To The Mysterious Savannah...
The Land of Mighty Slashfang
Little is known about this God of Mystery. But, I will tell you what I do know. Slashfang was one of the original Gods, and when the Gods were released from their prisons he had captured a peice of land, most likely called The Savannah. Slashfang never battled the other dinos unless they assulted his Savannah. This information is all from the Primal Rage book, Primal Rage: The Avatars. It also states that 1000's of years after the 7 God's fought battle after battle, Slashfang finally made his presence felt, competing for lands just like the other Gods. The book states he has tan and black fur, yet the preview of him in the PR comics shows him with blue fur, and rainbow markings. The toy of Slashfang is really the only thing they made of Slashfang, and the toy has orange and black fur. I guess we will never know what color Slashfang really was, or what element he represented. I think that his fur was either going to be orange/black or tan/black. The 1st picture below is of the toy Slashfang, the 2nd picture is of Slashfang's Avatar, Xiao (The background is a new land...Could that have been what Slashfang's land looked like?) Those were the only pictures I was able to get...I might find a way to get more soon. It was brought up that Slashfang's element may be Hunting.
Thank You for stopping by The Savannah, land of Slashfang.