wrestler: Gangrel
by: Catherine Semerjian
Rating: G
Subject: Action
Wrestlers: Brood, Shane & Vince McMahon 
Love  at First Bite
By: Kai
rating: R
subject: Romance/fantasy
Wrestler: Gangrel 
by: Catherine Semerjian
Rating: G
Subject: Humour, drama
Wrestlers: Shane McMahon, Brood, Vince McMahon 
MidNight Visits
by: Sarah Nansen
 Subject: Action/Romacn/
Wrestler: Edge/Gangrel/Christian
Missing Scene
 by: NightenGale
Rating: R for Violence
Subject: Real to Life, Angst
Wrestlers' involved: The Brood  
Missing Scene Chapter II
 by: NightenGale
Rating: R for Violence
Subject: Real to Life, Angst
Wrestlers' involved: The Brood 
My Hunger
by: Sarah Nansen
Rating: R
 Subject: Drama
Wrestler: Gangrel, Christian

My tomb, My Eternal Hell
by: Sarah Nansen
Rating: R
 Subject: Drama/ Action
Wrestler: Gangrel, Christian, Edge 
Nightmare Drifts
by: FrozenShade
 rated: G
subject: Alternative Universe
wrestler: The Brood 
Old Flames
By: Gangrel Spawn Cindy
rating: NC 17
Subject: Angst
wrestlers: Gangrel 
Our Story
by: Sakura
written along with Anna
Rating: PG
Subject: Humor
Wrestlers: Gangrel, Rock 
Private Pain
by: Catherine Semerjian
Rating: G
Subject: Action
Wrestlers: Brood, Shane McMahon 
Part II
by: FrozenShade
rated: G
subject: Alternative Universe
wrestler: The Brood 
By: Kat
Subject: Real to Life
Wrestler: Edge, Christian, Gangrel 
part II
By: Kat
Subject: Real to Life
Wrestler: Edge, Christian, Gangrel 
Scraps of Blood
by: Sarah Nansen
Rating: PG
 Subject: Drama
Wrestler: Gangrel 
Song From the Tower
By: Kat
Subject: Alternative Universe
Wrestler: Edge, Christian, Gangrel  
by: Sarah Nansen
 Subject: Action/Drama
Wrestler: Edge/Gangrel/Christian
Time to Play
book I
by: Jean
Rating: PG
Subject: Action/Humor/Drama
Wrestler: Ministry, Brood 
Time to Play
book II
by: Jean
by: Jean
Rating: PG
Subject: Action/Humor/Drama
Wrestler: Ministry, Brood 
The Little Things
by: Catherine Semerjian
Rating: G
Subject: Action/Angst
Wrestlers: Brood, Shane McMahon

The BrooD's Epic
by: Catherine Semerjian
Rating: R
Subject: Action/angst
Wrestlers: Shane, Brood, Chyna, Corporation, Kane 
The Brood Saga
By: Gangrel Spawn Cindy
rating: R
Subject: Alternative Universe/ Romance
wrestlers: Gangrel, Edge, Christian
The Rebirth of Raven's Revenge
by: Catherine Semerjian
Rating: G
Subject: Angst
Wrestlers: Brood, Shane McMahon

The Sexy Boys
by: Catherine Semerjian
Rating: G
Subject: Alternate Universe
Wrestlers: Brood, Shawn Micheals 
The Silence is Broken
 by: NightenGale
Rating: R for Violence and Language
Subject: Angst
Wrestler's Involved: The Brood, Hardy Boys and Hayes

Welcome to the Dark
Part I
by: FrozenShade
rated: G
subject: Alternative Universe
wrestler: The Brood   
What Stephanie Wants,
Stephanie Gets
by: Catherine Semerjian
Rating: PG
Subject: Action
Wrestlers: Shane, Stephanie McMahon, HBK, Brood 
by: Casey
Rating: G
Subject: action, Romance
Wrestler: Edge, Christian, Gangrel 
Who Am I?
 by: NightenGale
Rating: R for Violence and Language
Subject: Action, Angst
Wrestlers' Involved:  The Brood and DX  
Who Am I?
Chapter 2
by: NightenGale
Rating: R for Violence and Language
Subject: Action, Angst
Wrestlers' Involved:  The Brood and DX 
Who Am I Now?
by: Catherine Semerjian
Rating: G
Subject: Humour/Angst
Wrestlers: Shane McMahon, Brood, Mick Foley 
You think you Know Me
by: Catherine Semerjian
Rating: G
Subject: Action
Wrestlers: Brood, Shane McMahon

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