Quantification With Big Bang Defined (PCS).

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Big Bang Explained

--by Bob Benchoff 9/20/01

Updated 10/29/3

Updated 1/9/3

Updated 12/30/02

Updated 3/1/2004

Updated 8/2/2012

Updated 4/15/2013

The Universe is expanding at an increasing speed, see the update details near the bottom of this page.


  • Stating the Obvious
  • Key Factors
  • Here's What Really Happened
  • Black Hole Analysis
  • The Pulse of the Universe
  • Quantification of the Big Bang
  • Conclusions

    Stating the Obvious

    Physicists have proffered and argued for years about how the Big Bang started.

    Kudos for having figured such details in the past to bring us to the current level of understanding.

    There have arisen ideas of a parallel universes as well as ideas of micro- and macrocosmic reproductions. While many others have thought that the Big Bang occurred due to some sub-chemical sub-atomic implosion leading to a mighty explosion.

    Some have surely postulated that the Big Bang was simply a time rift due to creation of the universe.

    One of the latest explanations of the Big Bang this Author saw on television was a depiction of the supposition that the Big Bang occured due to yet unknown forces described as other dimensions.

    Each of the above has been based at least in part on some influencing knowledge factor (to a significant extent primarily focused on phenotypical {surroundings or relativity focus} while to a lesser extent genotypically focused {inherent, ongoing, or absolute} click for further information) that seemed to stem from a revered bank of mutually agreed (at least for the most part) understanding.

    Key Factors

    Given the above, it is reasonable to assume or it is reasonable to expect that from the mutually agreed bank of understand or bank of knowledge, the calculations, suppositions, and formulations made each and all have some degree of worthiness. For the most part, all are contributing factors; and while all conclusions drawn are not correct and conflict with one another, we can agree that these as a minimum are indicators which help define the parameters of what the Big Bang was.

    If for instance (as some portray it) the Big Bang was the result of the creation starting point, then the indication is that we can figure it using the numbers zero (0) and one (1).

    If as some portray, the Big Bang was the result of the normal pulse of the universe, then we can figure it using the near absolute values for [0] and [1].

    Here's What Really Happened

    While we can continue to calculate the figures for those and other concepts, by doing so we may, as in this case of the Big Bang, overlook the obvious; akin to looking for an elephant using a magnifying glass. In other words, sometimes numbers help us find an answer, and sometimes they get in the way.

    Take going on vacation in a car, for instance. We can measure the car and it's velocity, yet to quantify the quality of relief and to measure the sites along the way...well you just can't get there from here. Math has it's limitations.

    As a prerequisite (Ref.: MGE) to certain detailed mathematical calculations it is often helpful to first have geometric figures or photographs. Fortunately we have pictures, and some understanding of the objects in the pictures as related to our universe and the Big Bang.

    Let's gain a general overview by using the process of elimination to some extent. The Big Bang is big, so aside from the Big Bang, in general catergories what entities are biggest? These include God, math, the fabric of space, and waves (or particles) that reach boundary limits and refract or otherwise transform into other modes of energy (or matter). The mode conversion idea has been the focus of much analysis and debate.

    But the preceding biggest catergories are too big, or possibly too big. For instance, in reverse time, the Big Bang is thought to be a total or nearly total gathering, so the remaining space (and/or that which is not gathered), is the fabric of space. Therefore the fabric of space seems too big to have caused the Big Bang. Let's continue on this premise and see where it leads us.

    So, the next catergory is that which is near biggest. We have cosmic dust, plasma fields, light, and similar that may generally cover large portions of space. While significant for further consideration, they tend to fall under the catergory of the fabric of space. If our premise does not lead to a significantly more dynamic entity (or perhaps concept), then we can return to this catergory for further analysis.

    Moving on to the next sized realm we find galaxies, black holes, solar systems, and stars.

    Black holes eat solar systems and more. What are some other features of black holes?

    They are very active. They are voracious, a virtual bottomless pit. Galaxies expand, but black holes contract; just as the reverse time Big Bang does.

    Logically, by far, black holes seem to have something to do with the Big Bang, or will at least serve as an important indicator.

    Black Hole Analysis

    If a black hole grew until there was no more to consume, then internal energy struggles would disintegrate, as with half lives, and as with eventual lowering of valence energy levels, and all would turn to evenly distributed heat or an evenly distributed state of rest.

    Using reverse time logic, this lends credence to the postulation of the Big Bang being equal to creationism. But let's not jump to conclusions prematurely. We still need to reasonably determine if the most recent Big Bang was (or will be) the only one, or if it is a repeatable pulse.

    Black holes can consume other black holes, or can possibly interact with other black holes in other ways (Ref.: ibid.).

    Observing how radiation interacts with matter teaches us that typically one of several results can occur.

    Also we must consider that people will likely one day create and control black holes, as tools.

    The Pulse of the Universe

    Black holes can collide with great force. Traveling from opposite ends (or very distant places) of the universe at one foot per second per second, plus (or minus: experimentation shows plus as dominant) magnetism, plus or minus other externality field effects if essentially valuable for consideration, the impact could represent a Big Bang.

    It could send forth shock waves and particles that could pulverize other, if any, objects, and/or possibly send them hurling far from what we might call our observable universe.

    It is conceivable, very likely and logical that such cataclysms would not annihilate everything, and that some day geophysicists may reveal indicators (rocks and/or other) that will predate the Big Bang(s).

    The cycle can be repeated. Therefore creation/creationism is not necessarily equal to the most recent Big Bang.

    Astronomers may find evidence to support this, such as if two small black holes collided (including the monitoring of adjacent voids or similar dust patterns). Expectedly, finding the lack of voids surrounding the smallest possible black holes would provide evidence in support these claims.

    Calculations as to minimal black hole size and energy requirements could prove efficacious to astronomers searching for evidence.

    Quantification of the Big Bang

    Having gotten the big picture, it is now appropriate to quantify it's qualities.

    In terms of linear time and distance, the smallest part of the Big Bang is the typical black hole collision unit, we'll call one (1) Graduated Sub-universal Units, GS Units. The largest typical part of the Big Bang is a large amount of the matter and energy in the universe, which we'll call ninetynine (99).

    Between zero (0) and one (1), and between ninetynine (99) and one hundred (100) are values that may represent asymptotes, states of rest, voids, or other.

    For general comprehensive evaluations we then find that the matter and energy disbursement before (if any) or after the Big Bang would resemble half of a normal bell curve type distribution pattern.

    So we find that by adding the expansion distribution (50) and the contraction distribution (50), we have a sum of one hundred (100) GS Units, equal to one Universal Unit*.

    With virtual rebirth of the known universe per each repetitious Big Bang, we accumulate additional Universal Units.


    Clearly black hole collisions serve as the typical natural source of Big Bangs. Further investigations into black holes and surrounding features will expectedly support this Theory of Recurrence.

    The previous Big Bang may have been and/or may yet be the first and/or last Big Bang, although it is likely Big Bangs are and/or can be a recurring phenomenom.

    Rocks (or other indicators) may be found more than one Universal Unit old.

    As further observations, measurements, and analyses are made, we can expect improved defining parameters, clarity of reasoning, and projections.


    3/1/2004 Update:

    The beginning has now been mathematically adduced, click here for God Math Code, and Bible Physics have been applied to Relativity Applications.

    Also noteworthy are some advancements as predicted in Einsteinian Theory, with measurable gravitational waves produced from stars very near each other. The gravity bursts are produced about every few years.

    10/29/3 Update:

    So often when new data is collected people are anxious to throw away info they've learned previously, just to get on TV.

    In recent years more and more indicators show our Universe is expanding at a increasing pace. So some people think this news makes formulas crazy or something, since they for instance, threw a baseball, the baseball lost energy, and fell and stopped. So they appear on TV and make wild claims, somehow not realizing space surrounding the Big Bang doesn't have the same frictional, gravitational, and so on properties that apply to their insitu baseball experiment.

    In other words, if you went to the edge of the Big Bang and threw a baseball away from the center of the Big Bang, obviously gravity and various [electromagnetic] waves would influence it, yet for the most part, it would continue with relatively almost nothing slowing it.

    Furthermore it would increase in speed because the relatively empty space would be relatively cold, working as if to contract or pull (not cold activated, actually or practically within this context, barring more complex advanced discussions); while the opposite side would be relatively full of energy and would push.

    So throwing the baseball is just part of the energy relative to the nonenergy side of the ball. People understand a jet, for instance, leaves an ion trail. Likewise, as energy is deposited along it's journey, the example baseball would be pushed by that expanding heat and other energy and so the speed would increase.

    To summarize, we have the start of the Big Bang initially overcoming gravity; plus we have energy within the Big Bang shell that adds to expansion continuously. So this will continue far longer than many scientists previously thought, but it too will slow as those [ion trail] heat forces dissipate (just as ion trails are not permanent behind a jet) sufficiently to be overcome by gravity.

    In conclusion, the expansion will reverse when gravity overcomes it, it will just take a long time equal to one Universal Unit. The exception being the asymptote, such as if the universe collapses and starts to expand again before the example baseball (being much farther away, for this example) makes the much longer journey back to the Universe Center. Then it would participate in a subsequent pulse of the Universe.

    5/12/3 Update:

    Life not of earthly origin abounds in our Universe, they've just been looking in the wrong places to find it. Life Throughout The Universe mathematically concludes the absurdity of UFOs, and the logic of dimensional range considerations.

    *1/9/3 Update:

    Our current GS time from the last Big Bang until now is equal to 300 billion years according to a recent televised report that also indicated that extensive precise dating could be accomplished through mass analysis of small particles; and although such may be the case, it has yet to be verified by this author.

    12/30/02 Update:

    Recurrence Theory applies to relativity and absolutivity as described above, inclusive of similar yet not exact (within reason, typically, yet not to disclude same) and good deeds logically continue while sin, random, or error only continue until cured (compare the newly released movie K-Pax).


    8/2/2012 Update:

    The New Larger Known Universe

    According to the Holy Trend, inclusive of the reasonably accepted laws of physics among scientific experts as they have described and as such experts often format (see A Check Exact / ICCDBB PCS) descriptive models to enlighten others, the above circle inside the rectangle is also modeled as the tiny circle almost a dot at the tip of the arrow in the center of the largest circle wholly shown in the illustration.

    An amoeba for instance can be beside a piece of food. That food is a foreign object until that amoeba eats it. At that moment the negative / positive threshold is broken, unto higher reasoning, moving from protection against a foreign threat, to becoming a protector of that amoeba.

    An electron for instance moves to shells of positive influence waves, ripples, or threshold spheres, attracting the negative electrons.

    Consider space craft for us or our machines [so whether describing spacecraft or micro-fractal craft] according, therefore to best pass through a threshold wave the craft would need to adapt concerning the exterior of the craft and/or exterior field associated with the craft.

    Experts have already modeled an envelope plan for space travel, yet now we can envision an envelope that we might make to adapt to the environ [consider the surfboard riding a wave].

    With an envelope negatively charged it would be pulled faster toward a positive shell. So for instance rocket propulsion plus being "pulled" (reference tensile), then rocket propulsion plus being pushed on the other side of the shell, ripples can become [(Amos 6.5) hence ICCDBB PCS Standard of the Church need] not merely gateways yet escalators, elevators, and launch systems, forward or back (see Time Principle illustration near the bottom of this linked site Timespace).

    As we follow the Holy Trend of God we can increasingly see the Holy Plan revealed. How to travel from our Big Bang to another [there is likely another and more according to various resources / indicators]. We increasingly know how to make it so, according to our charity, according to our diligence we properly best give (1 Nephi 16.28).


    NewsWhiteHouse.com (this link is no longer active, kept posted for author reference).

    Reference Scientific Discoveries and New Theories.

    Strongly recommended: Transporters and collective intelligence.


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