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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 11 through 28 Sermon.

JESUS Christ stated "I am" [Edifyingly interpreted "I am He"..."So if you are looking for Me, let these men go" (John 18:6, 7, & 8)]. [Preceptingly also] JESUS said "leave your gift there before the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift" (; this currently means Go Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Goodness With The 5 Pennies Rule Faithfully Ascendingly, then hardly wisdom to come see this typist for You too would be a JESUS Christ typist likeWise: JESUS You On The Church Altar Broadcasting = Peace x You.

Be from JESUS Christ Original Plan Faithfully Ascending as Sent if to be with Eternal Power. I am not an amusement park ride nor a bank nor a restaurant nor a department store, just as You should be JESUS likeWise in All Good Wisdom Over Everything, Guiding, Blessing, Perfecting; if You want a Healer or a Prophet (wrong: so rather "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want" Psalm 23:1), rather Be a Healer and a Prophet as written in this Series.

I live as JESUS prepared for me, on a hill with much crystalline quartz around here and my current tree out front the tallest but lightning struck a less tall tree not here though very nearby, and i live where the harsh storms often swirl around in clouds while pleasant here at this small area of dwellings: be JESUS as invited: YOU should Create Heaven On Earth through none other than JESUS Christ Highest Purpose As All Hoped For Perfect.

I am like JESUS Jerusalem [in the midst of the land masses of People], at the Route 77 point between North states and South states (see Leylines though website no longer under my control so if a full page ad close tab and try again; note like "Route 77" at "North" "South" meeting "point", JESUS Jerusalem on the Arabian Plate [tectonics] is at the meeting of the southern African Plate meeting the northern Eurasian Plate (Revelation 10:5) (

As global warming melts the Antarctic ice cap causing oceans to rise at an increasing rate, Antarctic land will rise displacing even more water.

Many glaciers melt from within and underneath so the changes increase nearer future risk the South Pole Cap with secularly stated underground civilization may suddenly collapse.

And "New research" shows how "melting" "will speed up" "from underneath.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, at risk of bragging for Your sake tells what happens if You fail to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN hence what will be heaped on Yourself, global warming, more rapidly, melting at an increasing rate, south pole will collapse, antarctic, land will rise, melting from beneath


What causes things such as Tectonic Plates to move: idle, or increasingly rapid Mass shifts?, JESUS Peace Goodness or new UFO Gravity Tech and secular brainstorming according to flip-of-a-coin to see what it causes to happen? Likewise be aware in "reverse", in "reverse engineering" (Google "About 25,500,000 results") some people solved a little DNA sequencing (though see illustration below): they did not originally create it.

3 Nephi 11:12 through 17 was the Christian Chosen People of another Flock as JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesied "I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them in as well, and they will listen to My voice. Then there will be one flock and one shepherd" (John 10:16) like unto today lack of JESUS Broadcasters: doubting Thomases (, rather as Apostle Paul prolifically writing the Living Bible;

and 3 Nephi 11:18 through 28 is rather than "doubting Thomases": full repentance then Baptism hence with continuing from innocence innocently adults having experienced life being Baptized [this does not mean for to be tempted, nor to test JESUS Save If JESUS Preapproves Invitingly]; Before The Fact JESUS Christ: search: "Bible" "verse" "knowing their thoughts" (Google "About 38,900 results").

JESUS Bible Formulas:

JESUS Created the Hoped Perfect Plan: Proper [meaning having been already fully repentant hence prepared for] innocent Baptism, then to Ascend, so: JESUS Created the Hoped Perfect Plan = Ascend x Baptism.

Disorder from strayed and fallen, the "reverse" when should be Ascending as Mass leadership on TV has changed as currently from TV Preachers often about God [raising funds for TV as Governments have guided] when such should of Grace be Preaching JESUS Christ as was in the recent generation, so: JESUS Ascending 1 = JESUS Living Bible Broadcasting [JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal...] x Mass(es) ["Flock"s].

First the Baptism then Faithfully Ascending the Wisdom to Best For All Search All Maintenance Level Things: Wisdom Best For All [then if any Maintenance] = Ascending x Baptism.

Note: and thank You Christian Preachers on TV online and such, for redeeming social value often applies more in Your Preaching [as much as JESUS as sworn on the Christian Living Bible Agrees].

Behold these iconic JESUS Values that became public from my (see recent Sermons on "humble" as i confessed about my self similar to as struck by lightning) current location:

Righteous Prophesying as is coming True, JESUS Christ USA with Government enabled birthplace of JESUS Christ UN Law With Grace, 7th Seal Good made Public, and much more.

What did i do?, start mornings with JESUS Broadcasting; prior i was another coworker and at Church on Sundays.

In secular lingo, what if [i or] a person strays from "these iconic JESUS Values"?

Then due to lack of pertinent Broadcasting, hence falling behind in need to catch up, as Righteous Prophesying known fact need is self heaped on such person

and JESUS Christ USA need to be Broadcasting is self heaped on such person

and JESUS Christ UN Law With Grace need to be Broadcasting is self heaped on such person....

If supposed to be at a meeting on the sidewalk, but late and you see the contact starting to walk away then to need to more quickly make some extra steps, and if to resist more then to need to run to meet (Luke 15:32); the "contact" was on time as promised so the "contact" is not to blame but the "late" "person" (straighten Your Priorities concerning interpreting JESUS Christ and James 4:7).

You understand the secular things shown in this Sermon, through JESUS gain Faith Wisdom for to Give.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, at risk of bragging for Your sake tells what happens if You fail to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN hence what will be heaped on Yourself, living UFO, bodies, aliens, people, tech.


23 September 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, at risk of bragging for Your sake tells what happens if You fail to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN hence what will be heaped on Yourself.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.

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