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Star Trek: The Next Generation

Yup yup yup. I’ve become a sub-Trekkie. And I’m taking the first steps toward coming out of the closet with it. It’s not that I’m hugely embarrassed about it or anything. Or I wasn’t when I first became interested, at least. How much lower could anyone’s opinion of me GET (to paraphrase a truly great mind ;-))? But when I first mentioned it to my friends, who had taken all of my previous weirdness in stride, they laughed. I don’t even need to tell you how shocking that was. I haven’t told very many people – only the two or three people I know to be Trekkies, really. But it’s gone too far, and it has to get a page, now.

I’ve only seen Next Generation, but I’m taking baby steps, here, and I only have access to TWO of the series. So give me a break, alright? Anyhow. Next Generation will always be my personal favourite, if only for Data. But more on him later. I would probably also very much like Enterprise (Scott Bakula is awesome), if I could bloody well get UPN...

l-r front: Ltcdr Geordi La Forge, Cpt. Jean Luc Picard, Cmdr. William T. Riker, Ltcdr. Data; back: Guinan, Dr. Beverly Crusher, Lt. Worf, Counselor Deanna Troi, and The Twit

Alright. So how did Star Trek come to be on my list, anyhow? Talk to the by now notorious Captain Chaotica!! It’s all her fault, as are many of my more recent obsessions. I was minding my own business when along she comes making Discworld references and peaking my interest and suddenly I’m getting a new email in my inbox everyday in which she repetitively references Trek and what can you do at that point? When CC!! rambles about something, there’s no ignoring her.

It took me a while to warm up to the show. I already loved Patrick Stewart and I recognized Jonathan Frakes and Mirina Sirits from Gargoyles (and everyone in my generation recognizes Lavar Burton [but don’t take MY word on it…]), but I just wasn’t getting into it. It seemed a little…bland. But I eventually started to catch on to why the phenomenon is such a phenomenon. I’m not sure exactly how or when it happened, but it did. And now I’m hooked (obviously). Brent Spiner is one of the biggest reasons, my absolute favourite character (and a high standing member of my harem, incidentally) being Data. And Lore is just…::shudders:: Ooh… He’s good. "Brothers" has got to be my favourite episode right now, and seeing Data as a gambler with the cowboy hat thing going on in "Casino Royale" was a hoot. Beyond the excellent acting and the seriously awesome characters, the plots are exceptionally well written and he setting is too groovy. Yeah, I’m a sci-fi geek, but come ON. You can’t possibly tell me that a starship and all kinds of different spacey stuff isn’t just neat-o coolie.

Three of my favourite guys

But yeah. The characters are (almost all) genuinely interesting and fun and stuff. There’s really only one mainish character that I just don’t like. I’m not going to name any names, but it seems like most of the other characters tend to have difficulties keeping their patience with the little twit, as well. Anyhow, that’s quite enough about him. And quite enough out of me. So go see Nemesis on Friday.

Hold it! See that last sentence up there? Don't do it. Bad. Bad movie. No cookie.

Star Trek was created by Gene Roddenberry and all that jazz. TNN plays TNG almost constantly.


This page created on 12/11/02