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Page 14 of ICCDBB Sermons:

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A Sermon For Teens. Updated February 11, 2004, and February 20, 2010 [now with "Joy" and "Jesus Christ" equations]!

Noah. Last updated January 18, 2010.

The Logic Of Emotions. Updated February 11, 2004.

Engineering Specifications of Jesus Christ: Uniform Code of God, Updates December 11, 2003, February 11, 2004; & concerning Biblical abortion: June 5, 2009.

How to invent. New for 1/19/9.

Recreational Drugs. Updated February 23, 2006.


Release of Prisoners.

Pain Removal.

How to get out of a coma.

Creation and Evolution Updated 7/13/2009 ("Today God told me"...).

God Created Evolution.

UFOs. Updated February 11, 2004.

Parable of the Fig: The cure for skin cancer. Updated January 8, 2004 & February 11, 2004.

Faith. Updated January 17, 2004 February 11, & December 2, 2004.

Charity. Updated February 11, 2004.

Easter. 12/12/1999, updated 3/1/2004 and 12/29/2004.


How to Perform Miracles. Updated February 11, 2004.

Time Travel. Updated February 11, 2004.

Abortion, Updated 5/1/02 & 12/11/03.


America Under Attack. Updated February 11, 2004.

Best Investment. Updated February 11, 2004.



God Answers Prayer.

Pure Love. Updated February 11, 2004.

Inherit the Wind.

Walk on Water Updated July 10, 2009.



Hallowed Be Thy Name.

Jesus Christ.

House of Prayer.

Why does God let people suffer?.

Jews and Christians.

Human Rights with United Nations link.

An Even More Excellent Way.

The Intelligence Community Bible.

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