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You will not at anytime get anything for your money ,this is a SCAM and it serves you right,, for trusting Pawel Tomas Nowak

                                                & FRAUD



        There are many maritime disasters in XVII and XVIII century that resulted in huge losses of treasure. The full dangers of life at sea are brought home in every account-not just from injury and death in battle, but, immeasurably more frequently, from storm and tempest, grounding on uncharted reefs, fire and explosion, collision, mutiny, and even piracy.

        Whenever a ship was lost, a court martial was held to determine the 'causes', and to apportion blame where appropriate; every serving officer who had lost or surrended his ship approached his court martial with trepidation, for not only was his reputation and career at stake, but his very life and liberty could be in jeopardy.

        Many ships went aground in fog or storm. Wars took a further toll. However, losses of merchant ships where always of better interest than those of warships. The location of the wreck, even in general terms, was often unknown and seldom of great consequence to those who compiled the records, unless salvage was contemplated. The contents or cargo of the ship were even less likely to be recorded. There are many official registers of spanish, english and portuguesse wrecks, like Archivo General de Indias in Seville, Archivo General de Simancas, Public Record Office in London, Guildhall Library in London, Arquivo Historico Ultramarino in Lisbon, Arquivo Central da Marinha in Lisbon or Museo Naval in Lisbon. As a rule, therefore, the records in AGI or AGS will almost never reveal the position of a shipwreck with sufficient accuracy for it to be located by divers, though they may assist in the identification of a wreck which has already been located. In many, probably most, cases it will be necessary to combine (and precede) research in the Archivo General de Indias in Seville or Archivo General de Simancas with work in other archives and in libraries.



        Over the years, I have cultivated the relationships with many "investigadores" related to spanish, english or portuguesse treasure shipwrecks, some have not been successful, but others have matured into friendships. As an independent researcher, I was, and I am able to undertake any search. I was working in a private capacity, undertaking research in the spanish, english or portuguesse archives and, in many instances, in other record repositories and libraries. Be sure and send your money.. but I won't send you a thing and I will keep all your money... The research I do will be kept by me and you will never get any of it,,,

        Now, after six years of my own investigation, I am offering you some information (including coppies of archival documents) about the spanish, english or portuguesse shipwrecks in which you are interested which I hope you will like. But you will never get anything.

        Reports from flag officers or captains describing the loss of ships under their command were found in Archivo General de Indias in Seville, Archivo General de Simancas or Archivo Historico Nacional in Madrid and many other archives and libraries. These records are often the most detailed narratives of a loss available, but the court's concern was to establish the circumstances of, and the blame, if any, for the loss, which did net necessarily lead it to take an interest in the exact position of the wreck.

        I wish you every success with any research that you undertake, or commission. I do hope, I can help you in this by making my collection available to you (subject to my fees). Oh did I fail to mention you won't get anything of importance well maybe a grecery list