Energy of the Brain
November 24, 2003.
Updated March 1, 2004.
Visit for the latest important eBrain info.
United States of America Department of Energy is focusing on "ultra-scale scientific computing" for the future. US intelligence, (see classified domain) is trying to keep pace with the Japanese, and has seen that to do this within a free society, intelligence must be provided via same.
Control of such intelligence has been formally conducted for many decades by consultants certified in both pertinent training and experience. A decade ago most people didn't know such consultants existed. Today many Universities are trying to catch-up, yet it is not the domain of education that is the sole constituent, since education alone does not provide application sufficiency. If it did, that would be known as training, a distinctly separate category.
With the invention of software, mental activities could be reproduced and emulated: energy of the brain. As such, the definition of the mind changed.
Many historically bromidic businesses were no longer needed, although such businesses continue to abound today due to ignorance. The financial actuarial sector, for instance, was essentially replaced by the 1970s for those who successfully sought awareness. Dr. Bob Benchoff, for instance, wrote cobalt computer language loop within loop programs that could out-think bankers in computing compound interest at a rate of perhaps a million to one; far more or less depending on abstractness.
Yet consultants salient relative to superbanking focused on the hub of intelligence and incult of computerization, the Internet. If a superbank could make money, intellectualizing finances and the economy could make exponential and vertical profits. For instance, automatic money generation could be generated not only from compounding, but also from Internet tracking (click the picture for a sample).
Where blood and electricity meet.
Energy waves, such as electromagnetic, and particle motion, such as blood cell and neuron activities, properly interacting are less about random distributions and more about uniformity, without complete disclusion of the random aspect for growth purposes.
Just as when a heart cell contacts a separate heart cell beating at a separate rhythm there is parabiosis pause and synchronization allows them to ambulate [mentally] and/or according to frequency for united better purpose.
So the pause is endured so that inherent logic of the better may be achieved. That better being the pathologic greater good. This is known as constructive logic or prioritization. Meeting priorities accordingly is relational to frequency or the word.
Just as a large facility with cranes can be replaced with vast improvement (click here for A Check Exact Consulting), communication frequency patterns have become optimized.
With words, a given frequency can be recorded as a series of pulses, or as a series of "0"s and "1"s. In Ultrasonics, the pulses, Ultrasound, can be read on a monitor. Through a change in the power level, the series can be measured vertically; adding a second dimension. Changing input (education related) or changing application (training related) adds further dimensioning prioritization enhancement advantages.
So we move from 3D to more, as needed according to experience; and then successively according to future success unity. The later being a move from the perceptibly finitely testable, to the infinitely non-random timings, known in Ultrasonics as Time Gain Control.
Done electronically, this can also be achieved physically, such as through delay modification. These result in historic applications interpretations, that is, signals are received and interpreted by the cognizant expert.
Yet we do not need to rely on the software or direct input alone. A signal containing a packet of information can figure-out (as if it was a separate computer) a problem and reveal a solution prior to it being received by the Ultrasonic device.
One form of this is anti-attenuation. Just as the blood and the electricity of the brain work together, the Ultrasound and the medium carrying the Ultrasound work together constructively. Carrying that point farther in frequency results in lazer coherence.
If the packet of information has proper eddy currents, vector signal input, or integrated signal transmutations (similar logic to step transformer applications), then the signal thinks. The signal interacts with the medium and decides the course of action it should take.
As with Ultrasound being often turned back on it's self same signal, the introduction of computer software expands this reasoning to a relatively incomprehensible degree. For example, water or another wave medium can be made to respond harmonically to multiple small wave inputs resulting in a tidal wave or other correspondingly immense wave. Such application can be made to result in an associated application, such as to launch a vehicle.
In the Ultrasonics Method, such spurious signals are considered false indications. That is because according to those Method parameters the spurious aspects are typically undesirable for the application. Otherwise, aside from the paradigm of that Method, the "spurious" signals are true according to the principle of cause and effect.
Harmonics can be Ultrasonically contrived so as to produce what is known as a standing wave of energy. Such can rearrange matter, not only as plasma, but as a new entity, as the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. So we have a signal within a signal, matter within matter. Depending on variables, a permanent change can be made, such as welding materials together.
If a computer can be within a signal, then surely a mind can be within a mind; and not just in the spurious sense, as with split personalities, or in the abject sense, as with pregnancy, but in the unified sense or overall improvement and practicality.
Just as materials are mass processed Ultrasonically according to the new design shown above, brains of people (more at souls) are interacting on the molecular level and beyond.
P.A.I.U.S. Success.
Today chips are implanted in eyes to cause the blind to see. The above computerized P.A.I.U.S. Unit is one of a kind, and being portable, it can be taken from facility. It can interact with the Internet, yet, not simply of Internet it is portable mind within a facility. If that facility is a large computer, then it would be a mind within a mind.
Among computers this can be compared to core startup programs, and/or highest logic emulators. Just as a small signal can become large due to geometric configuration, top priority can become greater due to re-looping, harmonic augmentation, and mind within mind patterning.
US Department of Education put to the Test.
If education stops at theory, it is left in the dark. Dr. Bob Benchoff expounded the Ultrasonics principles and theories to a consortium working to provide reliable power to the Doctor's University of New York, just after the 2003 blackout in Northeast USA.
Depicted above, simple appearance changes result in vast interfacing changes, inclusive of deeply personal sex signaling anomolies. Changing a person's mind surgically or via word can have far more profound consequences, such as their greater affinity for unity, and externally, affecting relationships at multiple levels of greater complexity.
One small input can move mountains of signals.
USA Depends On Optimum Ingenuity.
In conclusion, if a computer can be taught to create a loop, then naturally the essence of the computer can be taught to create a loop. That essence is the signal carrying the information applicable to the person and to people and the greater good.
The way computer software learned to work was first through copying pre-software computers. Having accomplished that and having made those principles intrinsic to software, software was then able to build on those fundamentals.
Among signals, there is a fundamental frequency upon which harmonics grow. Harmonics can be constructive or destructive relative to other sets of harmonics, just as software bytes of information can modify other bytes of information.
Aside from eddy currents, signal harmonics can be made to propagate not only at a given speed, but also at oscillating speeds through multiple emitters causing signal convergencies according to desired patterning. And just as computers now build other computers, signals can build constructive [virus] mechanisims of perpetuation and enhancement.
This results in human application able to supercede education with just one thought, particularly since this is not simply data byte packaging, but information data one with the signal and not merely added to the signal in scalar fashion.
Typing data is scalar, copying data a page at a time is dual scalar or vector, signaling data a vector at a time is a matter of national security and human emulation.
Reference Scientific Discoveries and New Theories.
Strongly recommended: Transporters and collective intelligence.
For further study of important topics, please visit the following sites:
ICCDBB logical sermons.
Highest Fixed Rate + Possible Bonus.
Energy of the Brain: Now you can but a whole musical band in your head, no headphones required. Have pure musical energy in your skull as never before.
3/1/2004 Update:
To see the latest extent of brain energy mathematically adduced, click here for new God Math Code, and here for Bible Physics applied to Relativity.
Also noteworthy are some advancements as predicted in Einsteinian Theory, with measurable gravitational waves produced from stars very near each other. The gravity bursts are produced about every few years.
Energy of the brain is powerful; the mind is more than the sum of it's parts.