this story contains slash content

There are going to be people who are going to instantly know I wrote this story. Well I am happy for you, but for the rest of you I am not giving my name. Anyway, I am a little timid about the slash thing, So I am going anonymous here.

The Last Day on Earth
Yesterday was a million years ago
In all my past lives I played an asshole
Now I found you, it’s almost too late
And this earth is obliviating
We are trembling in our crutches
High and Dead our skin is glass
I’m So empty here with out you
I crack and split my Xerox hands
I know it’s the last day on Earth
We’ll be together as the planet dies
I know it’s the last day on Earth
We’ll never say goodbye
The dogs slaughter each other softly
Love burns it’s casualties
We are Damaged provider modules
Spill the seeds at our children’s feet
I’m so empty here with out your
I know they want me dead
I know it’s the last day on Earth
We’ll be together while the planet dies
I know it’s the Last day on Earth
We’ll never say good bye

The genius that wrote that awesome song is Marilyn Manson
It is from Mechanical Animals
And loose any of those negative pieces of propaganda you have been fed on Manson
He has a good message, and he is an awesome, yet realistic artist.

  The Last Day On Earth

He wrapped his arms tightly around his body to protect against the cold. He closed his eyes so that he didn’t have to see the dinginess of what he was walking into to. HE took a deep breath and set foot onto the subway train. He was calmed to see that everyone who was seated in the car he just boarded looked harmless. He took a see across the isle for an older lady carrying a grocery bag. He wondered what she could be doing that late at night shopping for groceries in that part of the city.

Every thing about this place confused him. IT was big, dirty, and lonely. In space no one can hear you scream, well in a crowded city no one could hear you either. It was scary to be seated alone here. He would have never have moved here on his own accord, but his company promoted him to night manager of the Philadelphia Branch. IT was a $50,000 pay raise, so he had to take it. After his first night on the job he wish he didn’t. Being in the building wasn’t bad, but at 5:00 A.M when he left, he left alone. He walked out on to North Broad Street by himself, and walked three, large, scary, city blocks on his own. He didn’t feel like the city of brotherly love, loved him at all. He couldn’t wait to get to the subway station, but on the same had he dreaded it.

Now seated among the few early morning passengers he began to feel at least somewhat at ease. He didn’t want to close his eyes, for he feared that sleep would leave him vulnerable. His train of though was disturbed by a band of young people opening the sound proof door between the two train cars. They three young men dressed in black entered with menacing looks on their faces. They looked around the car at all the passengers. One said something to the other, but it was lost in sounds of the clattering subway’s wheels.

He almost jumped out of his skin as the men approached him. The one gave him an evil smile. He tried to stand up and leave the seat to the new passengers, and avoid an conflict. “Hey mister,” The one said, pushing him back into his seat. He looked up and tried to plead with the other passengers of the car for help, but they had all left, as if they knew this gang was bad news. “I’m, Hungry,” the assailant said. “I don’t have any money,” he answered. “I didn’t ask for money,” the man laughed, while reaching over and sweeping his long blond hair off his broad muscular shoulders. “I don’t have food,” he said, almost panicking, “I am sorry.” The group all laughed.

“What’s your name?” he man asked, playfully fingering his long hair. He didn’t think it would be wise to fool with them so he just told them what they wanted to know. “Christian,” he said. “What an evil name,” one of the men said. Christian looked at him confused. “Don’t you know,” the man asked, “More people have died horrific deaths in the name of Christ, then those who die of Cancer?” Christian didn’t answer him. “Yeah,” The man continued. “It seems funny to me that A religion so intent on being righteous can be so demonic.” The laughter of the men echoed through the train.

The train slowed in anticipation of the next station up the tracks. “This is my stop,” Christian said, trying to stand up again. “No it’s not,” The man responded, harshly wrapping his hand around Christian’s arm holding him back, “I said I was hungry, and if you were a real Christian, isn’t it your duty to feed me.” The group started laughing. Christian tried to back away but another person grabbed him from behind and held him still.

He was trembling in fear as one of them men got closer and closer until their faces were so close that only air could pass between them. “Calm down,” The man said, petting Christian’s hair, “I only want to kiss you.” With that the assailant bared his long, fanged, K9 teeth. Christian turned his face away. He could feel the warm breath of the man on his neck. His lips gently brushed the skin of his exposed neck, causing Christian to shiver in fear. He could feel as the man gently scraped his long teeth against his skin, careful not to puncture it yet. Christian tried to scream but nothing came out, he was helpless over the power of the men who held him.

He remembered the movies, and stories, he had seen and was told of vampires in. But he though it was a fairy tale told to make people obedient to a religion and to scare children into bed before the sun set. He never in his wildest dreams thought they could be real, but the arms the held him down told him something different.

He waited to feel the prick of the vampire’s bite, that would mean a certain end. He felt the warm pressure of the man’s mouth pull away from his neck, and he was sure that this meant he was pulling back for the kill. He then felt the arms that held him still be removed. He opened his eyes to see an amazing site.

The most beautiful figure he had ever laid eyes on was battling the assailants. He was tall, and muscular, with long blond hair, that laid in beautiful, gentle curls down his back. He wore a black leather suit that reminded Christian of body armor. It took this amazing creature only a minute to finish off the three people who attacked him. After his fight he turned to Christian and looked at him with the most amazing light green eyes.

Christian however was too much in shock to even appreciate them. He reached to grab one of the seats so that he would not fall to the ground. The Man steadied him with his strong arms. He put his hand to Christian’s neck. “Did they break the skin?” he asked. Christian was taken back by his voice, it was so masculine yet so alluring, deep and charming. “I don’t think so,” he said. The man gently ran his fingers across the sensitive skin. “No,” he said, “You will be alright.”

Christian took a moment to compose himself in the arms of the beautiful stranger. When he found the strength to stand on his own he was able to take a step back and take in the full beauty of the man who had saved him. He tried to say “Thank you,” but his startled voice only produced a whisper. “My pleasure,” he said.

“Were those really vampires?” Christian asked him. “Yes,” the man nodded. “How?” Christian asked in disbelief. “Some times fact and fiction aren’t really separate things,” he said. “There are thing that you know, and then things you think you know, but There is no way for you to tell the difference between them,” The man said trying to explain. He noticed though that the one who he had just saved didn’t seem to understand him. He didn’t really except anyone to, after the kind of shock he just had.

The man he had saved was much smaller then him. He had lovely long blond hair, and an innocent face. HE was definitely new to the city. “You are new here aren’t you,” he asked him. He answered with a  small nod. “What is your name?” he asked him. “Christian,” he answered. “HI Christian, my names Edge,” he said, giving him one of his killer smiles. “Where do you live I will take you home,” Edge offered. Christian nodded, and said that it was the next stop.

Christian still seemed to be shaken up, so Edge put his arm around him and guided him off the train. Christian didn’t mind the contact, and even leaned against Edge for support. As they reached the surface the sky was just beginning to turn that light shade of purple that meant that the sun would be rising soon. “They don’t come out during the day,” Edge said, “And they can’t get into your apartment or house with out your permission. Just don’t leave a welcome mat out.” Christian nodded, talking all the information in.

“Carry a cross with you, They don’t care about the religious aspect, however they are quite susceptible to magic, and there is magic in Pagan Christian beliefs.” Edge said, gently touching Christian’ shoulder to make sure he was listening. “Thank you,” Christian said, feeling safe for the first time since he made the trip to this city. “It’s no problem,” Edge said, as he dropped Christian off at his apartment’s door. He leaned over and gave the young man a short kiss on his cheek.

Christian closed his eyes as Edge touched him. When he opened them again there was no sign that the man had been there except the rapidly cooling phantom touch on his cheek.


Christian entered his apartment. It suddenly seemed even more inadequate then it did before. Sure this place could protect him from robbers, but not from real evil things. He closed his cried in despair. He wanted to go home so bad, but he had to at least give a two week notice at work. And even if he did go home how much safer would that make him. He couldn’t believe that these vampires only lived in the city. He was so tried that he wasn’t thinking clearly.

He started pacing, even though he knew he should sleep. He moved one of his chairs in front of the door. HE stopped when a ray of light shined through the window. Edge had told him that the vampires didn’t come out during the day, and that they couldn’t come inside with out being invited. Edge’s voice played those reassuring phrases over and over again in his mind. The memory of that voice calmed Christian down enough that he went into his room to sleep. As he drifted off for the night he just listened to Edge’s voice tell him that the evil he had saved him from could not get to him here.


Christian woke up with a start. In his dream the vampires were chasing him. He couldn’t get away, he couldn’t scream for help. He had no hope. The dream ended by the sound of his alarm clock. He had an hour to get dressed, eat and be on the train heading back to work.

The sun was just about to set as he made it through the door into the office building. The night shift always seemed to drag on by slowly. Tonight however it was speeding along till the moment that he would have to walk outside into the uncertain world of the vampire. “Quitting time,” One of his co-workers announced. He felt as if he was being blindfolded and being walked to his execution.

It had begun to rain outside. The falling water added to the bone chilling cold of the city. Christian started
Walking toward the subway station. He pulled his coat closer to him. He had the premonition he was being followed. He wanted to cry, “not this again.” He turned around to face what was following him. He expected to see the face of one of the vampires, or nothing. Instead he jumped as he saw Edge.

“Sorry,” Edge said, giving him a casual smile, “I didn’t mean to scare you.” Christian for the first time since he came to this city smiled. “Don’t do that to me,” he said. “I wanted to make sure you got home alright,” Edge said, “this city is pretty dangerous.” “Thanks,” Christian said, motioning that it was okay for Edge to walk beside him. They walked down the cold wet streets side by side. A gust of wind made Christian’s body shiver. He was totally surprised to have Edge wrap a warm comforting arm around him. He didn’t say anything, but he smiled his gratitude to the taller man.

Edge sat next to him on the subway. No one bothered them, even a bum passing by asking for spare change walked right past the slayer and his watch. Christian thought that they would at least give them looks because they were both men, who seemed to be unnaturally close to one another. Yet no one seemed to even care that Edge still had his arm draped over Christian’s shoulder.

At the stop Edge escorted Christian to his apartment. At the door Edge turned to face him, “the sun is coming up so you are safe now,” he said. “Thank you,” Christian said, wrapping his arms around the chest of the man. Edge ran his hand down his hair and kissed his the top of his head. “It’s okay,” He whispered, “I won’t let anything happen to you.” “I am moving back,” Christian said, quietly, unsure how he would take it. Edge backed up and looked right into Christian’s eyes, “No you can’t,” he said, almost pleading. “Don’t leave,” He begged, “I promise, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Christian didn’t want to refuse him. “I am too scared to stay here alone,” he admitted, quietly. “You won’t be alone,” Edge promised, “I will be here when ever you need me.” Christian leaned against Edge’s hard body. “I can’t decide now,” he said. Edge wrapped his arms around him, “It’s okay, take your time I will be here,” he said running his fingers down his hair. Christian nodded. Edge leaned over and kissed his forehead. With the blink of an eye he was gone.


Christian didn’t know what to think about Edge’s presence. HE made him feel safe, but he wanted to go back to a time when he felt safe with out the presence of a slayer. He went to sleep as the sun rose. He was troubled with nightmares. He woke from a nightmare with a scream, in a room that was cast dark by heavy curtains to help him sleep.

He got out of bed and started packing a suitcase. No matter how amazing Edge was, he wasn’t there now, he wasn’t helping with the nightmares. The alarm clock went off signaling that it was time for him to wake up. The shrill sound made him jump out of his skin. He shook his head, thinking of his situation. He couldn’t even live a normal life. He made the decision to tell his boss that he was going home that evening.

He opened the door to leave the apartment and go to work. Edge was waiting outside the door. “Edge?” he said surprised to see him. “It’s getting dark, I will walk with you,” Edge said. Christian nodded. Edge gave Christian his hand, and guided him outside.

Christian leaned into Edge, he was less scared now, he was calm now. But he feared that fear he would feel when Edge wasn’t with him.  “I can’t do this,” Christian whispered. Edge stopped in his tracks, “do what?” he asked. “I can’t live here alone,” Christian said. “You aren’t alone,” Edge said. “I can’t stand this, Everything scares me,” Christian said. “I will be there,” Edge solemnly promised him. Christian didn’t respond he just entered the building.

Edge watched him go, his heart breaking. He knew there was something special about him. He prayed to Gods that he didn’t believe existed that he would stay with him. He was always lonely. No one ever talked to him. No one ever even cared about him. His job was to destroy evil, that is what he was made to do. When he was created he knew he destiny, and he never felt compelled to wander from that trail, until he saw him.

The second he saw Christian, trembling, the sacrificial lamb to some vampires, he knew things were different. The second he touched him something happened to him. It was like he knew him, he was connected to him. It took every bit of will power he had not to sneak into his apartment and hold him during his sleep. He feared that it would scare Christian even more. He couldn’t get enough of this creature.

He couldn’t stand there waiting for him, he had a job. He went off in search of evil incarnate. At the end of the night he made his way back to the building. He was held up and was five minutes late. Christian stood inside the glass doors of the closed office building trembling. Edge went up to him and wrapped his arms around him. He kissed the top of his head. “I’m sorry,” Edge whispered. He could here the sobs of the smaller creature in his arms. “I’m sorry,” Edge said, over and over again.

Christian pulled away from him. “This is stupid,” he said. Edge looked at him with inquisitive eyes. “I am acting like a child,” he said, no able to bring himself to make eye contact with Edge. “No you are just scared,” Edge said, extending his hand toward him, but Christian pulled away. “I can’t live like this,” he said. Edge could feel the bad news coming. “No,” he begged. “Please don’t leave, I promise I will never be late again, Please don’t go.”

Christian looked up into the eyes of the strongest man he had ever met. He saw a tear streak down the perfect cheek of this amazing creature. He came to the realization that fear wasn’t something to ashamed of. He reached up and swept the tear away. Edge threw his arms around Christian. He just kept muttering, “I’m sorry, I wont’ do it again.”

They didn’t speak to each other the entire way home. Edge held Christian in his arms on the train, gently running his fingers in his hair. At the door to Christian apartment they stopped, both unsure of what was coming next. “Please,” Christian said, “come in.” Edge smiled, following Christian into the apartment.

Christian for the first time felt safe in the place he lived. Edge stood there right inside the door, wondering what he should do next. Christian almost laughed at him, he was so strong yet so timid. “Sit down,” he said, motioning to the couch. Christian poured both of them a glass of wine, and joined Edge on the couch.

Christian relaxed against Edge’s body. “I want to quit,” he said. Christian could feel Edge’s body tense up at those words. “I know you do,” he admitted. “I know you are scared, and you have every right to be. There is no reason you shouldn’t leave,” he said. “Except you,” Christian said. Edge put his hand around Christian’s chin turning it up it look at his face. “You would stay for me?” he asked. “If you will stay with me,” Christian said. Edge lowered his lips to Christian’s, gently brushing them across his. He was unsure how Christian would react, but he hoped the gesture was enough of an answer.

Christian responded by snaking his arms around Edge’s neck. He looked into his eyes, “I will always be here to protect you,” Edge promised. Christian returned Edge’s gesture, this time opening his mouth allowing Edge to take his tongue and explore Christian’s mouth. Christian massaged Edge’s tongue with his, gently enticing him to continue the embrace longer.

Christian finally stopped to get a breath of air. In that moment Edge looked at him, and said something neither of them though they would hear. “I love you,” Edge found himself saying. Love wasn’t something he had ever felt before, but he knew he loved Christian. Christian kissed him lightly, “I love you too,” he admitted.

Christian directed Edge toward his bed room. Edge looked at the bed and back at Christian. “I’ve never done this before,” Edge admitted. “Never?” Christian asked, “Not even with a woman?” “No,” Edge said, “I have never.” Christian started unbuttoning his shirt. He took Edge’s hand and placed in on his bare skin. “We don’t have to do this tonight,” Christian reassured him, placing his hand over Edge’s. “I want to,” Edge admitted, “I just don’t know if I can.”

“Don’t worry,” Christian said, “I will show you.” Christian pulled his shirt all the way off. He started pulling at the tight clothing Edge wore. Edge helped him remove the garment. Christian gasped as Edge pulled the garment away from his chest. His body was perfect, but over his breast bone was a decorate branded scar. It was detailed, like a tattoo, depicting a castle scene. “I got it when I was created,” Edge said, feeling ashamed of the mark that no one had seen since that day.

“It’s beautiful,” Christian said. Edge calmed as Christian ran his hands over his body. “You are so beautiful,” Christian sighed into Edge’s ear. “I have never seen anything more beautiful then you,” Edge said sweeping the hair away from Christian’s face.

Christian kissed Edge’s chest just above the scar. He could feel Edge’s powerful body tense and relax and Christian massaged his nipples and crotch through his clothing. “Take this off,” Christian said, referring to Edge’s pants. Edge obliged as Christian did the same.

Christian got his first glimpse at the rest of his slayer and was paralyzed, he had never seen any person, male or female who looked that perfect. Every aspect of his body was toned and shaped like a work of art. Edge couldn’t help but feel the same way as he looked at Christian’s man hood. He was so attractive that he feared that he would not be good enough to fulfil his every desire.

Christian lowered his hand to Edge’s man hood, gently running his fingers down his penis. Edge jumped at the new sensation. “You really haven’t done this before?” Christian said in disbelief. “No, I am sorry,” Edge said turning his head away ashamed. Christian reached up and turned his face back to him, “That is the most perfect thing I have ever heard,” he said kissing him deeply. “Now,” Christian commanded Edge, “hold on tight.” Christian lowered his head, gently kissing Edge’s body in a path that lead to the swollen organ between his legs.

Edge couldn’t contain a moan of pleasure, Christian smiled at him reassuring him that his emotions were appropriate. Christian ran his tongue down the length of Edge’s penis. He could feel the reaction in his man hood as he watched Edge wither in excitement. Christian took the tip of Edge’s penis in his mouth gently massaging it with his tongue. “Oh my God,” Edge gasped. He started to instinctively buck as Christian pumped his shaft with his hand.

Christian knew that Edge was getting close, pre cum oozed into his mouth. Edge tasted better then he imagined. He swirled his tongue around him, enticing him to go further. He could feel the tenseness in every muscle of his lover.

Edge didn’t know what was happening. He could feel a fire burning inside of him, greater then any pain from injury he had ever felt, but it wasn’t pain, it was want. He wanted something, but had no idea what it was. He could feel something inside him was going to explode. He didn’t want to let it happen, he was afraid he would hurt Christian. He tried to calm the tremors that wracked his body, but he had no control. He opened his mouth to tell Christian something was happening to him but a moan was all that came out.

Christian was aware Edge was about to come. Edge had no idea what was going to happen next but he felt his strong body lose control of this fire, and it exploded. His body arched up, as he felt the burning over take him. Seconds later he found himself looking for Christian. His lover was between his legs licking his cum off his penis. “Christian?” Edge asked, his voice horse. “That was amazing,” Christian said. “Did I hurt you?” Edge asked, scared to hear the reply. “No of course not, it was only…” Christian come to the realization, “You never had an orgasm before?”

“A What?” Edge asked. “An orgasm, you never came before?” Christian asked. “No I said I never did that before,” Edge said. “But I thought you would have at least…” Christians stopped mid sentence seeing the hurt in Edge’s eyes. “It’s okay,” Christian said, laying next to him, wrapping his arms around him. “I didn’t know,” Christian said. “I didn’t understand, but it is okay,” Christian whispered in his ear to reassure him.

Edge lay wordlessly in his arms for a few minutes. Christian broke the silent, “did you like it?” he asked. “Like it?” Edge thought for a moment, “That was amazing, It was like I was going to explode, How did you do it?”  Christian explained the idea to the slayer. Minutes later Christian found himself staring down at the Slayer who knelt between his legs.

Edge gently returned the favor of oral sex, and Christian was quite appreciated. “You are wonderful,” Christian said, holding on to Edge, as they got ready to fall asleep by each other that night. “This is wonderful,” Edge said taking in the beauty of the scene. Christian kissed Edge good night, and the spent the remaining hours to the alarm went off holding each other’s bodies. Christian’s dreams were plagued with images of his slayer’s naked body, not of demons from the depths of hell.


Instead of waking up seeing the haunting vision of monsters, Christian was woken by the sounds of light snoring.  “I would never figure you snored,” Christian said out loud, waking Edge. He seemed startled but smiled at the happy grin on Christian’s face. “I snore?” Edge asked. “Yes you do,” Christian said giggling. Edge laughed. “Will you ever forgive me?” Edge asked. “Only if you make every night like last night,” Christian said. Edge kissed him, “Your wish is my command.”

Christian giggled getting out of bed and heading toward the shower. Edge sat on the edge of the bed waiting for Christian to direct him to what he wanted him to do. Christian wondered if Edge was embarrassed to join him. Then it occurred to him that he might not know if it was okay or not. “Join me?” Christian asked. Edge jumped up and followed him.

Christian and Edge both enjoyed the pleasures of the warm shower that they shared. “I have to get going to work,” Christian said. Edge reluctantly followed Christian out of the shower. Edge walked Christian to work that day, and picked him up afterward. No one ever questioned their union. Life was perfect.


“We should just leave,” He said stepping forward. “What would that prove?” another voice from the shadows asked. “It will save lives,” The first voiced yelled back. “He will just follow us,” the second voice argued.

“Quiet,” a face from the darkness commanded. Every soul in the room did as he said. They all backed up allowing the man to walk into the center of the room. “We can not flee,” The voice said. “Lord Gangrel, tell us what you want us to do,” a chorus of voices asked.

“The slayer has walked the earth for thousands of years alone,” Gangrel said. “His solitude brought him strength. Now the slayer no longer travels alone, There is a boy…” Gangrel said, sneering. “A companion to the slayer. He is the weak link.” “We kill him?” A voice asked. “No, the boy is much better to us alive.”

Everyone was captivated by Gangrel. “The Alignment is coming,” Gangrel said. “We can rid this world of the slayer, if we can get him in the right place at the right time. All we need is bait…”


“Do I look stupid in this?” Christian asked his lover who lay still naked on the bed. “It doesn’t fit you,” Edge said laughing at his tiny lover who tried wearing his tight leather clothing. “I don’t know how you wear this thing,” Christian said pulling at the crotch of the pants. “I didn’t want to tell you this cause you are soooo cute,” Edge said coming up behind Christian kissing his neck, “But you got the pants on backwards.” Christian doubled over laughing. Edge picked him up and put him on the bed.

They spent every day asleep in the safety of each other’s arms. When the night came Edge would escort Christian to work. The fears that Christian had were long gone in the protective relationship he had with his lover. Today was no different has he pulled himself out of bed after a long day time’s sleep.

When Christian sat up he say Edge sitting up watching him. “What’s wrong?” Christian asked. “I don’t know,” Edge said. Christian gave him a questioning glance. “I just feel this premonition that something is going to happen,” Edge said. “Something bad?” Christian asked. “I am not sure,” Edge said, getting out of bed. “Maybe I shouldn’t go to work today,” Christian said. “There is a funny thing about fate,” Edge said, “If something is going to happen it’s going to happen, and there is no way of stopping it. We just have to stay together and pray it is something we can conquer.”

Christian could tell Edge was uneasy himself, as he got dressed, in the outfit Christian had discarded early that day. “Are you sure,” Christian asked. “I mean wouldn’t you feel better if we just stayed here tonight?” “I have no idea if this thing, good or bad, has anything to do with us,” Edge said. “But I can tell you are upset,” Christian said. “It’s nothing,” Edge said, turning away and going into the bathroom. “IT is to something,” Christian corrected following him.

“You are upset,” Christian commanded, “And you are going to tell me what it is.” “I can’t imagine it,” Edge said. “Imagine what?” Christian asked. “I have lived, for hundreds of years now, and those are just a blink of an eye, cause they had no depth to them, they are nothing, But the last few months, they are like a life. They have more color, and more emotion to them then a thousand years. I just don’t think I can deal with the idea of a world with out you,” Edge said.

Christian didn’t say anything, he just wrapped his arms around his lover. “You have given me a new life too,” Christian said. Edge suddenly tensed, “What day is it?” he asked. “November 1st,” Christian said. “Shit,” Edge said, breaking the embrace and storming into the living room that contained most of the belongings Edge brought with him. There were several books that Christian could not read because non were in English.

“What is it?” Christian asked concerned. “The day of alignment is happening in 7 suns,” Edge said. “What the hell are you talking about?,” Christian asked. “They planets will be in alignment for 2 hours in a week,” Edge said. “So?” Christian asked. “It is the time in which magic is most powerful,” Edge said. “Is that good or bad?” Christian asked.

Edge walked around the couch as if he didn’t know what to do. “Out with it Edge,” Christian said, “You are making me nervous.” “I haven’t seen him,” Edge said. “Seen who?” Christian asked. “Vampires are funny you see,” Edge explained. “They don’t listen to authority, but there are certain lords in their culture. They transcend every society they have formed. They have been around even longer then I, and they are powerful magicians,” Edge tried to explain. “There is one here?” Christian asked.

“I have been seeing signs that a Hybrid, Gangrel, Bruha, is here,” Edge said. “You lost me,” Christian said. “They are tribes,” Edge tried to explain. “Okay so bottom line what the hell are you talking about,” Christian said.

“I am immortal,” Edge said. “I guessed,” Christian said. “But there is a spell that can take my power,” Edge said. “You mean…” Christian said, suddenly speechless over the idea that he could lose his lover, and protector. “NO, He can’t,” Edge said, “He needs me to be there.” “Then don’t go,” Christian said, grabbing Edge’s body, holding on for everything he was worth. “I am staying with you,” Edge said, “I will be right by your side…”

Edge dropped Christian off at work, and hit the streets. There wasn’t as much vamp activity this night as the others. It also seemed like the vampires he did encounter were decoys. He didn’t like the current of this. He started closing the gap between him and office building Christian was in.

Edge heard a noise behind him. He turned around to be faced with a vampire holding a large explosive launchers. Edge laughed, “You can’t kill me,” he said. “I am aware slayer,” the vampire said, “but I can take you out of the game for a while.” With that he fired the canon. The huge ammunition cut a huge hole in Edge’s side. He crippled over on the ground in extreme pain. He used his hand to expect the damage. It would be at least an hour before he was healed enough to walk.

Then his mind went to Christian. They were planning something. He would cripple every last one of them, and leave them out for painful deaths if they so much as touched him. He didn’t know where he got the strength to get to his feet, with his right side missing. He leaned heavily on a wall of a nearby building. He slowly started making his way to where Christian was.


“You need to do employment interviews,” Christian’s boss said. “Tonight?” Christian asked, rubbing at his fatigued eyes. “Yep, sorry, We have three people here now,” She said. She left the room leaving the door open so that the people searching for an interview could come in.

Christian looked out his window at the streets below. He found himself for the first time worrying about his Lover. Something could kill Edge, it wasn’t possible. It took away the one bit of certainty he had in this life, That Edge would be there. He couldn’t see past the darkness of the poorly lit city streets, but he could feel the evil that was out there lurking.

Christian’s train of thought was disturbed by the appearance of three young men at the doorway to his office. “Sorry guy,” Christian said, “lets do this one at a time okay?”  Christian didn’t have a second to think before the three of the men jumped him.


Edge dragged his aching body along. He had finally made it to the block that Christian’s building was on.  He started to panic seeing the police cars the surrounded the building. Edge walked up behind a crowd of people who were standing there watching the scene. “What happened,” Edge asked, from behind a man. “Some person working there was abducted tonight, Apparently the person just left behind a note written in blood,” The man said, he then turned around, “Freaky Huh?…. “ he stopped seeing Edge’s haggard appearance.

Edge just backed away before the surprised man could call attention to him. Edge sneaked upstairs behind the police barricade. He used the stealth of a slayer to make it behind the officers’ back. The door to the room was covered with police tape. He ducked under the lowest tape.

The office that Christian always kept so tidy was a total mess. His little Christian put up a good fight. Edge sat at the desk on which the bloody letter lay.

      You have until midnight Saturday to find him,
       Or all you will need is directions to the Center City Cemetery,”

Edge smelled the letter, he breathed a sigh of relief noticing it wasn’t Christian’s blood that wrote this letter. He looked around the room for some clues, he was distracted by a picture. Edge had no idea that Christian kept a picture of him. It was a cheap Polaroid of Edge with his arms around Christian. Edge remembered when Christian took it. He took the photo with him. It would be impossible to make it back out the front door, so he jumped from the window.


 Christian woke up, his head was spinning. The first thing that went through his mind was that it was cold. If he was cold that meant that Edge’s beautiful body wasn’t by his side. Christian would not even take a nap with out Edge. He tried to role over and search for his lover, but the pain at the base of his skull sent him rolling back on his back.

“Edge?” he asked, searching for his lover. “Yes dear,” a unfamiliar voice said. Christian opened his eyes to see the alien features of evil. The man who stood before him was dark, he had a way of making the air around he be overcome in darkness. He heard laughing fill the room, he had never heard such a bone chilling sound.

“He is coming,” The evil man said. “Who are you?” Christian said. “You can call me Lord Gangrel,” he said. “I am the nightmare that comes to children in the night, I am the darkness that lurks in the in corner, or in your closet, or under your bed,” He said.

“Just a little conceited?” Christian mocked. Gangrel backhanded him. “Don’t you dare talk back to me again,” Gangrel said. “What would your lovely slayer think if I had to kill you before he got here?” Gangrel didn’t want an answer and didn’t give him time, he signaled for some of his helpers to grab him. “But I will make you wish you were dead,” Gangrel yelled to Christian as his men dragged him off.


Edge peeled his body off the ground. He knew roughly in which direction he could find the hide out. That would be his best bet. He staggered in the direction. He tried his hardest to keep going but there was no energy left in his tired body. He collapsed on the ground in an alley way. He knew there was no way he would be able to get up for at least an hour.

He heard something, he prayed it was not another vampire that could slow him even further. A door leading from the back door of a tattoo pallor into the alley opened, and a young girl came out to throw out the last load of garbage in the dumpster. The tattoo place had closed for the evening. She gasped seeing the sign of Edge’s tortured body.

“Mister?” she asked, “are you okay?”  She heard a moan. “Want me to call an ambulance?” she asked. “No,” Edge begged, if the police got involved he would be further detained. “You look hurt,” she said, “are you sure?” “Yes,” He said. “Your high or something right?” she asked. “No, I just have to…” he said, trying to push himself to his knees.  She caught him. “Okay,” she said, “You don’t smell like have been drinking.”

She heard the sounds of voices coming from the end of the alley. “Vampires,” she said, pulling him inside the door. She turned the injured man over on his back to see his face. “You’re the slayer aren’t you?” she asked. “Yeah,” Edge said. “Okay,” she said, “Hold on.”

“Is everything okay?” Edge heard a man’s voice say. “Yeah Dave. I am just you know singing to myself,” She said, covering up her find, “I will lock up.” “You sure?” he asked. “Yeah I will be fine,” she said. “Okay sweet heart,” he said, “see you tomorrow.”

A minute later she appeared back at Edge’s side. “This will heal faster if I stitch it up,” she said. Edge didn’t flinch as she took a needle and thread and stitched the loose skin together. “How did you know…” he managed to ask. “My brother is a vampire,” she said. Edge knew the kind of pain it must be to have a family member’s death be masked in the disillusions of evil.

Edge was losing less blood from the makeshift repair job the girl did. “It might help,” she said, putting a towel to his side to staunch the flow of blood. “Yeah a lot,” he said, now just able to get back to his feet. “You should rest for a while,” she said. “I have to find some one,” Edge said. She nodded that she understood, and went about cleaning up the mess. “Thanks,” he said. “You’re welcome,” she said. Edge was about to stagger out the door when she called out to him. “Look I know it is a long shot, but my brother’s name is Matt, if you see him, could you try to…” she didn’t want to say what she was thinking. “See that he gets to rest in peace,” Edge finished for her. She nodded. He nodded, and staggered away.


The sounds of wild gothic music filled the building, drowning out of the deafening of a tortured mortal soul. Gangrel pounded on the door to a room they called “The Camber.” The door was thick oak and the sound of his fist just fed along with the music of the night. “God damn it you two,” he screamed, “Let me in!”

His cry went unheard. “I will break the god damned door down if you don’t open up,” He yelled. He noticed that they were not hearing him. He closed his eyes and pushed all his energy into his fists. With out a single touch the large wooden doors flew from their hinges into the room.

“Damn it Gangrel,” a young blond vampire said, “All you had to do is knock.” Gangrel gave him a deadly gaze. He walked over and turned down the music. As soon as the volume was lowered he was treated to the sounds of human screaming.

“How is he,” Gangrel asked, walking circles around his young blond captive. Christian was bound by his wrists with metal hand cuffs and strung from the ceiling. Blood ran down his arms from the open wounds on his writs that left him in agony. A darker vampire was getting a thrill out of striking his small body with a leather whip.

“Oh I don’t know,” The blond said, “I guess he might live.” “Listen you two,” Gangrel said. “Matt, Jeff, Look, I am going to say this once, and only once, Don’t you ever play that FUCKING music so loud I don’t hear such amazing sounds.” Gangrel looked around the torture chamber. He picked up a long stick. “Look, boys,” he instructed, “This is making music.” He held the dangerous edge of the cattle prod up to Christian’s side. The reaction was instant. Christian’s tortured body let out an instant non human scream. He started shaking and trembling.

Both of the young men laughed. “Boys, look at this,” he said, pointing to Christian. “He is not even human anymore. Christian’s body had lost it’s control, saliva ran down his chin, tears fell from his eyes.  He panted trying to breath through the pain, before he was hit with another dose. “he doesn’t even have the pride not to scream,” Gangrel said, sticking the black cattle prod to him again.

“Is it time for the box?” Jeff asked. “Yes I think so,” Gangrel said. Matt produced a little device. “If the slayer takes it off him it will kill him, and we can use it to inflict infinite amounts on him. What a beautiful invention,” Gangrel smiled. “Can we try it out?” Jeff begged. “Yes of course,” Gangrel said, handing the trigger to his younger vampire.

Jeff turned it on the lowest setting. Christian’s scream could have scared even the darkest soul. He was in so much pain he couldn’t breath. Jeff turned it off. “He could die of just sheer pain,” Matt said.

Both boys were laughing. “Still,” Gangrel said, moving around him. “We have to get the slayer here,” he said thinking, “and I doubt he would stay for a disgusting body such as this.” Gangrel looked around. “I think you boys should leave him alive.” “You wish is our command,” Matt said. “So enough for now?” Jeff asked. “Yes,” Gangrel sighed, “but, you know right now the worse torture is not being able to sleep, He is thirsty and in pain. Shine the flood lights on him, don’t give him water, and keep him awake.” Both the boys looked excited.

“This my dears, is the true meaning of life,” Gangrel said walking away, “Pain, and suffering.”


Edge could feel his body mending it self slowly. He was able to move now, he was in great pain, but it was not anything he couldn’t ignore. He knew something was up. He walked into a piece of town that was usually over ran by vampires, but not a single one was to be found.

The old burnt out row houses, to the naked eye, looked like just another play ground for the amateur graffiti artist. However Edge spoke almost 100 languages, and he read even more then that. The symbols were all significant, and  confirmed his belief that a Hybrid lord was here.

He wondered why there was no welcoming party. The symbols suggested that one of the houses was the resting place of a Lord. The building was boarded up, but a second floor window’s boards were torn away. Edge knew that many of the vampires could levitate. This is probably how they entered the building. He used the crevices in the bricks to slowly climb to the window. He squeezed inside. The room was dark, but his immortal eyes quickly adapted to the lighting.

The room looked like just another burnt out building. But there was symbols on the walls. He started to read them. IT didn’t take him long to know they were the cantation that would take away his power. Three of the walls were covered with this. The forth had drawings on it. Part of one was obscured by a mattress leaned up against it. He pulled the piece of trash away.

He stepped back in shock. It was a perfect charcoal sketch of his young lover suspended from his wrists, being tortured. Edge wanted to be sick, but he didn’t have the time. He had to end Christian’s suffering.

He knew vampires wanted to stay as far away from the sun as they could. It was in their nature, so he headed downstairs. The stair case was torn away, so he jumped, and like a cat landed on two feet. He looked around. There were no more signs of vampire activity. He then heard it. IT was the sounds of pain and suffering, and he knew it was coming from his lover.

The sounds came from some where below him. He couldn’t find a way into the basement. He looked everywhere. He was so frustrated listening to his beloved Christian scream, that he couldn’t’ concentrate. He screamed in frustration. He then felt a cold draft in an old living room. He felt the walls. The walls were made of plaster, decorated in little leaves. He could see the outline of a door on the dingy wall but he had no idea how to get it to open.

“I’m coming Christian,” he whispered, “just hang on please….” He put his head against his arm that rested on the wall. Like magic the door opened revealing a staircase.  He ran down the stair case and followed the sounds of the screams. He found two ajar oak doors, and ran through them.

What he saw disturbed him more then the depths of hell. Who vampires were screaming at his lover, who was in obvious pain. Both of the vampires jumped him. One had the same eyes as the girl who had helped him. “Matt,” he asked. The vampire pulled back. It gave Edge the instant he needed to pull one of the devices off the wall and plunge it into his heart. He had repaid the debt and it was over.

Jeff attacked him. Edge could have finished him off but Gangrel disturbed him. “I would’t do that,” Gangrel’s evil voice said. “You are the lord,” Edge said, hatred in his voice, “You are going to die at my hands, you bastard.”

“Edge…” Christian’s weak, and horse voice said. Edge reached for him, the instant he moved toward him Christian let out a scream of pain. “I wouldn’t do that,” Gangrel taunted. “Turn it OFF!” Edge screamed. Gangrel turned it down, so that he could be heard over the screams.

“You want it off?” Gangrel asked, “You give me what I want.” Edge looked at Gangrel and back at his lover, who needed him so desperately. “You will just kill him when I was gone,” Edge said. “Oh my word isn’t good enough for you?” Gangrel asked. “You word is worth shit, just like you,” Edge said. He instantly regretted it, Gangrel turned up the power on Christian causing him to scream. “Stop it!!!!” Edge screamed.

Gangrel laughed. “You must promise,” Gangrel said. Edge thought about it, he had to keep Christian safe. “Under my conditions,” Edge said. Gangrel allowed him to speak. “You are a magician,” Edge said, “You bind him from harm first,” Edge said, pointing to Christian. “That’s all you want?” Gangrel asked. Edge nodded. “Take him down,” Gangrel told Jeff.

“You know how this works slayer,” Gangrel said. “I can kill him if you don’t cooperate, with the push of a button, if you try to take it off, It will kill him instantly. I will bind him then We have our fun.” Edge nodded his understanding. “Two days to the alignment,” Gangrel said, “Just to show I am not heartless you can spend it together. Take him to the box.” Jeff dragged Christian’s body off.

“You want my cooperation, bring me food, water and a blanket,” Edge said. “I don’t see the point,” Gangrel laughed, “But it won’t hurt anything.” Gangrel escorted Edge to a black room.

The room was four plain back walls, with a black ceiling, and floor. One flood light with a single light bulb illuminated the room. Jeff dumped Christian’s body on the ground. Edge went right over to him picking him up gently. Two minutes later Jeff returned with a  large army blanket and a plate with a  bottle or water, an apple and a piece of white bread.

Jeff didn’t make eye contact with the slayer as he closed to door behind him. Edge heard the dead bolt lock into place. HE gently gathered Christian in his arms and sat against a wall. He draped the blanket over them, let Christian be warmed by his own body heat. “Christian,” Edge said silently. Christian moaned softly. “It’s okay baby,” Edge said, kissing his forehead, “I’m here now, nothing more is going to happen to you.”

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Livin' On the Edge