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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 12:15 Through 37 Sermon.

JESUS Christ UN is Over All, including as the TV History Channel Reported there are "60 nonterrestrial groups" Government is working with (Ancient Aliens S1E11 12/19/22) and this is including many private contractors' businesses [such as i have headed as over some SETI matters]. Also the "60" may have been in response to: "Non-Terrestrial Network Connectivity NTN refers to networks providing connectivity through spaceborne vehicles (satellite), airborne platforms like airships and balloons, and UAS (unmanned aircraft system) platforms, which include UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) like drones" (awardsolutions).

JESUS said in 3 Nephi 12:15 & 16 "Behold, do men light a candle and put it under a bushel? Nay, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light to all that are in the house; Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven".

JESUS Mary...and the Star Of Bethlehem.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, tells how Government is working with 60 nonterrestrial groups according to Ancient Aliens UFOs discussions on TV, and how to Best obey the Law, with Overcoming negative flows, baby jesus, mother mary.jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, tells how Government is working with 60 nonterrestrial groups according to Ancient Aliens UFOs discussions on TV, and how to Best obey the Law, with Overcoming negative flows.

Ancient Art of the Birth Of JESUS

and even the "dog" witnesses (

JESUS Bible Formula: "that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven" = "let your light so shine" x for "this people" [at least].

"So if you have not been faithful with worldly wealth, who will entrust you with true riches?", (Luke 16:11).

3 Nephi 12:17 & 18: [if You] "in me it hath all been fulfilled" = "to fulfil" x ["the law or the prophets" but "Law cannot make anything perfect" (Hebrews 7:19), hence JESUS humble Faithful Brave Righteous] "prophets".

19. Believe in JESUS [Ascend in Faithfulness] = JESUS has "given you" x [yet with] "broken heart" "contrite spirit" obeying "the commandments" "and the law is fulfilled".

20. Come "and be ye saved" = "keep" [JESUS'] "commandments" x [if to] "enter into the kingdom of heaven".

21 [about negative flows]. If to "kill" = to risk x lack of Lifting "judgment of" JESUS [in history others have called themselves God(s) that were destructive and persecuted].

22 [about negative flows]. If "angry" = (see previous Bible Formula).

23 & 24 [about negative flows]. If to remember that anyone has anything against yourself = then come unto me with full purpose of heart and I will receive you [if:] x first be reconciled to such.

25 [about negative flows]. Lest "thou shalt be cast into prison" = "adversary" "shall get thee" x "Agree with thine adversary quickly while thou art in the way with [such rather Friend].

26 [about negative flows]. "while ye are in prison can ye pay" [the fine?] = "come out" [of prison Before The Fact] x [lest] "by no means" [if with "adversary" (previous verse)].

27 [about negative flows]. "not commit aadultery" = "thou shalt" x "it is written by them of old time" (JESUS with Righteous Prophets and Church Faithful Elders).

28 [about negative flows]. "hath committed adultery already in his heart" = [if] "to lust after her" x "whosoever looketh on a woman".

29 [JESUS 1 You Faithfulness] "into your heart" = [longsuffer] "none of these" x Given Commandment(s) Over "these things".

29 note: to longsuffer as to Broadcast JESUS is with better than lower level sufferings, for the Wisdom that while so Broadcasting [work(s)] is to discuss "JESUS" hence Best [Joy job ever]!

30 [about negative flows]. [rather] "than that ye should be cast into hell = "wherein ye will take up your across" x "For it is better that ye should deny yourselves of [negative] things.

31 [about negative flows]. [(see following note) 2 of 2: multiple problems: a idea as a reason and also added "written" negative legalese as with Government added involvements, also compounding the next verse] "let him give her a writing of divorcement" = "that whosoever shall put away his wife" x "It hath been written" [note 1 of 2: problematically].

32 [about negative flows]. "whoso shall marry her who is divorced committeth adultery" = "causeth her to commit adultery" x "put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication".

Edifyingly is this flow stated positively.

33 "perform unto the Lord thine oaths" [for JESUS Faithfulness as Law requires] = [rather than selfishly,] "swear" [thine Oath on the Christian Bible] x "it is written.

So the above is if to swear as with a proper legal Faithful in JESUS Oath [now that JESUS Christ UN Law for Grace for Best For All exists as All is being made known prior to Final End Time with 2nd Coming of JESUS in All His Glory and no one left behind.

So it was written yet as stated above "23 & 24 [about negative flows]. If to remember"..."anything against" ["yourself" rather] JESUS [1 Leader Faithfully Ascending Best For All].

If defending JESUS Soul Spirit Name Faithfully rather than about defending thyself (Main Page Definitions "Maintenance") then the "about negative flows" no longer applies (see above "longsuffer" ""JESUS" hence Best [Joy job ever]!".

So these above "negative flows" and these following negative verses no longer apply for the JESUS Together 1 Family Ascending Best For All, as the negatives merely apply over any that opts to stray into the negative [yet Before The Fact warned to be rather for JESUS: so there is Hope for such: Hope for All].

34 But verily, verily, I say unto you, swear not at all; neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne;

35 Nor by the earth, for it is his footstool;

36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair black or white;

37 But let your communication be Yea, yea; Nay, nay; for whatsoever cometh of more than these is evil.

26 September 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, tells how Government is working with 60 nonterrestrial groups according to Ancient Aliens discussions on TV, and how to Best obey the Law, with Overcoming negative flows.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.

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