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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 11:29 Through 41 Sermon.

JESUS in the Oath Of Office said "I and the Father are one" hence JESUS Holy Father Together as 1 in Spirit able to be in JESUS, in JESUS Holy Spirit, in JESUS Father and/or manifest in census in JESUS Faithful as JESUS was manifested with as innocent Children with as Baptized Ascending (John 10:30 making the plural singular).

JESUS humbly exclaimed "before Abraham was born, i am!" (see "Greek" words toward bottom of, the Lexicon). What is the value of You Broadcasting online?, it is as the previous sentence, as JESUS was humble likewise i often wrote lower case "i" as in this sentence, though it wasn't until study in His Word for Broadcasting Best for All that i realized this is actually how JESUS also referred to Himself: "i" (and the same applies below, i selected an appropriate illustration of the storm with waves and later verse 40 reminded me fittingly Matthew 6:33).

The JESUS "Father" is Good Eternal Omnipresent Spirit [even also aware of strayed and fallen ways] so Baptism is in JESUS Spirit Father as 1. Control Over Transfiguration ("before Abraham") ("Omnipresent" as much as "Good" [yet aware of how any opted]) is control over timespace, JESUS' mathematical model Given time to repent and be Baptized and Ascend in 1 Best Continuum hence JESUS Control is over this Bible Formula:

Control = Time x Space.

Space with things in space, is normally manifested in the Census and in Purgatory Spirits [as much as JESUS Given "Time"], though "Time" is more of JESUS' Righteous Good Prophets.

Shown here JESUS Christ was [continues Faithfully] in Peaceful Bliss, though in the temporary situation for to show their Faith the Disciples rather showed their fears of the storm.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, corrects with Giving the New Best Translation of John 8:58 as JESUS said as written and fittingly precept on precept invitingly to Broadcast lest other specifics, jesus asleep in the boat, ship, jesus sleeping for us, jesus spoke, storm, became peaceful, peace, formula, formulas


"And whoso believeth not in me, and is not baptized, shall be damned" as the pic shows JESUS was not "damned" but the Disciples needed full repentance and Baptism.

(3 Nephi 11:29, 30, & 34) (if full page ad appears close tab and try again JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Sleeping For Us Sermon at

The Disciples were Chosen People yet needed to Best Ascend Eternally in JESUS 1, Best For All.

3 Nephi 11:31, 32, and 33 Bible Formulas:

31. JESUS Broadcasting = [For You To Be Likewise] Broadcast JESUS Doctrine x JESUS Broadcast His Doctrine To And For You [To Do Likewise In 1 Work].

32. You Broadcasting JESUS Father Bearing Record For All so All repent and Believe [JESUS] = JESUS Bearing Record Broadcasting [JESUS in Spirit as if bringing from Father (Save "Together as 1" as stated above)] x JESUS Father Bearing Record Broadcasting.

33. The Baptized shall inherit the [Perfect Good] Kingdom Of JESUS = Baptized [continuing to Believe, continuing to be Faithfully Ascending] x Believeth in JESUS.

34. Nephi 11:35 through 41 Bible Formulas:

35. The Father bearing record of JESUS will visit such with fire and with the Holy Ghost = If You [if Any] Believe Spirit Father [with JESUS and rather Faithfully] x JESUS' Doctrine [like unto Father Joseph and Father Abraham and the Patriarchs, the Father Spirit bears record being in JESUS as Sent as All Hoped for Perfect Good Anewlying Refreshing [with Miracles following: Restoration].

36. [These bear record of each other] one = [Father + I + the Holy Ghost, rather Magnifying (Luke 1:46 so from Add ascending to Times)] Father x JESUS x Holy Ghost [Sum Of Baptized Christian Mass].

37. [to repent is to go the JESUS Best Direction, and it is Best For All, so verse 37 does not fit the Flow that Ascends With Having Been Baptized Direction from Follower to JESUS 1 Leading (see above "3 Nephi 11:29, 30, & 34" discussion) so not true is: Baptized = repent x sinner; what does fit is humble Innocent JESUS: Baptized = no need to repent x Innocent. So just as Miracles automatically follow faith types, so too repentance is automatic to the JESUS 1 Faithfully Ascending Innocently Automatically (this is also in details in older Sermons in this Series).

38. Inherit the kingdom of JESUS = become x [humble innocent] Child.

39. JESUS Rock [also including Saint Peter with Church] = JESUS [Highest Purpose Way] Build x JESUS [Living Word] Doctrine.

40. [more or less than this Doctrine is from "evil" as "hell" is ready for such, not on rock but on sand so needs to repent (see above in verse 37 and above illustration)].

41. To And For All = [JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Goodness] Broadcast x JESUS Words [Grace, Doctrine, Law].

42 September 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, corrects with Giving the New Best Translation of John 8:58 as JESUS said as written and fittingly precept on precept invitingly to Broadcast lest other specifics.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.

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