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Hebrews, James, and Peter: Greatest Verses Of The Bible.

--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff, 4/15/2004.

--Updated 7/27/2004, Heb. 7.12 corrected.

New Math Formulas And Time Chart Derived From The Bible! Trinity = 1 x 1 x 1...and you! Come, and don't worry, when you are One with Christ you have new logic, better than before; more practical, and more meaningful; useful in every specific application of your life: for every exam question, for every employer demand, and for every recreational event.

ICCDBB Greatest Verses Of The Bible Series Of Sermons. For the Internet Church of Christ founded by Dr. Bob Benchoff: Main Site: click here (if an ad appears above: no affiliation unless otherwise stated).

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Hebrews through Peter

The Bible Books of Hebrews (with chart), James, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter

The Letter to the Hebrews, also known as the Book of Hebrews of the Bible

Hebrews Chapter 1

1 ¶ Whereas, in many parts and in many ways of old, God spake unto the fathers, in the prophets, 2 At the end of these days, He hath spoken unto us in his Son,-whom he hath appointed heir of all things, through whom also he hath made the ages; 3 Who, being an eradiated brightness of his glory, and an exact representation of his very being, also bearing up all things by the utterance of his power, purification of sins, having achieved, sat down on the right hand of the majesty in high places: (Note: See 2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 verse 7 Note.). 4 ¶ By so much becoming superior to the messengers, by as much as, going beyond them, he hath inherited a more distinguished name. 5 For unto which of the messengers said he at any time-My Son, art, thou, I, this day have begotten thee? and again-I, will become, his father, and, he, shall become my Son? 6 But, whensoever he again introduceth the first-begotten into the habitable earth, he saith-And let all God’s messengers worship him! 7 Even as to the messengers, indeed, he saith-Who maketh his messengers, winds, and his ministers of state, a fiery flame; 8 but, as to the Son,-Thy throne, O God, is unto times age-abiding, and-A sceptre of equity, is the sceptre of his kingdom, 9 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated lawlessness,-For this cause, hath God, thy God, anointed thee with the oil of exultation, beyond thy partners; 10 and-Thou, by way of beginning, Lord, the earth, didst found, and, the works of thy hands, are the heavens,- 11 They, shall perish, but, thou, abidest still, and, all, as a mantle, shall be worn out, 12 And, as if a robe, wilt thou fold them up,-as a mantle, and they shall be changed; but, thou, art the same, and thy years shall not fail. 13 But, to which of the messengers, hath he said, at any time-Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thy foes thy footstool? 14 Are they not, all, spirits, doing public service,-for ministry, sent forth, for the sake of them who are about to inherit salvation?

Hebrews Chapter 2

1 ¶ For this cause, it behoveth us, with unwonted firmness, to be holding fast unto the things that have been heard, lest, at any time, we drift away. 2 For, if the word through messengers spoken became firm, and, every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense, 3 how shall, we, escape, if, so great a salvation as this, we have neglected,-which, indeed, having received, a beginning, of being spoken through the Lord, by them who heard, unto us was confirmed, 4 God, jointly witnessing also, both with signs and wonders and manifold mighty works, and with distributions of Holy Spirit, according to his own will? (Note: The important "signs and wonders" for Christians is the Name of Jesus Christ. The great "works" are those of the harvest unto the body of Jesus Christ, particularly including the One, Jesus Christ.). 5 ¶ For, not unto messengers, hath he subjected the coming habitable earth of which we are speaking; 6 But one somewhere hath borne witness, saying-What is man, that thou shouldst make mention of him? Or the son of man, that thou shouldst put him in charge? 7 Thou hast made him less, some little, than messengers, With glory and honour, hast thou crowned him,-And hast set him over the works of thy hands; 8 All things, hast thou subjected beneath his feet. For, in subjecting, to him the all things, nothing, left he, to him unsubjected; But now, not yet, do we see, to him, the all things subjected;- 9 But, Jesus, made some little less than messengers, we do behold: by reason of the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour, to the end that, by favour of God, in behalf of every one, he might taste of death. 10 ¶ For it was becoming in him-For the sake of whom are the all things, and by means of whom are the all things,-when, many sons, unto glory, he would lead, The Princely Leader of their salvation, through sufferings, to make perfect. 11 For, both he that maketh holy, and they who are being made holy, are, all, of One; For which cause, he is not ashamed to be calling them, brethren, 12 saying-I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of an assembly, will I sing praise unto thee; 13 and again-I, will be confident upon him; and again-Lo! I, and the children which, unto me, God, hath given. 14 ¶ Seeing therefore the children have received a fellowship of blood and flesh, he also, in like manner, took partnership in the same,-in order that, through death,-he might paralyse him that held the dominion of death, that is, the Adversary,- (Note: "Adversary" or perishable, see RSV 1 Corinthians 15.50.). 15 And might release these-as many as, by fear of death, were all their lifetime liable, to bondage. 16 For, not surely of messengers, is he laying hold, but, of Abraham’s seed, he is laying hold. 17 Whence he was obliged, in every way, unto the brethren, to be made like, that he might become a merciful and faithful high-priest, in the things pertaining unto God,-for the making of propitiation for the sins of the people. 18 For, in that, he, suffered when tested, he is able, unto them who are being tested, to give succour.

Hebrews Chapter 3

1 ¶ Whence, holy brethren, partners, in a heavenly calling, attentively consider the Apostle and High-priest of our confession-Jesus 2 As one, faithful, to him who made him: as, Moses also, in all his house. 3 For, of more glory than Moses, hath, this one been counted worthy-by as much as more honour than, the house, hath, he that prepared it; 4 For, every house, is prepared by someone,-but, he that hath prepared all things, is, God. (Note: God knows the future and can therefore prepare for the future. If we become Christ as Apostle Paul expounded, then we know the future. If we choose to be less logical, then we less prepare and merely predict.). 5 Even Moses, indeed, was faithful in all his house, as an attendant, for a witness of the things which were to be spoken; 6 But, Christ, as, a Son, over his house,-whose house are, we,-if, the freedom of speech and boast of the hope, throughout, firm, we hold fast. 7 ¶ Wherefore,-according as saith the Holy Spirit-To-day, if, unto his voice ye would hearken, do not 8 harden your hearts,-as in the embitterment, in the day of testing in the desert, 9 When your fathers tested by proving, and saw my works forty years. 10 Wherefore I was sore vexed with this generation, and said, Always err they in their heart;-howbeit, they, learned not my ways: 11 So I sware in mine anger-they shall not enter into my rest!- 12 Be taking heed, brethren, lest at any time, there shall be in any one of you, a wicked heart of unbelief, in revolting from a Living God. 13 But be exhorting one another, on each successive day,-while the To-day is being named! lest any from among you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. 14 For, partners of the Christ, have we become,-if, at least, the beginning of the confidence, throughout, firm, we hold fast: 15 So long as it is said-To-day, if, unto his voice, ye would hearken, do not harden your hearts,-as in the embitterment. 16 For, who, though they heard, caused embitterment? Nay, indeed! did not all who come forth out of Egypt through Moses? 17 But, with whom, was be sore vexed forty years? Was it not with them who sinned, whose dead bodies fell in the desert? 18 But, unto whom, sware he, that they should not enter into his rest,-save unto them who were obstinate? 19 And we see, that they were not able to enter, because of unbelief.

Hebrews Chapter 4

1 ¶ Let us therefore fear, lest at any time, although there is left behind a promise of entering into his rest,-any one from amongst you should be deemed, to have come short; 2 For we have had delivered to us the joyful message, just as even, they; but the word which was heard did not profit them, they not having been blended, by faith, with the things heard. 3 For we who have believed, are to enter into the rest, according as he hath said-So I sware in mine anger, They shall not enter into my rest; And yet, the works, from the foundation of the world, had been brought into existence, (Note: It is fairly easy for people to understand, for instance, that if a person has a drawing for a new design, that specification can be followed resulting in a new creation. Yet, God, being equitable {see Hebrews 1.8 above}, did great work and yet worked the least amount {devoid of the excess of sin} to do the job.

Therefore it is logical to reason that God moved the least amount mentally and physically to get the job done most effeciently, see the finger of God portrayed in the Jared picture {}.

For someone being baptized, it's not similar to learning to drive a car: baptism is a very concise activity. Little if any studying is required for a person to be baptism, as they come under the grace of Christ. Similarly, we don't have to study hard nor lift heavy loads to share in the communion services. Communion is very equitable, having been brought into existence via the equitable creator.

People that follow paths of sin mathematically resist ease, comfort, and goodness; yet people that follow Jesus Christ follow the burden of light.

In current science, for instance, small aluminum rockets known as picosatellites have some weight that a person can lift, and yet lazer light lifts these to the top of the atmosphere via burning the air. The point being, our burden is light, and our burden lifts us.

God is light, Spirit, and Truth, and "from the foundation of the world" His "works" have been easy to understand, easy to create, and uplifting for all who would receive.

To create the Universe as God did is very easy, if you are pure as God; read the words of Paul, Galatians 3.27). 4 For he hath spoken, somewhere, concerning the seventh day, thus-And God rested, on the seventh day, from all his works; (Note: This verse does not say, God had to go back and do it right. For instance, industry has a saying: Do it right the first time.). 5 And in this again-They shall not enter into my rest. 6 Seeing, therefore, that it is left over for, some, to enter into it, and, they who formerly had delivered to them the joyful message, entered not in by reason of obstinacy,- 7 Again, he marketh out a certain day, To-day, in David, saying-after so long a time as this,-according as it hath been said before:-To-day, if, unto his voice, ye would hearken, do not harden your hearts. 8 For, if, unto them, Joshua had given rest, it had not in that case, concerning another day, been speaking, after, these things. 9 Hence there is, left over, a Sabbath-keeping, for the people of God. 10 For, he that hath entered into his rest, He too, hath rested from his works, just as, from his own, God, rested. 11 ¶ Let us, therefore, give diligence to enter into that rest, lest anyone fall into the same example, of obstinacy. 12 For, living, is the word of God, and, energetic, and more cutting than any knife with two edges, and penetrating as far as a dividing asunder of soul and spirit, of joints also, and marrow, and able to judge the impulses and designs of the heart; 13 And there is, no created thing, can be secreted before him, but, all things, are naked and exposed to his eyes:-as to whom is, our discourse. 14 Having then a great high-priest who hath passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast the confession; 15 For we have not a high-priest unable to have fellow-feeling with our weaknesses, but one tested in all respects, by way of likeness, apart from sin. 16 Let us, then, be approaching with freedom of speech, unto the throne of favour, that we may receive mercy, and, favour, may find, for seasonable succour. (Note: The United States of America Constitution First Amendment states " freedom of speech", for example.

If we examine the United States of America Constitution, we find many goodly precepts derived from the Bible. And it is far better than what many other nations have, so some have said. Nonetheless, if we did not have the Constitution and wanted to write one, then {with the exception of a couple of cases, such as Article 7 and the First Amendment} if we took the Bible and removed all the best parts {mention of God, Christ, Holy Spirit, baptism, communion, and so on}, then we would be left with the remains, devoid of greater power and deeper meaning.

The Mayflower Compact, Patrick Henry's speech {also including his Common Sense discussion of love}, and the Declaration of Independence of the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", and the Constitution Article 7 ["Lord" of date referring to Jesus Christ], each respectfully reference God, in these Laws of the Land, being the United States of America Nation of people of Christ.

Hence, although followed to some degree, the lack of prioritization devolves leadership improperly, self-destructively, 1 Samuel 10.19.

This is not stated for the purpose of those under authority to judge, yet it is something to ponder. Except let the President be so advised to bring this nation's Constitution into greater respect for Jesus Christ, not to condemn via the law, yet rather to properly legalize Christianity such as via not working to eliminate the Namesake, nor delimiting Christianity to corporations, nor to ignore legislation to help those in need, nor the great part being Jesus Christ and his people, and more people {for goodness logically recognized as such in Jesus Christ}: and without respect to diminishing the liberty and worth of any person {unless they stedfastly choose the path against justice and toward crime}. There is a more excellent way, 1 Corinthians 12.31.

Inappropriate laws of the body no longer useful should be done away, Hebrews 7.18 below, that we might make room for new and better laws, reference Beattitudes [and the Golden Rule, Matthew 22.37, and also of secondary importance Matthew 22.38].

Will a nation sit on the border, or will it lead it's people under God, not only in the Pledge of Alligence {and as stated above}, yet also clearly in law? Lest the Constitution's guide, the Bible, be wrongly cast out of schools, an Amendment for the supreme authority of Christ should be made.

Intentional sinful ignorance is not the path of the Lord.).

Hebrews Chapter 5

1 ¶ For, every high-priest who from among men is taken, on behalf of men, is appointed, as to the things pertaining unto God, that he may be offering both gifts and sacrifices for sins,- 2 Able, to have a measure of feeling, for the ignorant and erring,-since, he also, is compassed with weakness; 3 And, for this cause, is he obliged-as for the people, so also, for himself,-to be offering for sins; 4 And, not unto himself, doth one take the honour, but when called by God, just as, even Aaron: 5 Thus, also the Christ, glorified not himself to become a high-priest, but he that spake unto him-My Son, art, thou, I, this day, have begotten thee; 6 As also, in a different place, he saith-Thou, art a priest, age-abidingly, according to the rank of Melchizedek: 7 Who, in the days of his flesh, having offered up, both supplications and entreaties unto him that was able to save him out of death, with mighty outcries and tears, and been hearkened to by reason of his devoutness, 8 Even though he was a son, yet learned, from what things he suffered, obedience; 9 And, being made perfect, became, to all them that obey him, Author of salvation age-abiding; 10 ¶ Being addressed by God as high-priest-according to the rank of Melchizedek. 11 Concerning whom, great, is our discourse, and of difficult interpretation, to express, seeing that, slothful, have ye become in the hearing; 12 For, even when ye ought to be teachers, by reason of the time, again, have ye, need, that one be teaching, you, what are the first principles of the oracles of God, and have become such as have, need, of milk, not, of strong food; 13 For, every one partaking of milk, is unskilled in discourse of righteousness, for he is, a babe; 14 But, to such as are mature, pertaineth, the strong food, to them who, by reason of habit, have their organs of perception well trained for discriminating both good and evil.

Hebrews Chapter 6

1 ¶ Wherefore, dismissing the elementary discourse concerning the Christ, unto maturity, let us be tending, not, again, a foundation, laying down-of repentance from dead works, and of faith towards God, (Note: Christians, be baptized and move-on from that, learn general Bible principles and move-on from that, memorize the Books of the Bible and move-on from that, memorize where verses are and move-on from that, learn how to apply these precepts in specific situations and move-on from that, learn how to use logic to bring enlightenment and move-on from that, figure how to use faith to build logic new to you and move-on from that, learn of God about progressing for the greater glory of God.

Look at the God Math Triad Pattern established in the ICCDBB Notes {see Hebrews 7.12 Note below}, and realize how many more can be figured not only from the previous in this Note, yet from the Word. Figure these in calculations you easily understand, and move-on from that, multiply your strength in the Lord, figure far more complex mathematics for specific applications to better help people, for the greater glory of God.). 2 Of immersions-in respect of teaching, and of the laying on of hands, of the resurrection of the dead, and of judgment age-abiding;- 3 And, this, will we do, if at least, God, permit. 4 For it is impossible-as to these who have been, once for all, illuminated, who have tasted also of the heavenly free-gift, and have been made, partners, in a Holy Spirit, 5 And have tasted God’s utterance to be, sweet, mighty works also of a coming age, 6 And who have fallen away, again, to be remoulding them into repentance; seeing they are again crucifying unto themselves the Son of God, and holding him up as an example. 7 For, land, which hath drunk in, the rain, thereupon ofttimes coming, and which bringeth forth vegetation fit for them for whom it is even cultivated, partaketh of a blessing from God; 8 But, should it be bringing forth thorns and briars, it is disapproved, and, unto cursing, nigh,-whose end is for burning. 9 ¶ But we are persuaded, concerning you, beloved, the things which are better and which contain salvation, though, even thus we speak. 10 For, not unrighteous, is God, to be forgetful of your work and of the love which ye have shewn forth for his name, in that ye have ministered unto the saints, and are ministering, 11 But we covet that, each one of you, be shewing forth the same diligence, unto the full assurance of the hope throughout: 12 In order that, not slothful, ye may become, but imitators of them who, through faith and patience, were becoming heirs of the promises. 13 For, when to Abraham God made promise, seeing he had no one greater by whom to swear, He sware, by himself,- 14 saying-Truly, if blessing I will bless thee, and, multiplying, I will multiply thee; 15 And, thus, being patient, he attained unto the promise. 16 For, men, by the greater one, swear, and, with them, an end of all gainsaying by way of confirmation is, the oath: 17 Wherein God, being, more abundantly disposed to shew forth unto the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of his counsel, mediated, with an oath,- 18 In order that, through means of two unchangeable things, in which it was impossible for God to make himself false, a mighty consolation, we might have, who have fled along to grasp, the fore-lying hope, 19 Which we have, as an anchor of the soul, both secure and firm, and entering into the interior of the veil: 20 Where a forerunner in our behalf hath entered, even Jesus, who, according to the rank of Melchizedek, hath become, a high-priest unto times age-abiding.

Hebrews Chapter 7

1 ¶ For, this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of God Most High, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him,- 2 To whom even a tenth of all Abraham apportioned, first, indeed, when translated, King of Righteousness, but, after that, King of Salem also, which is King of Peace,- 3 Without father, without mother, without pedigree, having, neither beginning of days, nor of life an end, but made like unto the Son of God, abideth a priest evermore. 4 Now consider, how great, this man was, to whom, a tenth, Abraham gave out of the choicest spoils, Yea Abraham the Patriarch. 5 And, they, indeed, from among the sons of Levi who the priesthood receive, have commandment to take tithes of the people, according to the law, that is, of their brethren, although sprung from the loins of Abraham; 6 But, he who deriveth not his pedigree from among them, hath taken tithes of Abraham. And, the holder of the promises, hath he blessed. 7 But, apart from all gainsaying, the less, by the greater, is blessed. 8 And, here, indeed, dying men take tithes, but, there, one of whom it is witnessed that he liveth. 9 And-so to say a word-through Abraham, even Levi who taketh tithes hath paid tithes; 10 For, even then, was he, in the loins of his father, when, Melchizedek, met him. 11 ¶ If indeed, therefore, there had been, a perfecting through means of the Levitical priesthood,-for, the people, thereon, have had based a code of laws, what further need, according to the rank of Melchizedek, for a different priest to be raised up, and, not according to the rank of Aaron, to be designated? 12 For, seeing there is to be a change of the priesthood, of necessity, of law too, a change cometh. (Note: Law comes with learning, and learning comes {of awareness, see John 1.1 Note "understanding" discussion} of the authority teaching.

One popular precept is Faith comes from Hearing, and Hearing comes from the Word, or mathematically,

Faith / Hearing / Word. So using the God Math Triad Pattern, see Hebrews 6.1 above, we adduce:

Faith = Word / Hearing. Hearing = Word / Faith. Word = Faith x Hearing.

Faith = God / Hearing. Hearing = God / Faith. God = Faith x Hearing.

In this verse we see Faith as it applies to the "priesthood" and "change", yet in God there is no change: God continues to be good and we can continue to grow, one with God. Yet we must allow understandings of perceptions of others so we may help them according to their capabilities, to work to best glorify God. Nonetheless and not withstanding, we must allow grace for ourself for Christ, to perceive and understand God and work to achieve the maximum capability of God for God, that we ourselves, one with Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior work according to the Holy Word of Jesus Christ for the greatest glorification of God through Jesus Christ.

Given Knowledge / Learning / Awareness / Authority:

Knowledge = Awareness / Learning. Learning = Awareness / Knowledge. Awareness = Knowledge x Learning.

Learning = Authority / Awareness. Awareness = Authority / Learning. Authority = Learning x Awareness.

So Authority = Awareness x Learning x Learning. Or Authority = Awareness x Learning squared. Compare E = M x C squared.

So for you to be one with God, Awareness and/or Matter and/or the Body must be One {with Jesus Christ} and must grow exponentially in Learning.

When young, Learning was generally tactile, of the Body, such as one finger + one finger = two fingers. We must continue to Learning that way accordingly, if need be, yet rather we must needs have learned from that and so now that is no longer Learning as it is now called Knowledge, or the Body of Knowledge.

We must move-on from that, with new Learning of newness that comes of the Word of Christ, in power and in deed.

You, according to your choice in grace should not only be advanced in math of the Body as in former times, as with understanding to protect the brain and/or similar, such as for instance one brain + one brain = two brains, yet also you should rather choose to lead the world in understanding the mind and exponential IQs in your advancement for Christ.

Having learned that, you would now see that with hope fulfilled {on any particular concern} as grace and/or faith become unraveled and revealed, according to the Word you and/or we in Christ Jesus move-on from that as {just as previously discussed with regard to Learning becoming Knowledge} grace is fulfilled, we come to understand that it is no longer grace to us as we have overcome it in those areas through Christ, and so grace becomes law unto us.

In other words, through grace we have a choice. Then after we make the right choice {even if by trial and error, save One}, then we no longer need to go through that trial and error or other Learning process again. We already have the pure solution to some problem. We don't need to rethink it from scratch, {unless we drift and forget per sin}.

Since Law does not perfect, we have, Learning / Law / Grace.

Learning = Grace / Law. Law = Grace / Learning. Grace = Learning x Law.

Hence, given constant Grace, with much Law is little Learning, see Ruth 1.1; and with much [proper, via Jesus Christ] Learning the Law has little hold. We learn to be of the Spirit and of Truth, for the greater glory of God.

Yet for others dwelling in sin, such Bible code and God Math Code with codification of grace unto law, is not betterment for their own selfish concerns. It conversely for them, is more law, more strictness, more prohibition, as were the so called Dark Ages.

For souls choosing to dwell in sin {reference the Word and logic}, from their perspective the firmament increases. Their view of grace is diminishing as law is increasing, and their view of goodness is increasingly out of reach, toward hopelessness, so they dwell on thinking about giving-up, and suicide. From their view there is no one to trust and their heading toward the permanent condition of strife includes illogical questioning of the goodness of God, and illogical thinking against the Will of God.

Yet it is the same law that applies to them as to us, and that is why we must urgently reach-out to them to help them find Christ, as their strife is ours and our shame.). 13 For, he as to whom these things are said, with a different tribe, hath taken partnership, from which, no one, hath given attendance at the altar; 14 For it is, very evident, that out of Judah hath sprung our Lord,-respecting which tribe, concerning priests, nothing did Moses speak, 15 And, yet more abundantly evident it is-that, according to the likeness of Melchizedek, there is to be raised up, a different priest. 16 Who, not according to a law of commandment dealing with the flesh, hath arisen, but according to the power of an indissoluble life; 17 For it is witnessed-Thou, art a priest, age-abidingly, according to the rank of Melchizedek. 18 For, a setting aside, doth, indeed, take place, of a foregoing commandment, by reason of its own weakness and unprofitableness,- 19 For, the law, perfected, nothing; but there is the superinducing of a better hope,-through which we draw near unto God. (Note: Some people say the Word is not about specifics of technology, yet here this verse is a great example of specific advancements to be made: "superinducing". And physics verifies this as true, the closer proximity to the current, the greater the induction. See Hebrews 8.5 below.). 20 And, inasmuch as not apart from oath-taking- 21 For, they, indeed, apart from oath-taking, have been made priests, but, he, with an oath-taking, through him that was saying unto him-The Lord sware, and will not regret,-Thou, art a priest, age-abidingly 22 By as much as this, hath, Jesus, become surety of a better covenant also. 23 And, they, indeed, in greater numbers, have been made priests, because, by reason of death, are they hindered from remaining at hand; 24 But, he, by reason of his remaining age-abidingly, untransmissible, holdeth, the priesthood. 25 Whence he is able, even to be saving unto the very end, them who approach, through him, unto God; Since he evermore liveth to be interceding in their behalf. 26 For, such a high-priest as this, for us, was even suited: Loving, noble, undefiled, set apart from sinners, and become, higher than the heavens; 27 Who hath no daily necessity, like the high-priests, beforehand, over his own sins, to be offering sacrifices, after that, over those, of the people,-for, this, he did once for all when, himself, he offered up. 28 For, the law, constituteth, men, high-priests, having, weakness; but, the word of the oath-taking, which cometh after the law, A Son, age-abidingly, made perfect.

Hebrews Chapter 8

1 ¶ A crowning point on the things being spoken:-such a one as this, have we, as high-priest, who hath sat down on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens,- 2 Of the Holy place, a public minister, and of the Real Tent, which, the Lord, pitched and not man. 3 For, every high-priest, for the offering of both gifts and sacrifices, is constituted; whence it was necessary for, this one also, to have something which he might offer. 4 If, indeed, therefore, he had been on earth, he had not, in that case, even been a priest, since there are those who are offering the gifts, according to the law:- 5 Who, indeed, are rendering divine service, with a glimpse and shadow, of the heavenly things; even as Moses hath received intimation, when about to complete the tent,-For see! saith he-Thou shalt make all things according to the model which hath been pointed out to thee in the mount. (Note: See Hebrews 7.19 Note above.

To "make all things according to the model" of God is required, yet it is not alone sufficient; in accomplishing same you must also give glory to God, lest your accomplishment be undone.). 6 ¶ But, now, hath he attained unto, a more distinguished public ministry,-by as much as of a better covenant also he is, mediator, which indeed, upon better promises, hath been legislated. 7 For, if, that first, had been, faultless, not, in that case, for a second, had there been sought, a place. 8 For, finding fault with them, he saith-Lo! days are coming, saith the Lord, when I will conclude, for the house of Israel and the house of Judah, a covenant of a new sort: 9 Not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers, in the day when I took them by their hand, to lead them forth out of the land of Egypt,-because, they, abode not in my covenant, and, I, disregarded them, saith the Lord. 10 Because, this, is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel, after those days, saith the Lord:-giving my laws into their understanding, upon their hearts also, will I inscribe them: and I will become their God, and, they, shall become my people; 11 And in nowise shall they teach-every one his fellow-citizen, and every one his brother, saying,-Get to know the Lord! Because, all, shall know me, from the least unto the greatest of them; 12 Because, propitious, will I be as to their unrighteousnesses, and, of their sins, in nowise will I be mindful, any more. 13 In saying, Of a new sort, he hath made obsolete, the first; but, the thing that is becoming obsolete and aged, is near, disappearing!

Hebrews Chapter 9

1 ¶ Even the first, indeed, therefore, used to have righteous appointments of divine service, even the holy ritual well arranged. 2 For a tent was prepared, the first, in which were both the lampstand and the table and the setting forth of the loaves,-the which is called the Holy place; 3 But, after the second veil, a tent, that which is called Most Holy: (Note: "Most Holy" Rothrham = "Holiest of all" AV = "Holy of Holies" RSV = "Holy of holies" ASV.). 4 Having a golden altar of incense, and the ark of the covenant covered around on every side with gold, in which was a golden jar holding the manna, and the rod of Aaron that sprouted, and the tables of the covenant; 5 But, over-above it, Cherubim of glory overshadowing the propitiatory:-concerning which things, it is not now needful to be speaking, particularly. 6 Now, these things having been thus prepared, into the first tent, indeed, continually do the priests enter, the divine services completing; 7 But, into the second, once for all in the year, only the high-priest, not without blood, which he offered for himself and the ignorances of the people: 8 ¶ The Holy Spirit making this evident-that, not yet, hath been manifested, the way through the Holy place, so long as the first tent hath a standing. (Note: Manifestation of "not yet" is the presence of evil and the devil to sinners; yet to pure Christians, manifestation of "not yet" is just another part of the learning process {we fear Jesus Christ, not any devil or evil} toward goodness for Christ. We endure goodness and good feelings for Christ.

We, Christians take bits of data, our hope being faith in Jesus Christ, and assemble those data bits according to the Word Jesus Christ God {the greater part being as written by reliable people with great accuracy in the Bible}. Having assembled that faith of grace into logic of the Law of God, the "not yet" has been fulfilled for us. Yet it is our reaching out to others with the new message of Christ that they have their "not yet" fulfilled. We do this for them as tools for Jesus Christ, and as part of the body of Jesus Christ.

Nonetheless, it is not we that do it, yet Christ who dwelleth in our hearts. And furthermore, it is Christ through whom we learn and teach, and it is Christ who gave us the initial path to logically and faithfully follow.

For "not yet", compare the journey of the people of Israel of God {of which you are a part if you are a Christian; furthermore reference Holy practices and conditions that apply to the Sabbath}. In the great part of their journey they had "not yet" reached the promised land, so they were often miserable complaining to Moses {while Moses and any faithful longsuffered and learned} and they were often joyous, such as when the pillar of fire protected them and as when manna fell from heaven.

Another part of this great verse deals with "the way through the Holy place", Rothrham, or "the way into the holy place" or similar, in other Biblical Versions. The way in is through Jesus Christ according to His resurrection: "first tent".

The "way" is narrow and in worldly terms few travel thereby {though Christ shed his blood for many and "not" for waste}. Therefore it is needful that you attain High Priesthood that you may visit and dwell with Jesus Christ and speak with Jesus Christ in One.

Your burden is light, let Christ work in you.

In worldly terms, the "Holy place" is lavish with gold and fancy tapestry and all manner of fine things. In heavenly terms your achieving High Priesthood is glorious for God with the Presence through Jesus Christ, that you may grow with a quickened spirit with the Holy Spirit.). 9 The which is a similitude for the present season, according to which both gifts and sacrifices are offered, which cannot, as to the conscience, perfect him that rendereth the divine service:- 10 Only as to eatings, and drinkings, and diversified immersions,-righteous-appointments of the flesh, which, until a season of rectifying, are in force. 11 But, when Christ approached, as high-priest of the coming good things, through the greater and more perfect tent, not made by hand, that is, not of this creation,- 12 Nor yet through blood of goats and calves, but through his own blood he entered once for all into the Holy place, age-abiding redemption discovering. (Note: It is Christ that gave "his own blood" "once for all" and we are to no longer sacrifice any more. This is true, and nonetheless, Genesis 32.28, we are to pray Christ in giving of our souls as He has done as an example for us.

Furthermore, it is His command being our law that He will no longer accept our sacrifices, nonetheless let us remember the journey of His people Israel to the promised land, on the Sabbath, and let us give as he showed us to do, Luke 24.30. Just as he continuined to do good before and after his resurrection, we should follow for Jesus Christ although we know according to law that Jesus Christ creates all and our gifts are no comparison and according to the law not wanted.

Jesus Christ said the Sabbath was made for us, so we no longer sacrifice to Jesus Christ according to the law. Yet nonetheless, we have been given choice. We are free through the power of the grace given us of God that we may choose to give for God above and beyond the call of duty to law.

If the Sabbath is for rest, let us rest for God. If a sacrifice has any purpose, let us sacrifice for God. If we are to have liberty, let us have liberty for God; if joy, for God; if laughter, for God; if grace, for God; if logic, for God; if hope, for God. For in all things we become free in Christ, our wise and kind supreme leader.

Those who would no longer sacrifice, let them love Christ; for we do no less. If we be counted as fools, then so for Christ. Nonetheless let us remember charity and love and Jesus Christ and respect as best as each of us are independently able. And let us each unite in the good Will of God, that we may not lose the power of grace to do things for God because Christ is worthy as Christ has given his all as an example and we follow and we know as Christ does not accept our sacrifices that as we sacrifice for Christ and Christ does charity, we may follow our giving according to where Christ would dwell, such as Christ seeking to save lost souls: yet not to corrupt the lost with material things, yet rather wisely as Christ does.

And if you give to Christ, I would be happy to dwell in Christ with you, and if you do not give to Christ, I would be happy to dwell in Christ with you, for the wisdom of Christ surpasses all understanding. Charity is good, save One.

We are not to sacrifice to Christ, yet if we become One with Christ, then how can we give, for all is ours being our creation. Therefore, being One with Christ we cannot give sacrifice, save One, His chosen people, for God.

We cast-off our old ways, yet we do not cast-off One Jesus Christ. We cast-off the selfish former, and put-on the new that Christ has for us. We cast-off things that form the body of sacrifice, and put-on the salvation of sacrifice. We cast-off our sacrificial money and put-on our giving everything for Christ including our souls; save One, we provide for those in our care and responsibility, including all faith and works and souls and other, not to disclude respect for Christ.

Let us remove the veil for Christ, and perhaps more clearly picture this and see more vividly with the geometry with respect of time.

Picture time as a line, with a point on the line representing Easter. God is alive with energy, so let's represent our timeline as a wavy line such as used in physics to depict a line of energy. Three dimensionally this is similar to a spring, a helical pattern.

Looking at the end of the spring we see that the point Easter now appears to be on a circle. Let's turn the circle so Easter is on top. From this perspective we see that to one side of Easter was the crucifixion; let's call this counter-clockwise on the circle. After Easter, clockwise, is what Christ spoke about previously, with his One sacrifice for all being the reason we should not sacrifice.

Earlier on the [helical] clock God had us sacrifice to Him. Later on the [helical] clock, sacrifice to Him is ended. Yet if we continue past that end point around the [helical] circle we come to the overlapping points or line or plane where sacrifice is [again] required, save One.

Through the grace of Christ we save One and move on and grow in the Way of and for Christ. In immersion ultrasonics the progression along such a plane is known as indexing, and in advancing we can change the speed, index rate, direction, angle, mode conversion, and/or other factors within essential parameters.

As such, if we move according to grace in Christ, we distinguish time(s). Our line or plane of perspective unites history, current events, and prophecy. For Christ we begin to fathom the depths of the realms of riches of God. And in so doing, we begin to augment leverage capabilities {[sacrificing ourselves for God] although God is no respector of people, save One Jesus Christ} and gain greater appreciation of the perfect Way of God. So we continue to seek to not change the Way of God, rather to change for God: faithfully continuing to seek and save the lost.

Some people yearn to change history. Would they seek to change God? Yet nonetheless, let us admire the perfect Way of God, wise to the fact and grace that we can do no better, and can be no equal, save One.

Let us rather yearn to admire all that God has created for those who love Him.). 13 For if the blood of goats and bulls, and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the profaned, halloweth unto the purity of the flesh, 14 How much rather shall the blood of the Christ, who through an age-abiding spirit offered himself unspotted unto God, purify our conscience from dead works, to the rendering of divine-service, unto a Living God? 15 ¶ And, for this cause, of a new covenant, is he mediator,-to the end that, death coming to pass for the redemption of the transgressions against the first covenant, the called might receive the promise of the age-abiding inheritance; 16 For, where a covenant is, it is necessary for, the death, to be brought in, of him that hath covenanted; 17 For, a covenant over dead persons, is firm,-since it is not then of force when he is living that hath covenanted. 18 Whence, not even the first, apart from blood, hath been consecrated; 19 For, when every commandment according to the law had been spoken by Moses unto all the people, taking the blood of the calves and the goats, with water and scarlet wool and hyssop, both, the scroll itself, and all the people, he sprinkled; 20 Saying-This, is the blood of the covenant which, God, hath sent in command unto you: 21 Yea, the tent also, and all the utensils of the public ministry, with blood, in like manner, he sprinkled: 22 And, nearly, all things, with blood, are purified, according to the law, and, apart from blood-shedding, cometh no remission. 23 ¶ It was indeed therefore necessary for the glimpses of the things in the heavens with these to be purified; but, the heavenly things themselves, with better sacrifices than these. 24 For, not into a Holy place made by hand, entered Christ,-counterpart of the real Holy place; but, into the heaven itself, now, to be plainly manifested before the face of God in our behalf;- 25 Nor yet that, ofttimes, he should be offering himself,-just as the high-priest entereth into the Holy place, year by year, with alien blood;- 26 Else had it been needful for him, ofttimes, to suffer, from the foundation of the world; but, now, once for all, upon a conjunction of the ages, for a setting aside of sin through means of his sacrifice, hath he been made manifest; 27 And, inasmuch as it is in store for men-once for all to die, but after this, judgment, 28 Thus, the Christ also, once for all having been offered, for the bearing of the sins, of many, a second time, apart from sin, will appear, to them who for him are ardently waiting-unto salvation.

Hebrews Chapter 10

1 ¶ For the law, having in a shadow of the destined good things, not the very image of the things, they can never, with the same sacrifices which year by year they offer evermore, make them who approach, perfect; (Note: Perhaps: when you were a baby you crawled and then walked and then drew outside the lines yet your mother was thrilled. When you learned to ride a bike, your mother was no longer thrilled when you crawled or walked, she was thrilled at your new gift, seeing you ride for the first time.

When you crawl you rely on yourself. When you walk, you rely on yourself and a bit of parental coaxing; similar to being baptized in Christ. When you draw, you rely on the former, yet also on the manufacturers of the crayons and paper. When you ride a bike, you rely on the former and also on new knowledge for new skills of many mechanisims working together.

When you put-on Christ and unite with Christ as One with Christ, and completely rely on Christ, with Christ as the head, you move on from former ways and reach toward the new. You don't ride your bike into the car, that is not practical, useful, or helpful. You leave behind your old ways {the bicycle} and join with the new.

When you get in the fancy limosine with Christ behind the wheel, Christ drives you, perhaps to a church, perhaps to a park, and so on, where Christ decides. As you grow and come to understand, you can suggest "Let's go to the ice cream parlor.", and just maybe Christ will take you.

When you give good gifts, being self sacrifice, and are counted worthy, Christ would let you try to steer the car. With reliability {such as perhaps according to law: with a license}, Christ may let you take the car for a drive by yourself.

Christ would have you learn to drive a jet and a rocket. Far greater wisdom and reliability are required. Increasingly paying attention to the Word of God with meticulous precision is vital for your growth in Christ.

An astronaut does not need purse, wallet, money, nor credit card in space. In fact, carrying such extras can cause disaster. You must come clean, you must be prepared, you must be alert at all times, you must be ahead of problems and control fail-safes, yet moreover, you must have learned of Christ for proper guidance, if you are to advance with Christ.

If you return from the moon and give reporters a picture where you drew outside the lines, they might take it as an insult. And then if your relatives and friends come to congratulate you and you tell them little and give them canned goods and send them on their way, they might take it as an insult.

To advance with Christ, you must sacrifice greater gifts. They seek guidance: give them yourself.

The "law" does not require that you give such "sacrifices", and Christ will not accept [unworthy] "sacrifices". Christ is not about things and the body, including your body, Christ is interested in your success in perfect devotional love, wisdom, and yield. Master the spiritual gifts, and be perfect in Christ.). 2 Else would they not, in that case, have ceased being offered, by reason of those rendering the divine service having no further conscience at all of sins, being once for all purified? 3 But, in them, is a recalling to mind of sins, year by year, (Note: You can't buy your way into heaven.). 4 For it is impossible for blood of bulls and goats to be taking away sins. 5 Wherefore, coming into the world, he saith: Sacrifice and offering, thou willedst not, but, a body, hast thou fitted for me,- 6 In whole-burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sins, thou didst not delight: 7 ¶ Then, said I-Lo! I am come,-in the heading of the scroll, it is written concerning me,-to do, O God, thy will. 8 Higher up, saying-Sacrifices, and offerings, and whole-burnt-offerings, and sacrifices for sins, thou willedst not, neither delightedst in,-the which, according to the law, are offered, 9 Then, hath he said-Lo! I am come! to do, thy will:-he taketh away the first, that, the second, he may establish: 10 By which will, we have been made holy, through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all. (Note: Thank you Jesus.). 11 And, every priest, indeed, standeth daily publicly ministering, and the same sacrifices ofttimes offering, the which never can clear away sins; (Note: Yet love hath no bounds. The Holy Book says Give and it will be given you, good measure and pressed down and shaken together.

Advancement with Christ means we no longer abide by the old useless ways, lest their ears be weary with hearing. We must advance in our "sacrifices" anew, and cast off the perishable. All this giving, save One: we must lose no one nor nothing along the way: that we enable nothing to be taken from us: through immediately first giving graciously to support and nurture those in our responsibility: our profit being nothing save for One being the minimum and being ours in Christ.

For if we give all we can, others can hardly be tempted to take from us. And if we give to them without their having to beg, easily they may want to protect us, and where we go they may want to follow, and when we lead them to Christ, they may become One with Christ.

Would you know if you should "sacrifice" of yourself, not of duty, yet of grace? You know the truth, Jesus Christ, see John 1.1 Note. Would you be One with Christ? Don't say no one ever asked you.). 12 But this priest, having offered one sacrifice for sins evermore, sat down on the right hand of God: 13 As for the rest, waiting-until his foes be made his footstool; (Note: Some say because of Christ, the Old Testament no longer applies: they wait on the Lord. As good as this rest is, do not fall into the back-slider trap. Unhinge yourself from resistance and delay, the fields are white already for harvest. Do the Will of God, Numbers 9.18.

How often have you wanted to know the future? How often have you wanted to know the heart of God? What's on His Mind, what does Christ think {Mark 13.23}?

Let us advance from their point of view, not ours, lest we fail to save those in need from their own individual points of views; nonetheless let us advance according to the Will and Word of Christ. If they have need of a picture drawn outside the lines {see Hebrews 10.1 Note above}, let us not leave this undone, for their sakes. Let us start to help them, then we can advance.). 14 For, by one offering, hath he perfected for evermore, them who are being made holy. (Note: Do not fear my friends in Christ, for if you put-on and unite with Christ, the sacrifice of yourself is not yours, yet it is the sacrifice of Christ, if you truly do all things for Christ Jesus our Lord.

As such, how hardly can you suffer, lest you admire sin?

So you know what the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is, being choice for God. What then is this "evermore" of which Christian Disciple Paul writes?

It is the tree of life, and more. It is the tree of fulfillment of the law and more. It is the "evermore" and everlasting Will of God and the Holy Word.

How smart does one have to be to figure-it-out, rather let us rely on the perfect mind of Christ. We know Christ is logical being not of confusion, yet rather from above. Therefore, we can have the loving wisdom for Christ to understand the logical pattern of time.

In relying on Christ we find that time is important as it is imperishable. Therefore Love and Time are connected.

How much you Love, has something to do with Time.

When your work or Activity is Love, then logically you must have more Time. Even nature shows us that according to the body, we can love someone and have babies, extending the timeline of our own genetics, and the genetics of certain ones of our ancestry.

Not of the body, yet spiritually, we need not look to our own body as the temple of God, yet rather look to Christ {more than the [body of Christ] being the Holy of holies most excellent and perfect Temple of God. See Hebrews 9.3 Note above.}. In other words, we do not need to seek immortality if we are united with Christ {reference Genesis 3.22} because Christ already is immortal [then with us], yet nonetheless, let us not being bound by law yet of our own freewill in the grace God allotted to us, do the Will of Christ and seek immortality and the imperishable. Nevertheless, not our will, yet His be done.

Time = Love / Activity. Activity = Love / Time. Love = Time x Activity = Life.

Time is equal to your love, when love is what you are about. So to advance with Christ into the higher gifts of the Spirit and realms of the Word and Will of God, what you should be about is the love of Christ.

Earnestly desire the higher gifts, 1 Corinthians 12.31, the second being to prophesize {the first being the Apostleship, yet let us not leave the other undone}.

Logically according to the formula, as our love changes, time changes. As we work to increase outward {as opposed to selfish} love, we increase time.

What does this mean, does the clock change? Yes. For the pure in Christ by their own personal free choice, their relative time changes. With love, people absolutely advance. For sinners, the formula must logically include an extra parameter, such as: {love divided by sin}. Plugging sin into the formula has very different results.

When our sin is equal to zero, then the above formulas are true, since Love = Life / Sin, and since Life = Love / Sin; yet nonetheless it is illogical to divide by zero. This is because when Christ took-on the sins of the world and of the body physically died to sinners on the cross, sin to those Christian followers pure in Christ and washed in His Blood became no longer sin {just as with accounting, an area of cost becomes an area of profit} to any more than the minimum of One Jesus Christ, being equal to one, so therefore to the pure Christians Love = Life / 1, and Life = Love / 1.

Compare how in the selfish business world the popular saying is "Time equals money.". Sin = Love x Money, or perhaps better and more clearly stated for you, Sin = Love x [selfishly attaining and withholding].

When we live carelessly, perhaps such as on vacation and/or break, time goes fast. Yet when we are One with Christ doing the Work of God, conquests are manifold, as we have great time.

What if your business had more time than your competitor to get the job done, and the customer was in no hurry, on which business might the customer be more likely to depend for satisfactory and reliable results? In battle, which nation would win, one that had time to prepare, or one caught by surprise?

Are you going to prepare with Christ? United with Christ, let us rather bring others to unite with us. Let us conquer through unity rather than destruction. If they choose to fight, let us not be afraid, for they come against their Creator.

Time was made for the Christian, not for the Christian to be subject to time.

The above is true, yet nonetheless, let not your grace be a stumbling block. Consider the lilies of the field, they toil not, neither do they spin. If in a coma, you can love. If cast into prison and bound by chains, you can love. If tortured, you can love, and greater is the love of God in you, than the time they have to torture you.

Give of your time for Christ and hope for nothing in return, see 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5.8 Note.). 15 But even the Holy Spirit beareth us witness; for, after having said- 16 This is the covenant which I will covenant unto them after these days, saith the Lord,-Giving my laws upon their hearts, upon their understandings also, will I inscribe them, 17 He also saith-of their sins, and of their lawlessnesses, I will in nowise be mindful any more. 18 But, wherever a remission of these is, there is, no further, offering, for sins. 19 ¶ Having therefore, brethren, freedom of speech for the entrance through the Holy place, by the blood of Jesus, 20 Which entrance he hath consecrated for us, as a way recent and living, through the veil, that is, his flesh,- 21 And having a great priest over the house of God, 22 Let us approach with a genuine heart, in full assurance of faith, having been sprinkled, as to our hearts, from an evil conscience, and bathed, as to our bodies, with pure water; 23 Let us hold fast the confession of the hope without wavering,-for, faithful, is he that hath promised; 24 And let us attentively consider one another, to provoke unto love and noble works,- 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, according to the custom of some, but exhorting, and by so much the more as this, by as much as ye behold, the day, drawing near. 26 For, if, by choice, we be sinning, after the receiving of the full-knowledge of the truth, no longer, for sins, is there left over, a sacrifice, 27 But some fearful reception of judgment and fiery jealousy, about to devour the opposers. 28 Any one having set aside a law of Moses, apart from compassions, upon the testimony of two or three witnesses, dieth: 29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be accounted worthy, who hath trampled underfoot the Son of God, and, the blood of the covenant, hath esteemed, a profane thing, by which he had been made holy, and, unto the Spirit of favour, hath offered wanton insult? 30 For we know him that hath said-To me, belongeth avenging, I, will recompense; and again-The Lord will judge his people. 31 A fearful thing it is to fall into the hands of a Living God! 32 But be calling to mind the former days, in which, once ye were illuminated, a great combat of sufferings, ye endured;- 33 Partly, indeed, because, both with reproaches and tribulations, ye were being made a spectacle, but, partly, because, into fellowship with them who were so involved, ye were brought;- 34 For, even with them who were in bonds, ye sympathised, and, unto the seizure of your goods, with joy, ye bade welcome,-knowing that ye have yourselves, for a better possession and an abiding. 35 Do not, then, cast away your freedom of speech,-the which hath a great recompense. 36 For, of endurance, ye have need, in order that, the will of God having done, Ye may bear away, the promise. 37 For, yet a little while, how short! how short! The Coming One will be here, and will not tarry; 38 But, my righteous one, by faith, shall live, and, if he draw back, my soul delighteth not in him. 39 We, however, are not of a drawing back unto destruction, but, of faith, unto an acquisition of life.

Hebrews Chapter 11

1 ¶ But faith is, of things hoped for, a confidence, of facts, a conviction, when they are not seen; (Note: This great verse is about Jesus Christ. See 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5.8 Note, including:

Faith = Body / Hope. Hope = Body / Faith. Body = Faith x Hope.

The Faith Jesus Christ has toward accomplishing creation was met with His Words and Works and resurrection from the cross {this is not to delimit the abilities of Jesus Christ, yet rather states some minimum, with acknowledgement more of His abilities exist}.

Ofter a person reading this verse wants to understand how this verse applies to themself. Since this verse is about Jesus Christ, the self thought {as good as such application may be, nonetheless} delimits one from Jesus Christ, since it is the Lord Jesus Christ that created, and not the self {save one same Jesus Christ}, and furthermore it is the Creator Jesus Christ and not merely the helper Jesus Christ. Therefore, "things hoped for" and things "seen" have been created of Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, the negative space in artistic terms for instance, can have greater meaning than the object initially catching the attention and focus of the eye. Such negative space is not inherently bad or evil, rather it is often merely ink, or lack thereof on canvas, or perhaps a figure with holes cut in it, or perhaps a series of harmonics with a tone missing.

As such, negative space is also good in serving the purpose of Jesus Christ, the creator of all. Hence the "not seen" is also something valuable for the greater glory of Jesus Christ.

Before Abraham, and before the beginning, was and is and will be Jesus Christ. Also Jesus Christ is the creation's great I am. Also Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, also Jesus Christ was born anew in the Jordan, also Jesus Christ was [born anew and] resurrected from the cross, also Jesus Christ came anew from the tomb, also Jesus Christ ascends from Mary Magdalene, and so on.

Therefore, Jesus Christ is about renewal and newness. On the other hand, our own personal selfish concern for our own body is the opposite of the love and greater creation newness of Jesus Christ, the renewing Creator. Therefore if we are following in agreement and One with Jesus Christ, then therefore it needs must be that the new way {such as the babe Jesus Christ for example} is not the opposite of the renewing of Jesus Christ, rather it is the end of the greatest fullfilling that is the opposite of the renewing creation Plan of Jesus Christ, as found with the cross; see Hebrews 9.12 Note above.

The old and personally selfish way is to view the end of Jesus Christ as a typical person on earth in the body, expiring on the cross, yet rather following the pattern of Jesus Christ our Creator is Oneness in the wisdom that there is more importantly than expiring, the newness.

In math we can use logic to work to a base ten system, or we can choose to work to another base and it's system, such as base fifteen. So, if we use that same line of thinking in purest known math reasoning as applied to Easter, we find from the start, zero, the end is no longer at ten, Easter, it is at 1.5 times the time it took from birth of Jesus Christ to Easter. In such a case, the resurrection is just another part of the flow of life and creative Work of Jesus Christ from zero to fifteen.

This wisdom conquers faith, and faith conquers hope. Where there is faith, the "confidence", there is no lack of faith and hence no need for hope. Compare for instance how on Christmas a child is being given a toy they wanted and were promised [or hinted]; so the child no longer hopes they will get the toy, as that hope is superceded and replaced with the faith that they are receiving and possessing that toy, no longer according to the hope of the promise, yet rather according to the embodiment of faith. The change is from embodiment of selfish hope, to the embodiment of receiving according to faith in the Word and the Works {if true then of Jesus Christ; if false then see Ephesians 5.4 Note for the glory of Christ}. So we have Oneness with Jesus Christ, or we have: for the glorification of Jesus Christ.

Likewise, where there is wisdom, there is no lack of wisdom and hence no need for incompleteness. How can you have faith that you will receive something if you already understand {in wisdom} that you have that something? Yes.

Therefore if you are One with Jesus Christ, you have wisdom that surpasses all understanding, so what need have ye of faith involving hope and the body? Yes.

Yet nonetheless, save one, as Jesus Christ has wisely shown us a more excellent way.). 2 For, thereby, well-attested were the ancients. 3 By faith, we understand the ages to have been fitted together, by declaration of God,-to the end that, not out of things appearing, should that which is seen, have come into existence. 4 ¶ By faith, a fuller sacrifice, did Abel, offer unto God, than Cain,-through which, he received witness that he was righteous, there being a witnessing upon his gifts, by God; and, through it, though he died, he yet is speaking. 5 By faith, Enoch was translated, so as not to see death, and was not found, because that, God, had translated him; for, before the translation, he had received witness that he had become well-pleasing unto God;- (Note: Greater is the Lord Jesus Christ than "death".). 6 But, apart from faith, it is impossible to be well-pleasing; for he that approacheth unto God-must needs have faith, that he is, and that, to them who seek him out, a rewarder he becometh. 7 By faith, Noah, having received intimation concerning the things not yet seen, filled with reverence, prepared an ark to the saving of his house-through which he condemned the world, and, of the righteousness by way of faith, became heir. 8 By faith, being called, Abraham obeyed-to come forth into a place he was destined to receive for an inheritance; and he came forth, not well knowing whither he was coming. 9 By faith, he sojourned in the land of promise, as a foreign land, in tents, dwelling, along with Isaac and Jacob, the joint-heirs of the same promise; 10 For he was awaiting the city having foundations, whose architect and builder is, God. 11 By faith, even Sarah herself, received power for founding a seed, even beyond the season of life’s prime,-seeing that, faithful, she reckoned, him that had promised; 12 Wherefore, even from one, were born, and, as to these things, one who had become dead,-like the stars of the heaven, for multitude, and as the sand that is by the lip of the sea, that cannot be numbered. 13 In faith, all these died-not bearing away the promises, but, from afar, beholding and saluting them, and confessing that, strangers and sojourners, were they upon the land. 14 For, they who such things as these are saying, make it clear that, of a paternal home they are in quest; 15 And, if indeed of that they had been mindful, from which they had come out, they might, in that case, have had an opportunity, to return; 16 But, now, after a better one, are they reaching, that is, a heavenly; wherefore God is not ashamed of them, to be invoked as, their God,-for he hath prepared for them, a city. 17 By faith, Abraham, when tested, offered up Isaac, and, the only-begotten, would he have offered up, who the promises had accepted,- 18 Even him of whom it had been said-In Isaac, shall there be called to thee, a seed: 19 Accounting that, even from among the dead, God, was able, to raise him,-whence, even in similitude, he bare him away. 20 By faith, even concerning things to come, did Isaac bless Jacob and Esau. 21 By faith, Jacob, when about to die, blessed each of the sons of Joseph; and bowed in worship on the top of his staff. 22 By faith, Joseph, when drawing to his end-concerning the exodus of the sons of Israel, called to remembrance, and, concerning his bones, gave commandment. 23 By faith, Moses, when born-was hid three months by his parents, because, they saw, that, goodly, was, the child, and were not affrighted, at the decree of the king. 24 By faith, Moses, when grown up-refused to be called the son of a daughter of a Pharaoh, 25 Rather choosing-to be jointly suffering ill-treatment with the people of God, than, for a season, to be having, sins enjoyment; 26 Accounting-as greater riches than Egypt’s treasures, the reproach of the Anointed One; for he was looking away unto the recompense. 27 By faith, he forsook Egypt-not put in fear of the wrath of the king; for, as seeing him who cannot be seen, he persevered. 28 By faith, he hath kept the passover and the besmearing of the blood, lest, he that was destroying the first-born, should be touching them. 29 By faith, they passed through the Red Sea, as over dry land,-which the Egyptians, seizing an attempt to do, were swallowed up. 30 By faith, the walls of Jericho, fell, having been surrounded for seven days. 31 By faith, Rahab the harlot perished not with them who refused to yield, she having welcomed the spies with peace. 32 ¶ And what more can I say? For, time, will fail me while I go on telling-concerning Gideon, Barak, Sampson, Jephthah, David also, and Samuel, and the prophets,- 33 Who, through faith-prevailed in contest over kingdoms, wrought righteousness, attained unto promises, shut the mouths of lions, 34 Quenched the power of fire, escaped the mouths of the sword, were made powerful from weakness, became mighty in battle, overturned, camps of aliens; 35 Women received, by resurrection, their dead; but, others, were put to the rack, not accepting redemption, that, unto a better resurrection, they might attain: 36 Others, again, of mockings and scourgings, received trial, nay! further, of bonds and imprisonments: 37 They were stoned, were pierced through, were sawn asunder, by murder, with a sword, died, went about in sheep-skins, in goat-hides,-being in want, suffering tribulation, enduring ill-treatment: 38 Of whom the world, was not worthy-upon deserts, wandering, and mountains, and in caves,-and in the caverns of the earth. 39 And, these all, though they obtained witness through their faith, yet bare not away, the promise: 40 God, for us, something better providing,-that, not apart from us, should they be made, perfect.

Hebrews Chapter 12

1 ¶ Therefore, indeed, seeing that, we also, have encircling us, so great a cloud of witnesses, stripping off every incumbrance and the easily entangling sin, with endurance, let us be running, the race that is lying before us, 2 Looking away unto our faith’s Princely-leader and perfecter, Jesus,-who, in consideration of the joy lying before him, endured a cross, shame, despising! And, on the right hand of the throne of God, hath taken his seat. 3 For take ye into consideration-him who hath endured, such contradiction, by sinners against themselves, lest ye be wearied, in your souls becoming exhausted. 4 ¶ Not yet unto blood, have ye resisted, against sin, waging a contest; 5 And ye have quite forgotten the exhortation which, indeed, with you as with sons, doth reason:-My son! be not slighting the discipline of the Lord, neither be fainting, when by him, thou art reproved; 6 For, whom the Lord loveth, he doth, discipline, and scourgeth every son whom he doth welcome home. 7 For the sake of discipline, persevere! As towards sons, God, beareth himself, towards you; for who is a son whom a father doth not discipline? 8 If however ye are without discipline, whereof, all, have received a share, then, are ye, bastards, and, not sons. 9 Furthermore, indeed, the fathers of our flesh, we used to have, as administrators of discipline, and we used to pay deference: shall we not, much rather, submit ourselves to the Father of our spirits and, live? 10 For, they, indeed, for a few days, according to that which seemed good to them, were administering discipline; but, he, unto that which is profitable, with view to our partaking of his holiness: 11 But, no discipline, for the present, indeed, seemeth to be of joy, but of sorrow: afterwards, however-to them who thereby have been trained, it yieldeth peaceful fruit, of righteousness. (Note: Therefore if we enable only "joy" now, then there is no "discipline" to enable "righteousness" for respect of the Word of God.

Joy = Righteousness / Discipline. Discipline = Righteousness / Joy. Righteousness = Joy x Discipline = Reward x Punishment = Favor x Displeasure = Law = Relative Logic.

Therefore according to Discipline, Punishment, and Displeasure, the Law cannot bring perfection. Law and Relativity bring enmity and/or reminders of enmity. Whereas, grace brings perfection.

Such Logic of Grace cannot be Relative, comparing one as being better than another, therefore it needs be Absolute Logic of Oneness. As the mind reasons Oneness according Grace in Jesus Christ, such human spirit is purified in the blood of Christ enabling the greater dwelling of the Holy Spirit and Word of God.

Law = Word / Grace. Grace = Word / Law. Word = Law x Grace = Jesus Christ = God. Hence this is another proof of the existence of God.). 12 Wherefore, the slackened hands and paralysed knees, restore ye, 13 And, straight tracks, be making for your feet-that the lame member may not be dislocated, but, be healed rather. 14 Peace, be pursuing, with all, and the obtaining of holiness,-without which no one shall see the Lord: (Note: Therefore it is to our shame that "Peace" is unfulfilled at every instance. For how can we justify ourselves before the Lord if we are against some or all of His Creation?). 15 Using oversight-lest any one be falling behind from the favour of God,-lest any root of bitterness, springing up above, be causing trouble, and, through it, the many, be defiled: 16 Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, like Esau,-who, for the sake of one meal, yielded up his own firstborn rights; 17 For ye know that, afterwards-when he even wished to inherit the blessing, he was rejected; for, place of repentance, found he none, even though, with tears, he diligently sought it. 18 ¶ For ye have not approached-unto, a searching and scorching fire, and gloom, and mist, and tempest, 19 And a trumpets peal,-and a sound of things spoken:-from which they who heard excused themselves, lest there should be added to them, a word; 20 For they could not bear, that which was being enjoined,-and, should a beast be touching the mountain, it shall be stoned; 21 And, so fearful was that which was showing itself, Moses, said-I am terrified, and do tremble l 22 But ye have approached-unto Zion’s mountain, and unto the city of a Living God, a heavenly Jerusalem,-and unto myriads of messengers, 23 in high festival,-and unto an assembly of firstborn ones, enrolled in the heavens,-and unto God, judge of all,-and unto the spirits of righteous ones made perfect,- 24 And unto the mediator of a new covenant, Jesus,-and unto the blood of sprinkling, more excellently speaking, than, Abel. 25 Beware, lest ye excuse yourselves from him that speaketh; for, if, they escaped not, who excused themselves from him who on earth was warning, how much less, shall, we, who from him that warneth from the heavens, do turn ourselves away: 26 Whose voice shook the earth, then, but, now, hath he promised, saying-Yet once for all, I, will shake-not only the earth, but, also the heaven. 27 But, the saying, Yet once for all, maketh clear the removal of the things which can be shaken, as of things done with,-that they may remain, which cannot be shaken. 28 Wherefore, seeing that, of a kingdom not to be shaken, we are receiving possession, let us have gratitude-whereby we may be rendering divine service well-pleasingly unto God, with reverence and awe; 29 For, even our God, is a consuming fire.

Hebrews Chapter 13

1 ¶ Let brotherly love continue. 2 Of the entertaining of strangers, be not forgetful, for, hereby, unawares, have some entertained, messengers. (Note: "messengers" Rothrham = "angels" RSV. Greater yet is our Lord, see Luke 24.16.). 3 Bear in mind them who are in bonds, as having become jointly bound,-them who are suffering ill-treatment, as being yourselves also in the body. 4 Let marriage be honourable in all, and the bed undefiled, for, fornicators and adulterers, God, will judge. 5 Without fondness for money, be your way of life,-being content with the present things,-for, he, hath said: In nowise, thee, will I leave, no indeed! in nowise, thee, will I forsake: (Note: Therefore our faith must be in God rather than in the creations made of humans.

For when Mother Mary lost Jesus her son on the cross, money had no value compared with the greater worth of her son Jesus. Money fails. Jesus Christ endures as God. The value of God exceeds all understanding.). 6 So that, taking courage, we may be saying-The Lord, hasteth to my cry,-I will not be put in fear: what shall, man, do unto me? 7 Be mindful of them who are guiding you, who, indeed, have spoken unto you, the word of God: the outgoing of whose behaviour, reviewing, be imitating, their faith. (Note: Faith is of the persuasion of the mind, wisdom is of the knowledge and understanding of love.

Faith is overcome by destiny; love conquers all. Persuasion is from below, love is from above.

Lacking wisdom we must faithfully follow our Leader, Jesus Christ. Filled with wisdom, we are One with our Leader, Jesus Christ.). 8 Jesus Christ, yesterday, and to-day, is the same,-and unto the ages. 9 With teachings, manifold and strange, be not carried aside; for it is, noble, that, with gratitude, should, the heart, be getting confirmed,-not with matters of food, in which, they who are walking, have not been profited. 10 We have an altar-to eat out of which, they, have no right, who in the tent are doing divine service; 11 For, in the case of those living creatures, whose blood for sins is carried into the holy place, through means of the high-priest, the bodies of these, are burned up, outside the camp. 12 Wherefore, Jesus also, that he might hallow the people through means of his own blood, outside the gate, suffered: 13 Now, therefore, let us be going forth unto him, outside the camp, his reproach bearing. 14 For we have not here an abiding city, but, unto that which is to be, are we seeking our way. 15 Through him, let us be offering up a sacrifice of praise, continually, unto God; that is, a fruit of lips confessing unto his name. 16 But, of the doing good and of fellowship, be not forgetful; for, with such sacrifices as these, is, God, well-pleased. 17 Be yielding unto them who are guiding you, and submit yourselves; for they are watching over your souls, as having an account to render, that, with joy the same they may be doing, and not with sighing,-for, unprofitable unto you, were, this. 18 ¶ Be praying for us; for we persuade ourselves that an honourable conscience have we, in all things honourably, desiring to behave ourselves. 19 But, much more abundantly, do I exhort you the same to do, that, more speedily, I may be restored, unto you. 20 But, the God of peace, He that led up from among the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep, with the blood of an age-abiding covenant,-our Lord Jesus, 21 Fit you, by every good work, for the doing of his will, doing within us, that which is well-pleasing, before him through Jesus Christ: to whom be the glory, unto the ages of ages. Amen. 22 Now I exhort you, brethren, bear with the word of exhortation,-for, even with brief words, have I sent unto you. 23 Know ye that our brother Timothy hath been set at liberty,-with whom, if more speedily he be coming, I will see you. 24 Salute all them who are guiding you, and all the saints: they from Italy, salute you. 25 Favour be with you all.

The Letter of James: The Bible Book of James

James Chapter 1

1 ¶ James, a servant, of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,-unto the twelve tribes that are in the dispersion, Wishes joy. 2 ¶ All Joy, account it, my brethren, whensoever ye fall in with, manifold, temptations,- 3 Taking note, that, the proving of your faith, worketh out endurance; 4 But let, your endurance, have, mature work, that ye may be mature and complete, in nothing, coming short. 5 But, if any of you is sinning short of wisdom, let him be asking of God, Who giveth unto all freely and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him; 6 But let him be asking in faith, nothing, doubting, for, he that doubteth, is like a wave of the sea, wind-driven and storm-tossed,- 7 For let not that man think that he shall receive anything from the Lord- 8 A two-souled man, unstable in all his ways. 9 But boasting be the lowly brother in his uplifting; 10 Whereas the rich, in his being brought low,-because, as a flower of grass, he will pass away; 11 For the sun hath sprung up, with it scorching heat, and hath withered the grass, and, the flower thereof, hath fallen out, and, the beauty of the face thereof, hath perished,-so, also the rich, in his goings, shall languish. 12 Happy the man who endureth temptation! Because, becoming approved, he shall receive the crown of life-which he hath promised unto them that love him. 13 ¶ Let, no one, while tempted, be saying-From God, am I tempted,-for, God, cannot be tempted by things evil, and, himself, tempteth no one; 14 But, each one, is tempted, when, by his own coveting, he is drawn out and enticed, 15 Then, the coveting, having conceived, giveth birth to sin, and, the sin, when full-grown, bringeth forth death. 16 Be not deceived, my brethren beloved:- 17 Every good giving, and every perfect gift, is, from above, coming down from the Father of lights-with whom is no alternation, nor shadow cast, by turning: 18 Because he was so minded, he hath brought us forth with a word of truth, to the end we should be a sort of firstfruit of his creatures 19 ¶ Ye know, my brethren beloved,-but let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, 20 For, man’s anger, worketh not, God’s righteousness. 21 Wherefore, putting away all filthiness and overflow of baseness, in meekness, welcome ye the word fitted for inward growth, which is able to save your souls: 22 Become ye doers of the word, and not hearers only-reasoning yourselves astray; 23 Because, if any is, a word-hearer, and not a doer, the same, is like unto a man observing his natural face in a mirror,- 24 For he observed himself, and is gone away, and, straightway, it hath escaped him,-what manner of man, he was! 25 But, he that hath obtained a nearer view into the perfect law of liberty, and hath taken up his abode by it, becoming-not a forgetful hearer, but a work doer, the same, happy in his doing, shall be. 26 If any thinketh he is observant of religion, not curbing his own tongue, but deceiving his own heart, this one’s, religious observance is, vain: 27 Religious observance, pure and undefiled with our God and Father, is, this-to be visiting orphans and widows in their affliction, unspotted, to keep, himself, from the world. (Note: For Christmas, Easter, Sundays, Weddings, and so on, many people are anxious to go to a church building: such is a great thing for the glory of God. This verse of grace is greater, not to leave the other grace undone if personally appropriate: for the greater glory of God.

Practically speaking, multitudes complain that some money they pay some large group doesn't get to where it is needed, and instead it goes to some wealthy bureaucrats that take their portion first. Instead of complaining, volunteer and get directly involved.

Don't just look at the poor, visit them and bring good news according to your personal ability for the Lord, and explain to them that you did that good deed for the Lord. Let the Lord begin to work more greatly out of the good treasure of your heart that you may give abundantly and without measure. Help according to their needs, not yours.).

James Chapter 2

1 ¶ My brethren, do not, with respect for persons, be holding the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. 2 For, if there enter into your synagogue a man wearing gold rings in gay clothing, and there enter a destitute man also, in soiled clothing,- 3 And ye eye him that hath on the gay clothing, and say, Thou, be sitting here, pleasantly,-and, unto the destitute man, say-Thou, stand, or sit there under my footstool, 4 Would ye not have been led to make distinctions among yourselves, and have become judges with wicked reasonings? 5 Hearken! my brethren beloved:-Hath not, God, chosen the destitute in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? 6 Whereas, ye, have dishonoured the destitute man! Do not, the rich, oppress you? and, themselves, drag you into courts of justice? 7 Do not, they, defame the noble name which hath been invoked upon you? 8 ¶ If ye are, indeed, fulfilling, a royal law, according to the scripture-Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, nobly, are ye doing; 9 But, if ye are shewing respect of persons, sin, are ye working, being convicted by the law as transgressors! 10 For, a man who shall keep, the whole law, but shall stumble in one thing, hath become, for all things, liable,- 11 For, he that hath said-Do not commit adultery, hath also said-Do not commit murder,-now, if thou dost not commit adultery, but dost commit murder, thou hast become a transgressor of law. 12 So, be speaking, and, so, doing, as they who, through means of a law of freedom, are about to be judged; 13 For, the judgment, will be without mercy, unto him that hath shewed no mercy: Mercy, boasteth, over judgment. 14 ¶ What profit, my brethren,-if one should be saying he hath, faith, but hath not, works; can his faith save him? (Note: There are great and horrific divisions separating Christians from Christians, such as for instance pertaining to this verse. As for instance with some Catholics saying, Presbyterians think they can be saved for their works. Yet Catholics do work to breathe, and yet Presbyterians do not work to sleep.

Whether Catholic or Presbyterian , these are great groups, being for the Lord. Through grace one compliments another. For example, when riding a bicycle, one foot moves up as the other moves down; one forward, the other back.

We are all One in Christ. Grace is not about competition, it is about the love priority Jesus Christ creates, and it is about unity.

We should not be proud of ourselves because more people are in our congregation, lest we count heads as one would count money or as one would tabulate race results. People we gather for Christ are not for us, such people are gathered for Christ, the Creator of situations and togetherness.

In grace given of Jesus Christ, if one would personally work according to faith, excellent, and if one would personally have faith to operate for Christ according to works, excellent: let use each personally, and each group together, and all One in Christ be Holy. And be not quick to temper if one uses a little salt, and forgive, and be a good example.). 15 If, a brother or sister, should be naked, and coming short of the daily food, 16 And one from among you should say unto them-Withdraw in peace, be getting warmed and fed, but should not give them the things needful for the body, What the profit? 17 So, also, faith, if it have not works, is dead, by itself. 18 But one will say,-Thou, hast faith, and, I, have works, show me thy faith apart from thy works, and, I, unto thee, will shew, by my works, my faith. 19 Thou believest that God is, one: thou doest, well-Even the demons believe, and shudder! 20 But art thou willing to learn, O empty man! that, faith, apart from works, is, idle? 21 Abraham our father, was it not, by works, he was declared righteous-when he offered Isaac his son upon the altar? 22 Thou seest that, his faith, had been working together with his works, and by his works did his faith become full-grown,- 23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith-And Abraham believed God, And it was reckoned to him as righteousness, and, God’s friend, was he called: 24 Ye see that-by works, a man is declared righteous, and not by faith alone. 25 And, in like manner also, Rahab the harlot, Was it not, by works, she was declared righteous, when she gave welcome unto the messengers, and, by another way, urged them forth? 26 Just as, the body, apart from spirit, is dead, so, our faith also, apart from works, is dead.

James Chapter 3

1 ¶ Not, many teachers, become ye, my brethren, knowing that, a severer sentence, shall ye receive; 2 For, oft, are we stumbling, one and all: If anyone, in word, doth not stumble, the same, is a mature man, able to curb even the whole body. 3 Now, if, the horses bits, into their mouths, we thrust, to the end they may be yielding to us, their whole body also, do we turn about. 4 Lo! the ships also, large as they are, and, by rough winds, driven along, are turned about by a very small helm, whithersoever the impulse of the steersman inclineth. 5 So, also, the tongue, is, a little member, and yet, of great things, maketh boast. Lo! how small a fire, kindleth, how great a forest; 6 And, the tongue, is a fire,-as, the world of unrighteousness, the tongue, becometh fixed among our members, that which defileth the whole body and setteth on fire the wheel of our natural life, and is set on fire, by gehenna! 7 For, every nature-both of wild beasts and of birds, both of reptiles and of things in the sea, is to be tamed, and hath been tamed, by the human nature; 8 But, the tongue, none of mankind can, tame,-A restless mischief! Full of deadly poison 9 Therewith, are we blessing our Lord and Father, and, therewith, we are cursing the men who, after the likeness of God, have been brought into being! 10 Out of the same mouth, come forth blessing and cursing! Not meet, my brethren, for, these things, thus, to be coming to pass! 11 Doth, the fountain, out of the same opening, teem forth the sweet and the bitter? 12 Is it possible, my brethren, for, a fig-tree, to produce, olives, or, a vine, figs? Neither can, salt, water yield, sweet. 13 ¶ Who is wise and well-instructed-among you? Let him show, out of his comely behaviour, his works, in meekness of wisdom. 14 But, if, bitter jealousy, ye have, and rivalry, in your hearts; be not boasting and showing yourselves false against the truth! 15 This wisdom is not one, from above, coming down, but is earthly, born of the soul, demoniacal! 16 For, where jealousy and rivalry are, there, are anarchy and every ignoble deed. 17 But, the wisdom from above, is-first pure, then peaceable, reasonable, easy to be entreated, fraught with mercy and good fruits, without partiality, without hypocrisy. 18 And, in harvest of righteousness, with peace, is sown by them that make peace.

James Chapter 4

1 ¶ Whence wars and whence fightings among you? are they not from hence-due to your pleasures which are taking the field in your members? 2 Ye covet-and have not, ye commit murder, and are jealous-and cannot obtain,-ye fight and war. Ye have not-because ye do not really ask, 3 Ye ask and receive not, because that, basely, ye ask, in order that, in your pleasures, ye may spend it. 4 Adulteresses! Know ye not that, the friendship of the world, is, enmity to God? Whosoever, therefore, is minded to be, a friend, of the world, an enemy of God, doth constitute himself. 5 Or think ye that, in vain, the scripture speaketh? Is it, for envying, that the spirit which hath taken an abode within us doth crave? 6 Howbeit he giveth, greater, favour. Wherefore it saith-God, against the haughty, arrayeth himself, Whereas, unto the lowly, he giveth favour. 7 Range yourselves, therefore, under God, but withstand the adversary, and he will flee from you: 8 Draw near unto God, and he will draw near unto you. Cleanse hands, sinners! Chasten hearts, double souls! 9 Be miserable and lament and weep, let, your laughter, into lamentation, be turned, and, your joy, into dejection; 10 Be made low in presence of the Lord, and he will lift you up. 11 ¶ Be not speaking one against another, brethren! He that speaketh against a brother, or judgeth his brother, speaketh against law, and judgeth law; Now, if, upon law, thou art passing judgment, thou art not a doer of law, but a judge! 12 One, is Lawgiver and Judge-He who hath power to save and to destroy; but who art, thou, that judgest thy neighbour? 13 Come now! ye that say-Today or To-morrow, we will journey unto this city here, and will spend there a year, and will trade and get gain,- 14 Men who are not versed in the morrow-of what sort your life will be; for ye are, a vapour-for a little, appearing, then, just disappearing! 15 Instead of your saying-If, the Lord, be pleased, we shall both, live and do this or that; 16 Whereas, now, are ye boasting in your pretensions:-All boasting like this, is, wicked, 17 To him, therefore, who knoweth how to be doing, a right thing, and is not doing it, it is, sin, unto him.

James Chapter 5

1 ¶ Come now! ye wealthy! Weep ye, howling, for your hardships which are coming upon you: 2 Your wealth, hath rotted, and, your garments, have become, moth-eaten,- 3 Your gold and silver, have rusted away, and, their rust, shall be, witness against you, and shall eat your flesh, as fire! Ye have laid up treasure in days of extremity:- 4 Lo, the wage of the workers who have out down your fields-that which hath been kept back, by you, is crying out; and, the outcries of them who reaped, into the ears of the Lord of hosts, have entered: 5 Ye have luxuriated upon the land, and run riot, ye have pampered your hearts in a day of slaughter; 6 Ye sentenced-ye murdered the Righteous one! Is he not arraying himself against you? 7 Be patient, therefore, brethren, until the Presence of the Lord:-Lo! the husbandman, awaiteth the precious fruit of the earth, having patience for it, until it receive the early and the latter rain: 8 Be, ye also, patient, Stablish your hearts, because, the Presence of the Lord, hath drawn near. 9 Be not sighing, brethren, one against another, lest ye be judged,-Lo! the Judge, before the doors, is standing. 10 An example, take ye, brethren, of distress and patience,-the prophets who have spoken in the name of the Lord. 11 Lo! we pronounce them happy who have endured;-Of the endurance of Job, ye have heard, and, the end of the Lord, have ye seen,-that, of much tender affection, is the Lord, and full of compassion, 12 ¶ But, before all things, my brethren, do not swear,-either by heaven, or by the earth, or by any other oath; but let your Yea be yea, and your Nay nay,-lest, under judgment, ye fall. (Note: Find Christ Yes.). 13 In distress, is any among you? Let him pray; Cheerful, is any? Let him strike the strings; 14 Sick, is any among you? Let him call unto him the elders of the assembly, and let them pray for him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord;- 15 And, the prayer of faith, shall save the exhausted one, and the Lord will raise him up, and, if he have committed, sins, it shall be forgiven him. 16 Be openly confessing, therefore, one to another, your sins, and be praying in each other’s behalf,-that ye may be healed. Much availeth, the supplication of a righteous man, when it is energised: 17 Elijah, was, a man, affected like us; and he earnestly prayed that there might be no moisture, and there was no moisture on the land, for three years and six months,- 18 And, again, he prayed, and, the heaven, gave, rain, and, the land, shot up her fruit. 19 My brethren! If one among you be led to err from the truth, and one turn him back, 20 Be ye taking note-that, he that turneth back a sinner out of the error of his way-will save his soul out of death, and hide a multitude of sins.

The First Letter of Peter

1 Peter Chapter 1

1 ¶ Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, unto the chosen pilgrims of the dispersion, throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia,- 2 Chosen according to the fore-knowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of Spirit, unto obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, Favour unto you, and peace, be multiplied! 3 ¶ Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who, according to his great mercy, hath regenerated us unto a living hope, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from among the dead, 4 Unto an inheritance, incorruptible and undefiled and unfading, reserved in the heavens for you 5 who, in God’s power, are being guarded through faith unto salvation-ready to be revealed in the last ripe time: 6 ¶ Wherein ye exult, though, for a little, just now, if needful, put to grief in manifold temptations, 7 In order that the proving of your faith-much more precious than of gold that perisheth even though, by means of fire, it is proved-may be found unto praise and glory and honour in the revealing of Jesus Christ,- 8 Whom, not having seen, ye love, on whom, though at present not looking, but believing, ye exult with joy unspeakable and filled with glory, 9 Being about to bear away the end of your faith-a salvation of souls: 10 ¶ Concerning which salvation, prophets-who concerning the favour for you, did prophesy-sought out and searched out, 11 Searching into what particular, or what manner, of season the Spirit of Christ which was in them was pointing to, when witnessing beforehand as to-The sufferings, for Christ, and the glories, after these,- 12 Unto whom it was revealed-that, Not unto themselves, but unto us, they were ministering them, which things have, now, been announced unto you through them who have told you the good tidings with Holy Spirit sent forth from heaven: into which things messengers are coveting to obtain a nearer view. 13 ¶ Wherefore, girding up the loins of your mind, keeping sober, perseveringly direct your hope unto the favour, being borne along to you, in the revealing of Jesus Christ: 14 As obedient persons, not configuring yourselves unto your former covetings in your ignorance: 15 But, according as he that hath called you is holy, do, ye yourselves, also become, holy in all manner of behaviour,- 16 Inasmuch as it is written-Holy shall ye be, because, I, am holy. (Note: A request of God, Yes, and more; yet hardly a command; yet rather that goodness prevails.). 17 And, if, as Father, ye are invoking him who, without respect of persons, judgeth according to each man’s work, with reverence, for the time of your sojourning, behave ye; 18 Knowing that, Not with corruptible things, with silver or gold, have ye been redeemed from your unmeaning behaviour paternally handed down, 19 But with precious blood, as of a lamb, unblemished and unspotted, of an Anointed One,- 20 Foreknown, indeed, before the foundation of the world, but made manifest at a last stage of the times, for the sake of you 21 who, through him, are faithful towards God,-Who raised him from among the dead, and glory to him gave, So that your faith and hope are directed towards God: 22 Having purified, your souls, by the obedience of the truth, unto unfeigned brotherly affection, from the heart, love, one another, earnestly; 23 Having been regenerated-Not out of corruptible seed, but incorruptible-through means of the word of a Living and Abiding God; 24 ¶ Inasmuch as-All flesh, is as grass, and, all the glory thereof, as the flower of grass,-The grass hath withered, and the flower hath fallen out, 25 But the declaration of the Lord age-abidingly remaineth; And, this, is a declaration which in the joyful message hath been announced unto you.

1 Peter Chapter 2

1 ¶ Putting away, therefore, all vice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envyings and all detractions, 2 As new-born babes, for the pure milk that is for the mind, eagerly crave, that, thereby, ye may grow unto salvation:- 3 If ye have tasted for yourselves that, gracious, is the Lord,- 4 ¶ Unto whom coming near, as unto a living stone-by men, indeed, rejected, but, with God, chosen, held in honour, 5 Yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, for a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices, well-pleasing unto God through Jesus Christ; 6 Inasmuch as it is contained in scripture-Lo! I lay in Zion an outmost corner stone, chosen, held in honour, and, he that resteth faith thereupon, shall not be put to shame. 7 Unto you, then, is the honour-unto you who believe; but, unto such as disbelieve, The stone which the builders rejected,-The same, hath become head of the corner, 8 And a stone to strike against, and a rock to stumble over: Who stumble because, unto the word, they do not yield,-unto which also they have been appointed; 9 But, ye, are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for a peculiar treasure, that, the excellences, ye may tell forth, of him who, out of darkness, hath called you into his marvellous light:- (Note: Did you choose to be a Christian, if so good and proper and logical and faithful. Yet we humans are from the earth, from below, so let us not dwell on our own personal selfish choosing, yet rather dwell on Christ and the choice of Christ.

For if a Christian, you are "chosen" of Christ. If you personally choose to be saved, by who's authority do you so choose: by your own authority being a selfish creation, or of the authority of the pure and good Creator? Yes. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior according to the authority of Christ.). 10 Who, at one time, were a No-people, but, now, are a people of God,-who had not been enjoying mercy, but, now, have received mercy. 11 Beloved! I exhort you, as sojourners and pilgrims, to abstain from fleshly covetings, such as take the field against the soul; 12 Having, your behaviour among the nations, honourable,-in order that, wherein they speak against you as evil-doers, they may, owing to the honourable works they are permitted to behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. 13 ¶ Submit yourselves unto every human creation, for the Lord’s sake,-whether unto a king, as one that protecteth, 14 Or unto governors, as, through him, sent-for vengeance on evil-doers, but praise to such as do good; 15 Because, so, is the will of God,-by doing good, to be putting to silence, the ignorance of heedless men: 16 As free, yet, not as a cloak of vice, holding your freedom, but, as God’s servants. 17 Unto all men, give honour, unto the brotherhood, shew love, unto God, give reverence, the king, hold in honour. 18 Ye domestics, submitting yourselves, in all reverence, unto your masters,-not only unto the good and considerate, but also unto the perverse; 19 For, this, is thankworthy,-If, for the sake of conscience towards God, one beareth griefs, suffering wrongfully,- 20 For what sort of honour is it-if, committing sin, and being buffeted, ye endure it? But, if, doing good, and suffering, ye endure it, this, is thankworthy with God. 21 For, hereunto, have ye been called; because, Christ also, suffered in your behalf, unto you, leaving behind a pattern, that ye might follow in his steps: 22 Who did not, a sin, commit, neither was deceit found in his mouth,- 23 Who, being reviled, was not reviling again, suffering, he was not threatening, but was making surrender unto him that judgeth righteously,- 24 Who, our sins, himself, bare up, in his body, unto the tree, in order that we, from our sins getting away, in righteousness, might live,-by whose stripes, ye have been healed; 25 For ye were as sheep going astray, but have now turned back unto the shepherd and overseer of your souls.

1 Peter Chapter 3

1 ¶ In like manner, ye wives,-submitting yourselves unto your own husbands; in order that, if any are not yielding unto the word, through their wives behaviour, they may, without the word, be won, (Note: As a wife steadfastly loves her husband, her husband comes to know love.

Hence good works are important that we might find Christ, and that we might accept Christ; not only in deed, yet also in Word.). 2 Having been permitted to behold your reverently chaste behaviour,- 3 Whose adorning, let it be-not the outward, of plaiting the hair and wearing golden ornaments, or putting on of apparel, 4 But the hidden character, of the heart,-in the incorruptible ornament of the quiet, and meek, spirit, which is, in presence of God, of great price. 5 For, so, at one time, the holy women also, who directed their hope towards God, used to adorn themselves, being in submission unto their own husbands: 6 As, Sarah, was obedient unto Abraham, calling him, lord,-whose children ye have become-so long as ye are doing good, and not bringing yourselves into fear of any single cause of alarm. 7 Ye husbands, in like manner, dwelling with them according to knowledge,-as unto a weaker vessel, unto the female vessel, assigning honour, as joint-inheritors also of life’s favour,-to the end that unhindered may be, your prayers. 8 ¶ And, finally, all, being of one mind, having fellow-feeling, attached to the brethren, of tender affection, of lowly mind: 9 Not returning evil for evil, nor reviling for reviling, but, on the contrary, bestowing a blessing,-because, hereunto, have ye been called, in order that, a blessing, ye might inherit. 10 For, he that desireth to love, life, and to see good days, Let him cause his tongue to cease from mischief, and lips, that they speak not deceit; 11 Let him turn away from mischief, and do good, Let him seek peace, and pursue it; 12 Because, the eyes of the Lord, are towards the righteous, and his ears, unto their supplication,-Whereas, the face of the Lord, is against them that are doing mischievous things. 13 Who, then, is he that shall harm you, if, for that which is good, ye become zealous? 14 Nevertheless, even if ye should suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye! Their fear, however, do not fear, neither be troubled; 15 But, the Lord Christ, hallow ye in your hearts, ready always for a defence, unto every one that is asking you a reason concerning, the hope within you,-nevertheless, with meekness and reverence: 16 ¶ Having, a good conscience, in order that, wherein they speak against you, they may be put to shame who cast wanton insult on, your good behaviour in Christ. 17 For it is, better, as well-doers, if it should please the pleasure of God, to be suffering, than, as evil-doers: 18 ¶ Because, Christ also, once for all, concerning sins, died,-Just in behalf of unjust,-in order that he might introduce us unto God; being put to death, indeed, in flesh, but made alive in spirit,- 19 In which, even unto the spirits in prison, he went and proclaimed,- 20 Spirits unyielding at one time, when the longsuffering of God was holding forth a welcome in the days of Noah, there being in preparation an ark-going into which, a few, that is eight, souls, were brought safely through by means of water,- 21 ¶ Which water in manner corresponding, doth, now, save, you also-even immersion,-not a putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the request unto God, for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,- 22 Who is on the right hand of God, having gone into heaven, messengers and authorities and powers, having been made subject unto him. (Note: So if we are therefore One with Christ, then all angels and people would be under our authority and we would have more anguish under the burden of greater responsibility for same, nonetheless, praise be to God for Jesus Christ who is able to overcome all strife through loving devotion to the living Father.).

1 Peter Chapter 4

1 ¶ Christ, then, having suffered in flesh, do, ye also, with the same purpose, arm yourselves,-because, he that hath suffered in flesh, hath done with sins,- (Note: Longsuffering is the continual and constant fending-off of sin.

For instance, when we drive a car we stay alert through longsuffering so we don't wrongly drive into the other lane. We don't do this because we hate the other lane, we longsuffer for the more importance of getting somewhere safely and properly.

Longsuffering = Love / Sin. Sin = Love / Longsuffering. Love = Sin x Longsuffering.

If our Sin is limited to One Pure and Holy Jesus Christ, then we Longsuffer for Love and Jesus Christ.

If we have Sin without Longsuffering, we love amiss, selfishly and/or ignorantly and/or illogically.

In lay words, Longsuffering produces Love. And in lay words Sin produces stupidity, so long-sin builds a barrier from Love causing such people to be lost and to suffer needlessly and for no good reason.

More properly stated, let all that you do be done in love. Let your suffering stand for something good, being Jesus Christ.). 2 To the end that, no longer, in men’s covetings, but in God’s will, ye may live, the still remaining time. 3 For, sufficient, is the bygone time-to have wrought out, the will of the nations, having gone on in wanton ways, covetings, wine-drinkings, revellings, drinking-bouts, and impious idolatries:- 4 ¶ Wherein they are taken by surprise that ye run not with them into the same overflow of riotous excess,-uttering defamation: 5 Who shall render an account unto him who is holding in readiness to judge living and dead; 6 For, unto this end, even unto the dead, was the glad-message delivered,-in order that they might be judged, indeed, according to men in flesh, but might live according to God in spirit. 7 ¶ But, the end of all things, hath drawn near:-be of sound mind, therefore, and be sober for prayers; 8 Before all things, keeping, fervent, your love, among yourselves, because, love, covereth a multitude of sins; 9 Showing hospitality one to another without murmuring,- 10 Each one, according as he hath received a gift of favour, unto one another, ministering the same, as careful stewards of the manifold favour of God: 11 If any one speaketh, as oracles of God, if any one ministereth, as of strength which, God, supplieth,-that, in all things, God may be glorified through Jesus Christ,-unto whom are the glory and the dominion, unto the ages of ages. Amen! 12 ¶ Beloved! be not held in surprise by the burning among you, which, for putting you to the proof, is befalling you, as though a, surprising, thing were happening unto you; 13 But, in so far as ye are taking fellowship in the Christ’s sufferings, rejoice! in order that, in the revealing of his glory also, ye may rejoice with exultation: 14 If ye are being reproached in the name of Christ, happy are ye! Because, the Spirit, of the glory, and the Spirit of God, unto you is bringing rest. 15 For let, none of you, be suffering as a murderer, or a thief, or an evil-doer, or as one prying into other men’s affairs; 16 But, if as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but be glorifying God in this name. 17 For it is the ripe time for the judgment to begin with the house of God; but, if first with us, what shall be the end of them who yield not unto the glad-message of God? 18 And, if, the righteous man, is, with difficulty, saved, where then shall, the ungodly and sinful man, appear? 19 So then, let, them who are even suffering, according to the will of God, unto a faithful Creator, be committing their souls, in well-doing.

1 Peter Chapter 5

1 ¶ Elders, therefore, among you, I exhort-I who am their co-elder and a witness of the sufferings of the Christ, who also, in the glory about to be revealed, have, a share;- 2 Shepherd the beloved flock of God, which is among you,-not by compulsion, but by choice, nor yet for base gain, but of a ready mind,- 3 Nor yet as lording it over the allotted portions, but becoming, ensamples, to the beloved flock; 4 And, when the Chief Shepherd is manifested, ye shall bear away, the unfading crown of glory. 5 ¶ In like manner, ye younger men-submit yourselves unto elders;-All, however, one towards another, gird on humility; because, God, against the haughty, arrayeth himself, whereas, unto the lowly, he giveth favour. 6 Be made lowly, therefore, under the strong hand of God, that he may lift, you, up in due time,- 7 All your anxiety, casting upon him, because he careth for you. 8 ¶ Be sober! be watchful! Your slanderous adversary, as a roaring lion, is walking about-seeking to devour: 9 Whom resist, steadfast in your faith, knowing that, the same sufferings, in your brotherhood that is in the world, are being accomplished. 10 ¶ Howbeit, the God of all favour-who hath called you unto his age-abiding glory in Christ-when, for a little, ye have suffered, Himself, will adjust, confirm, strengthen:- 11 Unto him, be the dominion, unto the ages. Amen! 12 By Silvanus, the faithful brother, as I account him, have I briefly written, unto you, exhorting and adding testimony-that, this, is the true favour of God-within which, stand ye fast! 13 She who, in Babylon, is co-elect, and Mark my son, salute you: 14 Salute ye one another with a kiss of love. Peace unto you all who are in Christ.

The Second Letter of Peter

2 Peter Chapter 1

1 ¶ Simon Peter, servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, unto them who have obtained, equally precious, faith, with us, in the righteousness of our God, and Saviour Jesus Christ, 2 Favour unto you, and peace, be multiplied, in the personal knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord;- 3 As, all things, suited for life and godliness his divine power, unto us, hath given, through the personal knowledge of him that hath called us through glory and excellence,- (Note: With the advent of partaking of the tree of life, we acquired knowledge of goodness so that we might partake of the Divine Nature of God.

With that logic God provided for us, came the ability to understand faith. God then provided for us the essentials of dealing with our new understanding of faith, as God provided commandments and many church rules. These laws work to thwart contrary behavior, yet do not work to thwart the grace of faith. Yet {in addition to any of the choosings of God to show us a sign and to move mightily for us} logic enables us to seek perfection.

So God gave us a minimum logic requirement with no maximum. Therefore the law does not perfect, yet the law sets minimum requirements. So in addition to using logic to yield perfection for the glory of God, we can also view commandments collectively, and in reverse logic to the minimum, we can ascertain a relative goal. So we have the logic, and/or we have the reverse logic {or negative space, see Hebrews 11.1 Note above}, to each {for verification of each logic progression form} and both {for a look at the big picture or comprehensive logic}.

History reveals strife, so Jesus Christ set an example for us, for how to use our logic. Jesus Christ showed us how to logically save the lost for the greater glory of God. Christ also showed us how to use logic to extend our faith into yet higher reasoning for the yet greater glory of God.

Nature is of the body, yet nature logically improves according to evolution. The body adapts and transform into new creations, more durable, reliable, and better suited for the environment {created of God, therefore for the glory of God}.

So with natural instinct was the minimum logic of survival, provided via God. With commandments was the minimum logic for civilization {as with the tent of meeting} through God. With the grace of Christ overcoming selfish and sinful progressions of logic, was the logical expansion of faith in Christ, One; this being the minimum requirement for your entering heaven. For logic triads, see God Math.

So logic exists, yet as we follow Christ we build logic with wisdom, and when we logically do this as One in Christ, together with Christ, then we in the grace of Christ enable more faith, to build more logic, enabling more faith, and so on, for the greater glory of God through Jesus Christ.

Computers have logic, yet living humans think of life. Consider how a metronome precisely beats the rhythm of time. Yet a musician does not want to play without inflection and feeling. And you do not want to read or speak according to a monotone rate. You want excitement, you are about abundant life.

So when there is nothing wrong for instance with a flow of data, such as 1111111..., you don't just want to read 11111111111111 and so on forever, yet a computer is more satisfied with same. The computer is logical, and it is faithful to do that work.

Yet people understand such work as a pathology, see the illustration above to compare linear and circular time perspectives. Through the bread of Christ we break free, through the blood of Christ we endure no such monotony. Christ gives us victory, if we are willing to build logic and grow faith for God, remembering God gives the increase.

As a leader for Christ, you become victorious for Christ. As such, you bring others to Christ, saving them, for the greater glory of Christ. As Creator of all, Christ needs no sacrifice, hence you become the glory of Christ. Therefore to continue to be One with Christ, immediately glory is passed-on to those saved, and passed-on for others to appreciate.

As a shining light in the darkness, your logical and faithful progression for Christ conquers illogical unfaithful ignorance, lifting the spirit to save souls. 4 Through which, his precious, and very great, promises, have, unto us, been given, in order that, through these, ye might become sharers in a divine nature-escaping the corruption that is in the world by coveting. 5 ¶ And, for this very reason also-adding, on your part, all diligence, supply, in your faith, excellence, and, in your excellence, knowledge, 6 And, in your knowledge, self-control, and, in your self-control, endurance, and, in your endurance, godliness, 7 And, in your godliness, brotherly affection, and, in your brotherly affection, love. 8 These things, unto you, belonging and abounding, neither idle nor unfruitful, constitute you, regarding the personal knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; 9 For, he to whom these things are not present, is, blind, seeing only what is near, having come, to forget, his purification from his old sins. 10 Wherefore, all the more, brethren, give diligence to be making, firm, your calling and election; for, these things, doing, in nowise shall ye stumble at any time, 11 For, thus, shall richly be further supplied unto you-the entrance into the age-abiding kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 12 ¶ Wherefore, I shall be certain to be, always, putting you in remembrance concerning these things,-although, indeed, ye know them, and have become confirmed in the present truth; 13 Right, nevertheless, I account it-as long as I am in this tent, to be stirring you up by putting you in remembrance, 14 Knowing that, speedy, is the putting off of my tent-even as, our Lord Jesus Christ also, made clear to me: 15 Yea, I will give diligence also, that, at every time, ye may be able, after my own departure, to be keeping up the remembrance of, these very things. 16 ¶ For, not as having followed, cleverly devised stories, made we known unto you the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, but as having been made, spectators, of his majesty. 17 For, when he received from God the Father honour and glory, a voice, being borne to him such as this, by the magnificent glory-My Son, the beloved, is, this, in whom, I, delight, 18 Even this voice, we, heard, when, out of heaven, it was borne, we being, with him, in the holy mount. 19 ¶ And we have, more firm, the prophetic word;-whereunto ye are doing, well, to take heed,-as unto a lamp shining in a dusky place,-until, day, shall dawn, and, a day-star, shall arise in your hearts:- 20 Of this, first, taking note-that, no prophecy of scripture, becometh, self-solving; 21 For not, by will of man, was prophecy brought in, at any time, but, as, by Holy Spirit, they were borne along, spake, men, from God.

2 Peter Chapter 2

1 ¶ But there arose false-prophets also among the people, as, among you also, there shall be, false-teachers,-men who will stealthily bring in destructive parties, even the Master that bought them, denying, bringing upon themselves speedy destruction; 2 And, many, will follow out their wanton ways,-by reason of whom, the way of truth, will be defamed, 3 ¶ And, in greed, with forged words, will they, of you, make merchandise: for whom, the sentence from of old, is not idle, and, their destruction, doth not slumber. 4 For-if, God, spared not, messengers, when they sinned, but, to pits of gloom, consigning them, in the lowest hades, delivered them up to be kept, unto judgment,- 5 And, an ancient world, spared not, but, with seven others, preserved, Noah, a proclaimer, of righteousness, a flood, upon a world of ungodly persons, letting loose,- 6 And, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, reducing to ashes, he condemned, an example of such as should be ungodly, having set forth,- 7 ¶ And, righteous Lot, when getting worn out by the behaviour of them who were impious in wantonness, he rescued- 8 For, in seeing and hearing, since he dwelt right among them, as a righteous man, he used to torment his soul, day by day, with their lawless deeds- 9 Then the Lord knoweth how to rescue, the godly out of trial; but to keep, the unrighteous unto a day of judgment to be punished;- 10 ¶ Most of all, however, them who go their way, after the flesh, with a coveting of defilement, and who despise, lordship,-daring! willful! before dignitaries, they tremble not, defaming, 11 where, messengers, though, greater in might and power, are not bringing against them before the Lord a defamatory accusation,- 12 These, however, as unreasoning creatures that have been bred as being, by nature, for capture and destruction, in the things they are ignorant of, uttering defamation, in their spoiling, shall also be made a spoil,- 13 Doing wrong themselves, for a reward of wrong, accounting, a delight, their day-time delicacy, spots and blemishes, indulging in delicacies with their stratagems, as they carouse together with you, 14 Having, eyes, full of an adulteress, and that cannot rest from sin, enticing unstable souls, having, a heart trained in greed,-children of a curse,- 15 Forsaking a straight path, they have gone astray, following out the way of Balaam son of Beor, who loved, a reward of wrong, 16 But had, a reproof, of his own transgression, a dumb beast of burden, in man’s voice, finding utterance, forbade the prophet’s madness. 17 These, are fountains without water, and mists, by a tempest, driven along,-for whom, the gloom of darkness, hath been reserved; 18 For, great swelling words of vanity, uttering, they entice with carnal covetings-in wanton ways-them who are, well-nigh, escaping from the men who, in error, have their behaviour; 19 Promising, freedom to them, they themselves, being all the while, slaves of corruption,-for, by whom one hath been defeated, by the same, hath he become enslaved,- 20 For, if, having escaped from the defilements of the world by a personal knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, but, by the same having again become entangled, they are defeated, the, last, state hath become, for them, worse than, the first; 21 For, better, had it been for them-not to have obtained a personal knowledge of the way of righteousness, than, having obtained such knowledge, to turn back out of the holy commandment delivered unto them. 22 There hath befallen them the thing spoken of in the true proverb-A dog, turning back unto his own vomit, and-A sow, as soon as washed, unto wallowing in mire.

2 Peter Chapter 3

1 ¶ This, already, beloved, is the second letter I am writing unto you; and, in these letters, I am stirring up-by way of calling to remembrance-your uncorrupted mind, 2 To remember the fore-spoken declarations made by the holy prophets, and the commandment of the Lord and Saviour, by your apostles. 3 ¶ Of this, first, taking note-that there will come, in the last of the days, with scoffing, scoffers, after their own covetings, going on, 4 and saying-Where is the promise of his presence? For, since the fathers fell asleep, all things, thus remain, from the beginning of creation. 5 For this they, willfully, forget-that there were, heavens, from of old, and, an earth, on account of water and by means of water, compacted, by God’s word,- 6 By which means, the world that then was, with water being flooded, perished; 7 While, the heavens and the earth that now are, by the same word, have been stored with fire, being kept unto the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly men. 8 ¶ But, this one thing, forget not, beloved,-that, one day, with the Lord, is as a thousand years, and, a thousand years, as one day. (Note: See above index chart.). 9 ¶ The Lord is, not slack, concerning his promise, as some count, slackness; but is long-suffering with regard to you, not being minded that any should perish, but that, all, unto repentance, should come. 10 Howbeit the day of the Lord will be here, as a thief,-in which, the heavens, with a rushing noise, will pass away, while, elements, becoming intensely hot, will be dissolved, and, earth, and the works therein, will be discovered. 11 ¶ Seeing that all these things are thus to be dissolved, what manner of persons, ought ye all the while to be, in holy ways of behaviour and acts of godliness,- 12 Expecting and hastening the presence of the day of God, by reason of which, heavens, being on fire, will be dissolved, and, elements, becoming intensely hot, are to be melted; 13 But, new heavens, and a new earth, according to his promise, are we expecting, wherein, righteousness, is to dwell. 14 Wherefore, beloved, these things, expecting-give diligence, unspotted and unblemished, by him, to be found, in peace; 15 And account, our Lord’s long suffering, to be salvation:-even as, our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given unto him, hath written unto you; (Note: When we are young we learn to not jump into thorn bushes so we don't get scratched. Yet with wisdom Christ went beyond the mere appearance of things of bodily concerns, to continue to do good.). 16 As also, in all letters, speaking in them concerning these things,-in which letters are some things, hard to be understood, which, the uninstructed and unstable, wrest,-as also the other scriptures,-unto their own destruction. 17 Ye, therefore, beloved, taking note beforehand, be on your guard, lest, with the error of the impious being led away, ye fall from your own steadfastness; 18 But be growing in the favour and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ:-unto whom be the glory, both now and unto a day that abideth.


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