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Destiny - 3 Weeks Old
March 2002

Welcome to my website.
My name is Destiny
(But Mommy Calls Me "Bug")
and I am 4 years old!
My Mommy made this site for me.
She stays home with me and my little brother.

I also have 3 older Step-Brothers.
Their names are Tom, Tony & Andy.
Tom is 14, and Tony & Andy are 12.
They're twins.
I've never met them,
they live in Vermont with their Mom.

Guess what I can do...
I can say my ABC's and count to 15, ALL BY MYSELF!!!
Mommy just taught me how to draw people.
I keep Mommy very busy.
I'm always picking on my little brother Gavin.
He's 3 years old!
Mommy made him a website too.

Some of my favorite T.V. friends are
"Little Einsteins" and "Caillou".
I love my Disney movies too!

I'm very active and I love to play outside.
I love to play in the sandbox
My favorite place to play is at Papa and Grandma's house.
They bought us a big playground set.
It has a tire swing, and a slide!
It is really neat!

Destiny Rayne - 2 ½ Years Old

Guess what, I was a Fairy for Halloween last year.
Everyone said I was adorable.
This year I told Mommy I want to be a butterfly or a bumblebee.
My Brother Gavin was a Monkey
We got tons of candy, and I got to help Papa
pass out candy to the trick or treaters!
We had a Halloween party too.
Check out the pictures on the bottom of my page.

Mommy will be working on my site alot more now,
so keep checking back.
You can look at Gavin's website now too!
It isn't quite finished, but that's okay.

Gavin's Site
Pretty soon I will have a Guestbook too!
Check out my "Fun Facts"...

Fun Facts

My birthstone is Amethyst (Sincerity)
My Astrological Sign is Pisces
My Flower is Violet or Primrose (Violet, Sky Blue or Yellow)
I was born in the Chinese Year of The Horse
I will start kindergarten in 2007,
be old enough to drive a car in 2018,
finish high school in 2020,
and will graduate from college with the class of 2024
(Give or take a year)
The name "Destiny" is French in origin,
And it means Certain fortune; fate.
The mythological Greek god of fate.

On January 19, 2005
My Uncle Keith passed away.
I wish I had met him.
"Forever Loved and Never Forgotten"

(In No Particular Order...)

We pretended to be mummies!
Halloween 2004

Daddy spiked my hair!

Happy Fall 2004

October 28, 2004

Look at our pumpkins!

Me and Gavin
Christmas 2004

I'm Cute

I Like Shrek!

I'm Getting So Big!

So Cute!

My First Steps!

I'm Goofy!

4 Months Old
June 2002

Kitty Cat

Mommy and Me
February 27, 2002 - 6 Days Old

Kiss The Boys,
And Make Them Cry!

17 Months Old

Look At Me!

My First Christmas Season

3 Years Old
March 22, 2005

March 22, 2005

My Silly Easter Pose

Mommy Says I'm Beautiful!

Mommy's Little Bug
2 Years Old - March 2004

2 Years Old
March 2004

Me and my Papa!
Uncle Jeremy & Aunt Taylor's Wedding - 2002

I'm a typical girl,
ALWAYS on the phone!

I'm so silly! -10 Months Old

Gavin and Me - 2004

Gavin and Me - 2004

My Papa Looks ALOT Like Santa,
Or Santa Looks ALOT Like Him!

It's Almost Halloween - 2002

I look silly!
What Did My Mommy Do To Me?

Mommy's Little Snow Bunny!

My First Easter - 5 Weeks Old

Holding Baby Amanda
April 8th, 2005

Easter 2005 -3 Years Old

Me and Gavin - 2004

I'm Trouble! - 7 Months Old

My First Halloween - 2002
I'm a Teddy Bear

I Told You I Scared All The Ghosts Away!
Halloween 2004 - 2 1/2 Years Old.

3 Years Old
June 14th, 2005

Swimming In My Pool
June 2005

This is the day
I came home from the hospital.

3½ Years Old
July 9, 2005

3½ Years Old
July 9, 2005

Destiny 3½ Yrs. & Gavin 2 Yrs.
July 9, 2005

Destiny Rayne
July 2005

August 19, 2005
Ran Into A Doorframe
Got 6 Stitches - OUCH!!!

I'm Gettin' Better!

August 30, 2005 - This is part of
my Halloween costume for this year
I'm gonna be a Faerie

My Halloween Costume
3 Years Old - September 2005

Mommy put Big Girl makeup on me!

I'm ready for Christmas now!

Fun in the first snow!

Daddy and I had a snow fight!

I'm holding my cousin Ryan!

I can't wait to show Santa
my new Christmas Jammies!

My Grandma and I were Fairies
at our Halloween party. - 2005

Angel Girls Angel Boys Angels
Given to my site
E-Mail My Daughter
Destiny Rayne
Home The Blood of Heroes
Warning:Very Emotional!!
September 11, 2001
My Son
Gavin Gaige
Photo Album
"Beautiful Angels"
In Loving Memory of
Keith Lee Miller
Forever Loved
Never Forgotten