Past Updates
I decided to try something new for the next week or so to see if it goes over well
I added a Slam Book,
Please sign it and let me know a little about you.
I am back, I had some computer problems, so
that explains most of my absence,
that I am terribly lazy...
Anyway, I put up a bunch of new pictures,
they include new ones from the famed Ladder match
pictures from the WWF NEW York's Grand opening,
and a few from recent matches.
I added a link to a site about the McMahon family
and , I won a few more awards
gave out the Brood award to some people
I Gave out yet another round of the Golden Award.
I have decided to push the voting for the Golden Award
back to one month per round.
This should aid me in making the award even more prestigious.
Okay as some people have been oh so kind to remind me,
I apologize, I have been on vacation.
Anyway I am back to updating and
I am updating couple things I got done tonight.
I added 20 pictures to the photogallery,
There are some from Edge's new Movie Highlander.
I added a ton of new Brood Award winners
BTW I will be giving out a batch of Golden Award winners some time soon
I promise.
Also any nominations as of now, will go to the next vote.
I won 4 more awards, which means I can't be that bad, even if I dont' update.
and last but not least
I added a link to another Edge Page.
I added another Edge and Christian Link
I addeda  link to a Hardy Boy's site
I joined another Top site
Please vote for me
If you have recently applied for either
the Brood Award or the Golden Award:
for a few days so please apply again.
I will hold off voting for the Golden AWARD for another few days
to give people to reapply.
I added an Aol Instand Messanger pager to the contact me page.
So if you are just dying to talk to me
and you have AOL or AIM check it out.
I won 6 New Awards
and there has been another winner of the Brood Award.
 I added Three more links to various wrestling sites.

Crunch time...
finals SUCK
I have a lot of work to do.
But I did get a couple of updates in...
First of all I updated teh fan fiction challenge with a new seasonal subject.
Check it out and perhaps write us a story!
I finnaly posted the first three winners of the Golden Award.
I also had some more winners for the Brood Award
I won another award myself
I added a couple of links to some great wrestling sites
as well as a link to a new Edge and Christian site
And last but not least
including Edge and Christian in tuxs!

I completely changed the look of Livin' On The Edge
I know it is totaly different
I have been going for Job intereviews to write HTML and I didn't think the original page in it's simple format cut it, so I decided to upgrade.
I hope Everyone comes to like the new page.
Please Page me, and tell me what you think!
When I was changing things around I created a new Brood bio.
My use of all Custom Made Graphics has caused me to make a new Disclaimer.
I will be giving out the Golden page away to the first 3 winners on Tuesday, If you would like to apply please fill out the form. 
I joined another Web Ring
and I put up some new fan fiction, I know it has been a while but finnaly I did! 
I am introducing a NEW AWARD.
It is a brand new award for only the most elite of sites
I won two new awards
I added a couple new award winners
I added another Link to Brood Banner Central
I also changed that entire page around.
well I know it's late but...
I updated the challenge with a new subject, for round four.
Judges for the Fan Fiction Challenge: There is a new Ballet, Please use it and vote for the halloween round! ASAP
Also I have put up Round II's Award winners.
I added 19 picutres to the Photo Gallery
I won two more awards
Gave out my award to a bunch of great sites
Just a note, I know this page has been hard to load because of the counter, and I apologize, I just didnt' want to change services because I loved Boing Dragon so much, however being that 2 months is to long of a wait for a working counter I had to change. The counter you see is behind two months count, but at least it works! 
I totaly changed the Photogallery
and added a bunch of new picutres
I made a new banner for the site
I won another award
Put up 3 new award winners
I Added a link to a site I love about Edge
and I Fixed up my about me section, so if you are compulsed to learn about me, check it out.
Just a reminder: the Fan fiction challenge will be over on Sunday, so please submit your halloween stories. 
Look! I updated more then once in a week, and to think I used to do this daily.
Anyway, I added a link to another Edge site to Brood Banner Central
And I Added acouple more pieces of Fan Fiction
There are fifty stories that I still have to post so if you are waiting for your story to be posted be paitent I am getting there in the chronological order I found them in my mail box. 
I added a whole Bunch of Picutres to the Photogallery
and I added a couple award winners.
The Fan fiction challenge will be closing Next Sunday, so submit your stories!!!!!!
A few rumors, and taping reports have been posted on the Rumors message board!
Coming soon...
much more fan fiction, and more photos

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