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The Cause of the Coriolis Effect

--by Bob Benchoff 9/19/01.

--Updated March 1, 2004, May 19, 2008, and April 15, 2013.

Introduction to how the coriolis effect works: Consider being out in space with no significant movements nor gravity, relative to your point of view; then consider having an object on a [Slinky or similar] spring or rubber band and you spin it circularly around you; then if a big planet comes nearby then the circular path of your object revolving around you deforms from a circular to an egg shaped path, and due to inertia of your object the egg-path turns, that is, instead of the point of the egg pointing to the planet, the point of the egg points past (per direction of object rotation) the planet; this is known as the phase angle shift. In another example if you could roll a marble from the North Pole to the Equator, due to the Earth's rotation the marble would roll slightly sideways in a curved path; again this is known as phase angle. Yet phase angle discussions are usually about waves, and these examples of circular models are interchangeably known as being due to the coriolis effect.

About the Author: With the help of his brother Rich Benchoff, Bob has studied the coriolis effect for decades. Rich was Bob's supervisor at PTL, the world's largest international laboratories. Rich found Bob could not only pass tests, but also easily control radiation to achieve 1T, and took Bob to inspect his first nuclear power plant in the 1970s.

Independently, Bob trained teachers, including: at many nuclear power plants, for the Space Shuttle, at NASA, on nuclear submarines, and classified projects.

In the 1980s, Rich and Bob toured various states and held large seminars for specialists, the media, University of Pittsburgh, and others.

Shown above, Rich and Bob at an Hawaiian Wedding Reception 10/25/2000. At the informal gathering were experts anxious to work with them on their high tech projects (see links for further information).


  • New Definitions
  • Path of Least Resistance
  • Old Definitions
  • Space Relationships
  • Another Model of the Universe
  • Left-Hand Rule
  • Descriptions of Black Holes
  • The Black Hole
  • Black Hole Energies
  • Left-Hand Energy
  • Time Warpage
  • Space Bubbles
  • Conclusions

    New Definitions

    Due to inertia, energy moves in a particular direction with a given velocity. Unless acted upon by another force, per the laws of physics the inertia continues. In physics we find natural intervention that creates such inertia.

    For ease of explanation, consider inertia at rest, which we can refer to as matter. Let's say a brick of matter is set into motion. The brick may continue in motion for some time during which gravity, magnetism, electricity, and other forces effect it.

    Let's refer to the effectual forces for the duration of motion as the motion group. Many forces in the motion group may have no effect significant value in a study of certain aspects of the motion group. We can refer to these as motion group nonessentials (in the financial realm, a comparison can be drawn to disposable income).

    Per the process of elimination of the nonessentials, we are left with motion group essentials, or MGE.

    So for instance, if a brick slides down a roof, we can say some of the more important MGE forces in many scenarios are gravity and friction.

    Path of Least Resistance

    MGE forces control by increasing or decreasing inertia. Since the brick must submit to MGE, the MGE is said to overcome (at least to some degree) the brick (for "overcome" and transformation processes, see preferred change link below).

    Old Definitions

    Coriolis force is deflection, with direction orientation according to hemisphere.

    Coriolis effect results from the coriolis force.

    The inertia of the coriolis force is due to MGE.

    Positrons for the point of this discussion are nonessentials. Since electrons are more prevalent, more durable and more substantial in the thinking patterns of many (or most) people, we can consider electrons MGE for the coriolis force. [Note: The term right-hand rule was generally replaced by electrical engineers, NDT Level IIIs, and physicists in the 1970s for the preferred term left-hand rule, since the term better explains electromagnetics for useful applications].

    Space Relationships

    Often seemingly complex mechanisms can be easily explained with simple props. This is also a good check on whether your ideas are on the right track. This certainly is not to say only simple ideas are right, but rather to say that correct complete complex ideas should be able to be expressed fairly easily.

    Use a pen to represent a left-hand rule and/or a black hole. Imagine the nib is the North Pole of the model, and the tail the South Pole.

    Mark an arrow aligned on the circumference of the pen (or use a feature, such as letters on the pen) and spin the pen in that direction.

    Do the same with a second pen. Picture that the pens are gears. By spinning both pens simultaneously and by repositioning the pens for various contact points with one another, you can quickly see that some contacts work in unison, and some are contrary.

    Since the left-hand rule and/or black hole gear model does not actually represent a gear, we can expect other interactions than gear interactions upon contact, although the model is appropriate.

    Generally, contacts can take one of three forms:

  • A. They align nib to tail along the axis line.
  • B. Their contact point (or line) agrees in moment of tangent and the pens bounce apart, (or possibly increasingly collide).
  • C. Their spins are in discord and they collide.

    If there is a collision, then just prior to collision the magnetic fields would work to attrack opposite poles. Therefore "A" above is most likely, and while some debris could be lost on impact, generally the black holes would become one and continue to grow and vacuum the universe.

    Another Model of the Universe

    Imagine writing words on a page. While writing, energy is moving left to right; also top to bottom of the page.

    The page is matter, the fabric of space. The fabric is porous and flexible.

    Align the page with the top pointing North and the right side pointing East. So one energy frequency is moving East, and one larger energy frequency is moving South.

    Now lift the upper left corner of the page, and fold it over top of the page. With the fold at 45 degrees, the energy you now see (words on back of the paper) is at 90 degrees clockwise from the original.

    One energy frequency moves South, and a the other moves West.

    Instead of a fold, you could roll the entire paper 45 degrees.

    Or you could roll the paper so lines wrap around to form a helical pattern.

    These simple techniques can be used to explain many scalar and vector ideas people often find hard to understand.

    Left-Hand Rule

    With any electron flow there is a so-called left-hand magnetic flow (cause is discussed below). So relatively speaking this trait is dominant in nature, and the opposite recessive.

    The following shows the Author in a typical industrial situation using the left-hand rule.

    Using a large 4/0 wire, Bob looped the wire around a steel bar about 8" diameter by about 15' long. Bob then passed thousands of kilovolts through the wire coil, creating a powerful magnetic field inside the bar. Bob then moved the coil, thusly moving the powerful magnetic field. [Note: Magnetic fields can scramble many types of bank cards, credit cards, and security cards, and can ruin watches, gyroscopes, and other entities (Bob is wearing a special watch in the picture)].

    Descriptions of Black Holes

    Black holes have been compared to planets, stars, doughnuts, and many other objects.

    One might also think of a black hole as having certain similar characteristics to that of a planet turned inside-out. That is, the planet having it's surface in cylindrical shape on the inside. This model is offered to you as a portrayal of gravity and other forces reaching an interior limit at the surface of the cylinder.

    So the surface crust on the inside meets and is overcome per MGE as discussed above.

    Another proffering is thinking of a wire turned inside-out. Electrons naturally flow on the outside surface (primarily), where there is least resistance on the wire. [Note: Electrons inside a wire are locked into place relative to electrons on the surface of a wire]. If the wire was hollow, the secondary natural electron flow would exist on the inside surface of the wire. The tertiary flow would be within the wire material. The quaternary flow would be apart from the wire, such as arcing. [Magnetic fields have similar flow patterning, see below].

    Combining the above scenarios, it may be easier to visualize plasma flow relative to gravimetric and magnetic forces.

    The Black Hole

    Electricity flows through various entities, especially through water and light metals such as aluminum and copper.

    While magnetism flow patterns are similar to electricity flow patterns, magnetic flux densities are especially associated with relatively heavy metals: iron, nickel, and cobalt.

    Due to gravimetric forces, we can figure that magnetism would be associated with the interior plume, and the electric field would be associated with the outer disk or sphere.

    Black Hole Energies

    Magnetism occurs at the surface of current flow. MGE Magnetism does not occur at lack of flow, such as at the positive or negative electrical terminal.

    Magnetism that cannot increase in strength for a given entity is said to be saturated.

    Therefore, in the universe, within black holes, the saturation point is reached wherein there is no place for chemical elements (consisting in part, of electric fields) and the center of the black hole is not solid, but hollow; relative to what humans generally regard as matter.

    The center of the black hole has only room for magnetism and nonessentials.

    Left-Hand Energy

    Since magnets have North and South orientations by definition (including ring magnets, with each point of the ring North or South of any adjacent point), the electrons would naturally flow along a path per the left-hand rule for the overcoming magnetic field.

    In consideration of the universe, the event horizon of the magnetic field strength would be unlimited (for what might typically be discussions of nonessentials). For magnetic fields that substantially effect energy and/or matter (such as magnetic field strength sufficient to make matter move), the event horizon depends on the relative MGE [Note: A compass typically responds to less than one oersted; and a bar magnet generally has a strength between 20 gauss and the material's saturation point].

    Strong magnetic fields, as depicted in the solar flare above, reveal a natural hollow feature (Ref.: NASA Tech Briefs magazine back cover, January, 2001).

    Time Warpage

    There are many maps of the earth, such as Mercator maps, Projection maps, 3D models (globes), and so on. Depending on your point of reference, or in other words, depending on your map, you can depict time as having warpage, or you can depict time as linear with all else warped. It's your choice of relative perspective.

    In absolute terms, physics can be used to show linear time, as by definition, the difference between now and then or then and then.

    Tarun Biswas sees time as an impass, while most astronomers tend to believe what they see and associated calculations (Ref.: Discover magazine p.36, October, 2001).

    Space Bubbles

    Our universe is full (or nearly so) of bubbles.

    Valence electron fields, orbits, black holes, and solar flares, to name a few, show that the Tarun Biswas impass is not part of the MGE calculations. The impass would (relative to black holes) be beyond the limits necessary for calculations of applicable black hole conditions; as described above in this writing. A hollow, not solid, black hole permits existance of the physical MGE.

    Compressing beyond the cylinder (universal constant left-hand rule saturation point) or bubble of the black hole reverses properties such as gravimetric, in the same way as described above for electromagnetism.

    Robert Winglee has made significant progress in the analysis of bubble physics. He has the go ahead from NASA to work on a craft to ride magnetic plasma bubbles powered by solar winds. The magnetic bubbles increase in size which he has figured results in increasing speed. Carrying almost no fuel, the ship could sail past Pluto within 10 years of launch (Ref.: Discover magazine, p. 80, July, 2001).


    For many reasons the coriolis effect occurs, and for each reason, if any reason was modified, the entire pattern of the universe would change. The corolis effect is tied together with magnetic patterns, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt properties; and it is tied to normal flow patterns, such as primary and secondary properties.


    3/1/2004 Update:

    Proof of the existence of God has now been mathematically adduced, click here for God Math Code, and Bible Physics have been applied to Relativity Applications.

    Also noteworthy are some advancements as predicted in Einsteinian Theory, with measurable gravitational waves produced from stars very near each other. The gravity bursts are produced about every few years.

    Note May 7, 2002: Current popularized theories continue to confirm Dr. Bob Benchoff's Recurrance Theory with The Big Bang Explained, as with last night's television show by Discovery finding mathematical askewness (except per Dr. Bob Benchoff's optimizational theories) in regard to time indicators, such as a galaxy's oldest star's hydrogen measurement as compared to red shift expansion / time indicator.

    The "experts" on television contended. With Dr. Bob Benchoff's optimum explanations, on the other hand, both mathematical constants remain revered as highly significant consistently accurate dealings for these ubiquitous subjects not relegated to reliability without such optimization. This is further substantiated in the April, 2002 issue of American Laboratory magazine, page 38 "modular specialization of the cortical"..."cognitive factors" for which in terms useful to the Big Bang transpose into the Universal Constant inclusive of modular, or systematic, classification autonomy.


    For further reading on related topics:

    Click here for Transporters and Digital Human Copies Technical Guide: How to Transport Humans Instantly Using Transporters.

    Big Bang Explained advents a new way of thinking about the Big Bang, introducing The Theory of Recurrence.

    Life Throughout The Universe mathematically concludes the relative absurdity of UFOs, and the logic that life abounds in our Universe, not of earthly origin (they've just been looking in the wrong places to find it)!

    For surprising discoveries in Astrology, click here.

    Click here for the natural preferred change process detailed in God Created Evolution.
