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Thousands of words spew from my pen like a never ending story, Each with a different meaning. I catch the words of passerby's as they let them fly away so carelessly.

It's a never ending spew of letters each followed by another. There are times I wonder if I'll have enough time to preserve them all.

My heart is weighed down by those words at least by the dreadful meaning behind so many. I try to think of which is better, good or bad, right or wrong, happy or sad.

The words tend to run together becoming a mushy blur. Unable to read, unable to see, unable to speak, unable to think. Those words strung together so tight clogs your mind. The mushy oray of undecipherable words eat at your mind. You can no longer think so clearly as they all beg to be released.

Those are the beautifully majestic words that you release everyday. The ones that force you to let them go. The ones that don't want to be bottled up inside of you and beg to be released from their tortured prison. The ones that fly away on the wind to me. The ones that I write so furiously to preserve.

Poetry Corner
