The Christian Spirit
By: Tarian
Author's note: This title was used in WWF Magazine before I wrote this story..... So the writer of that story, Laura, gets all the credit for the title.... ****************************************************

Chapter 1

Edge had been gone for almost an hour. It wasn't like him to be out for so long. Christian waited patiently though. His mind was caught up in other thoughts. He heard the door slam and he turned to his brother.

"Where have you been?"

Edge was surprised to see his brother standing there. He tried not to show it and smiled.


"For an hour?"


"You're never gone that long."

"I'm sorry. You didn't have to wait up."

"I was thinking about other things, so I wasn't really paying attention to your absence."

Edge rolled his eyes and grinned.

"You and your damn spirituality."

Christian didn't laugh at his brother's so called joke. He just stood there with no response. Edge sat on the couch.

"Why are you so damn spiritual?"

Christian looked at his brother and simply smiled.

"Why are you so intellectual?"

Edge was stumped. He had no response for his brother. He watched his brother. He just stood there unmoving. Edge stood.

"Who made you spiritual? At least answer me that."

"No one. I made myself what I am and what I always will be."

Edge glared at his brother.

"Why are you so damn spiritual?! I want an answer to that to!"

Christian was shocked by his brother's tone. He returned the glare.

"I'm not answering you if you speak to me like that."

"You'll answer if I tell you to."

"Will I?"

Edge grabbed his brother. "Do as I say Christian. That's all I ask."

Christian tried to pull away from his brother, but to no avail. "Let go Edge. You're hurting me."

"That's the point dumbass."

Christian felt tears rolling down his cheeks, but he didn't care. He finally pulled away from Edge. Edge just looked at his hands as if in a trance. Christian just stared at his brother. Edge looked at his brother.

"God, Christian. I'm so sorry. You know how I get."

Christian glared at his brother. "You hurt me."

Edge tried to hug his brother, but Christian ran to his room, hoping not to see his brother for the rest of that night.

Chapter 2

CHristian sat on his window seat. He stared out the window, letting tears fall from his eyes. He looked over at the table where his sunglasses were and then looked back out the window. He pulled his knees up to his chest. Edge did go crazy once in awhile, but what was his reason? Christian didn't know the answer and he had a feeling he didn't want to know. He looked at the first star that had appeared in the sky. He didn't believe in wishes, but he thought that maybe he could make one just this once.

I wish Gangrel would return to me.

There. It was done. Hopefully, it would come true. Christian heard the phone ring downstairs. Then he heard Edge hang it up. Christian ran downstairs and grabbed the phone. "What are you doing?" Edge. Christian looked at him.

"Calling someone. Why?"

Edge grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. "You're not calling Gangrel."

"Who says?"

"I do."

He threw Christian into a table. Christian got up with the phone in his hand and ran up to his room. Then he heard Edge. "Chris, I'm sorry."

Chapter 3

Christian slammed the door. He sat on the window seat again and dialed Gangrel's number.

Christian calls Gangrel.

Matt: Hello?

Christian: Matt? Is Gangrel there?

Matt: Who's this?

Christian: It's Christian. Please don't hang up.

Matt: I won't. Are you okay? You sound upset.

Christian: I'll be alright.

Matt: I'll get Gangrel. Hold on.

Gangrel: Hello?

Christian: Hi Gangrel.

Gangrel: ( voice quivering ) Christian?

Christian: Yeah it's me. Listen, you have to help me. Edge is going insane.

Gangrel: ( angry ) Did he hurt you?

Christian: Twice.

{ silence}

Gangrel: Stay in your room. We'll be there in a minute.

Christian hung up the phone. He awaited the arrival of the new brood. He heard some commotion downstairs and then watched his door be slammed open by Edge. Christian had no where to go. Edge grabbed him by the neck and held him out the window. "You called him."

"Edge, please."

"Shut up. Why did you do it?!"

Christian was passing out. Edge let go of him and Christian's hands were holding on to the ledge. Edge was fighting someone and then he left the room. Then an all to familiar voice called his name.


"Gangrel! Help me!"

Gangrel ran to the window and grabbed one of Christian's hands. "Give me your other hand."

Christian shook his head. "I can't. I'm scared."

Christian saw Matt and Jeff. They were scared for him. Gangrel tightened his grip on the one hand he had. "It's okay. Just reach up."

Again, Christian shook his head. "I can't. I'm scared." Jeff looked down at Christian. He was definately scared. Jeff looked at Matt. Matt looked down at Christian.

"Christian, it's okay. Don't be afraid."

Christian couldn't believe it. Matt was encouraging him. Christian lifted his other hand and grabbed Gangrel's other hand. Gangrel pulled him up and held him in his arms. Christian just sat there crying hysterically. Matt and Jeff sat on the window seat. Jeff looked at Gangrel.

"Is he okay?"

Gangrel nodded. He looked down at Christian. "You're coming back with us. Okay?"

He nodded. That's what he had wanted all along.


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