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~ Joseph Smith, Jr. ~

Joseph Smith The Prophet

Joseph Smith had been a retiring youth ~ the spirit mad him bold to declare to rulers and to all mankind, the gospel again revealed. He had been a humble farmer lad ~ divine authority sat so becomingly upon him that men looked at him with reverent awe. He had been unlearned in the great things of art and science ~ he walked with God, until human knowledge was to his eye an open book; the celestial light beamed through his mind. His lofty soul comprehended the grandeur of his mission upon earth; and with divine fortitude he fulfilled the destiny which God had ordained for him.

When he had achieved the prime of his manhood, he seemed to combine all attractions and excellence. His physical person was the fit habitation of his exalted spirit. He was more than six fee in height, with expansive chest and clean cut limbs ~ a staunch and graceful figure. His head, crowned with a mass of soft wavy hair, was grandly poised. His face possessed a complexion of such clearness and transparency that the soul appeared to shine through. He had eyes, which seemed to read the hearts of men. His moth was one of mingled power and sweetness. His majesty of air was natural, not studied. Though full of personal and prophetic dignity whenever occasion demanded, he could at other times unbend and be as happy and unconventional as a boy.

But whether engaged in manly sport, during hours of relaxation, or proclaiming words of wisdom in pulpit or grove, he was ever the leader. His magnetism was masterful and his heroic qualities won universal admiration.

The prophet's life was exalted and unselfish. His death was a sealing martyrdom.

~ George Q. Cannon
(From in The Life of Joseph Smith, The Prophet, 1888)

JOSEPTH SMIITH was born December 23, 1805 in Sharon, Vermont. At the age of fifteen, in vision, he met and talked with God the father and His Son Jesus Christ. Subsequently, September 21, 1823, he was visited by the Angel Moroni, a resurrected being, who instructed him, and who four years later, on September 22, 1827, delivered to him metal "plates" upon which were carved characters of an ancient language, the record of the ancient inhabitants of the Americas. By the gift and power of God, Joseph translated these records and in 1829 published them in divine direction Joseph Smith and his associates organized the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints of April 6,1830 in Fayette, New York. For fourteen tears Joseph Smith served as leader of the Latter-day Saints. He and his followers suffered numerous persecutions and adversities, which came to a climax on June 27, 1844 when he was slain with his brother Hyrum at Carthage Jail, Illinois.

First President of the Church

Succession: First President of the Church
Birth date: December 23, 1805
Birthplace: Sharon, Vermont
Called as president, date: April 6, 1830
Called as president, age: 24
Years as president: 14
Fact: He ran as a candidate for President of the United States.
Fact: He enjoyed wrestling and other athletic activities
Fact: He organized the Relief Society.