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~ Harold B. Lee ~

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Harold B. Lee - Eleventh Prophet

Harold B. Lee is a powerful man in Modern Israel. The source of his strength is in his knowledge that he lives in the shadow of the Almighty. To him, his Heavenly Father is a senior partner, daily giving him guidance. His contacts with heaven are direct and regular….

Humility before God ~ a fearlessness before me ~ is the key of his character. His ministry is characterized by an uncommon originality and daring. He is not hampered and restricted by the learning of the world and forms of men. We, who sit with his daily, are frequently startled by the scope of this vision and the depth of this understanding. With forthrightness, he separates the wheat from the chaff and comes directly to the truth.

~ Elder Marion G. Romney

(From the improvement Era, July 1953.)

 I know there are powers that can draw close to one ho fills his heart with… Love… I came to a night, some years ago, when on my bed, I realized that before I could be worthy of the high place to which I had been called, I must love and forgive every soul that walked the earth, and in that time I came to know that I received a peace and a direction, and a comfort, and an inspiration, that told me things to come and give me impressions that I knew were from a divine source.

~ Elder Harold B. Lee

(From a talk given at general conference, Conference Report, October 1946.)

     HAROLD B. LEE was born in Clifton, Idaho on March 28, 1899. He served a mission in the Western States from 1920 to 1922, after already having taught one year and been a school principal in the Granite School District. Harold B. Lee was President of the Pioneer Stake from 1930 to 1937, was called as managing director of the Church welfare program in 1937, and was ordained an apostle by President Heber J. Grant on April 19, 1941. He was ordained as President of the Church on July 7, 1972 with N. Eldon Tanner and Marion G. Romney as counselors. During his administration the 600th stake of the Church was organized, a new Church office building and distribution center were dedicated, Church welfare services were consolidated, a new MIA organization was established under the direction of the Priesthood, and further steps were taken to strengthen the Priesthood correlation program. Harold B. Lee died December 26, 1973 at age 74.

Eleventh President of the Church

Succession:  Succeeded Joseph Fielding Smith as President of the Church.
Birth date: March 28, 1899
Birthplace: Clifton, Idaho
Called as president, date: July 7, 1972
Called as president, age: 73
Years as president: 1
Fact: Shared the same birthday (March 28) as Spencer W. Kimball
Fact: At age 17 he was principal and teacher of a small school.
Fact: As a stake president, he developed a welfare plan that was used as a pattern for the entire church.