Level: 1,000
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Rank: Third Class
Weapon: Masamune (causes 80 HP damage)
Items:3 Potion, 1 Hyper
Materia: Restore, Shiva, HP Up, Odin, Phoenix, Double-Cut
Money: 170,700 Gil
Description/Persona:Sephiroth XIII is very similar to the original Sephiroth. She wears all black (including the long, black coat) and carries a longsword (Masamune). Her eyes glow green when she's anything but angry, concentrating, or totally humiliated. She thinks way too much... or sometimes too little. The makou she was exposed to was somewhat... deformed when she was 5.
Differing characteristics:When she grows upset, her eyes turn a dark black with a red aura. She has a tattoo on her left arm of a XIII, and one right below of a Black Materia scar.
Limit Break:Wing Fang and Blood Claw (Real Limit Break: Sled Fang and Blood Fang)
Special Demon: Gargoyle