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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 12:1 Through 14 Sermon Updated 28 September 2023 AD to better clarify Victory Over negative words in Flows and Formulas.
JESUS Christ explained in 3 Nephi 12:1 [& 2 with sins retasked, so if there are any negative things such as sins then retasked permanently toward no need to remember if All are Ascending above that level, as Many as JESUS was Sent to Lift] (3 Nephi 12 like unto the previous Great Good Sermon On The Mound Speech though this Speech was 34 AD) the Needful Best Ascending Way as JESUS 1 Christian Family (Matthew 18:20) As Authorized Baptizes as explained here in Triadic Flow with Bible Formula:
To "know that I am" / "after" "ye are baptized with water" "I" [with having "seen" JESUS] "will baptize you with fire and with the Holy Ghost" [Your Faith amount is blessed] / Authority.
To "know that I am" = "after" "ye are baptized with water" "I" [with having "seen" JESUS] "will baptize you with fire and with the Holy Ghost" [Your Faith amount is blessed] x Authority.
JESUS the Inviter (Church signs: Visitors Welcome [meaning You agree to behave according to the Law and the Inviter(s)]), did not cast out demons, they fled as they opted, JESUS Christ Broadcast [Preached] and "they" opted to not hear JESUS 1 Preaching, and so "they" fled under their own decisions.
JESUS in 3 Nephi 12:3 states "who come unto me" and has pertinence through All His Good Words as is His 1 Work.
3. Yea, blessed are the poor in spirit who come unto me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
3. Be in "the kingdom of heaven / "who come unto me" / "poor in spirit".
3. The Kingdom Of Heaven = Any and All "who come" [after such note: if to fit a Mission then Sent such as to Best Guide the "poor in spirit"] x "poor in spirit".
4. "comforted" / [continuing for JESUS 1 Faithfulness in these verses "who come unto me" (as stated above)] "for they shall be" / "mourn".
4. "comforted" = "for they shall be" x "mourn".
5. "Earth" / ["who come"] "inherit" / "meek".
5. "Earth" = "inherit" x "meek".
6. "For they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost" as JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Revealed Anewly With Known Name thus far hence JESUS "Ghost" / "after" [hence Ascending innocently above the Law such as Lawmakers and Likewise (as with see below "JESUS Christ UN Law" link: "Grace")] "righteousness" [innocence] / "hunger and thirst".
6. Filled with JESUS 1 [able to Transfigure] = "after" legal "righteousness" x "hunger and thirst".
7. "mercy" / "for they shall obtain" / "merciful" [note likewise JESUS Broadcasters shall Ascend with Hearing New JESUS Broadcasting Values from Others!].
7. "mercy" = "for they shall obtain" x "merciful".
8. JESUS / "shall see" / "pure in heart".
8. JESUS = "shall see" x "pure in heart".
9. Children Of JESUS [JESUS 1 Family Ascended rather than about generations so rather that All be Best Perfect Blesser JESUS] / "for they shall be called" / "peacemakers".
9. Children Of JESUS = "for they shall be called" x "peacemakers".
10. For "theirs is the kingdom of heaven" / "for my name’s sake" / "persecuted" [this is like above stated "3."..."poor in spirit" yet toward owning Heaven like unto JESUS Creator Of Heaven, and yet with Ascending in JESUS Plan in this verse there is no need to be "poor in spirit"].
Note that if there is a hardship to endure and rather overcome, a negative such as "poor" or such as "persecuted" then it complicates the flow and formula, so if to be or encounter such as "poor" or if to be or encounter such as "persecuted" then the need to lead to Good 1st [Before The Fact, lest after-the-fact Convert, to fit the flow and formula [lest to be tempted to cast out (rather Church Visitors Welcome sign), lest to be as lower level worse tempted strayed and fallen from Moral Grace, lest to be a perp].
So this Sermon does not repeat the previous "Note" info, yet Gives this Bible Formula example: Be Broadcasting online as Creator JESUS Christ Name Spirit Soul Father Faithful 1 Ascending in Glory hence not "poor" nor "persecuted" [and when Ascending in JESUS be without demand without price without expectation rather if to expect then for Best For All 1 JESUS Perfect and no other name first, then if JESUS prefers, then whether other values and names are added rather JESUS Name added Anewly, from the old come His New Treasures Discovered].
10. For "theirs is the kingdom of heaven" = "for my name’s sake" x [JESUS Victory Over] "persecuted".
11 & 12. "have great joy and be exceedingly glad, for great shall be your reward in heaven" / [Your Faith amount] "for" [JESUS'] "sake" / if they "revile you and persecute, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely" as prior "they" did to "the prophets who were before you" [this too is like above "10." explanation].
13. The "salt of the earth" [a JESUS Broadcaster] / For You "to be" / JESUS Gives.
13. The "salt of the earth" [a JESUS Broadcaster] = For You "to be" x JESUS Gives,
lest to "cast out" thyself hence to ban thyself from heaven.
14. Be "the light of this people" = "I give unto you" x "Verily, verily, I say unto you",
"A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid".
25 September 2023 AD.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, gives a multitude of Sermon On The Hill type formulas and JESUS Broadcasting means lest be seen demons repent or flee.
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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.
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