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Is JESUS Your Name Sermon.

Do You sign JESUS, or do You sign Your census birth Given name?

The answer is easy through innocent Original JESUS Christ Spirit as Baptized (Matthew 3:15). If a Person calls You then normally to answer to the census given name, save if You opt to clarify if to humbly respectfully apply a Higher Faith Level of conversation. If a census form asks Your name it refers to Your birthright given census name in the world.

Yet if to discuss after You having been Baptized and if asked if You are JESUS the Eternal Savior Christ, then Your name is JESUS the Eternal Savior Christ. Consider for instance a nickname such as Joey when the legal birth name is Joseph, and if Joey did a crime and the Police investigation indicates You are the guilty Person though if You don't know the name "Joseph" and know the Perp called "Joey", then the Police check the legally tagged Person "Joey". If no other way to ID that Perp then the name entered legally is "Joey".

The 2 shown here look alike, as often a Child looks like 1 or both Parent(s).

This illustration is from a "Two Hearts" Sermon

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, discussed the Biblical age for Baptism and when signing Your name as JESUS can be appropriate, visitors welcome, invited, age requirements and recommendations, age guidelines, church criteria


So when is it appropriate to be called JESUS Christ?, JESUS was called JESUS everyday according to worldly given name, as written in "The Genealogy of Jesus" "This is the record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham:" (Matthew 1:1). To Be Perfect as Proven Best (Christian Bible [Faith such as swearing in Law the Oath, Formulas, Facts such as King Of The Jews,...), People, allowed to opt, are invited to be Baptized in the name of JESUS Christ.

Yet consider a laboratory where there are unseen plagues and death rays so to speak, so the least risk is with the appropriate Expert with the appropriate Awareness and equipment. Likewise is the Holy Of Holies, and likewise is the concern Over the utilizing of the Name and Power of JESUS Christ.

The previous JESUS Test Sermon (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 34) "showed for Us to view the People as a People, rather than such as male or female", as shown above; yet We All are to be 1.

World Peace: this applies for All to be 1.

Air, food, and drink: in 1 We can All Agree in the need for Each of Us hence for All, as long as in the world (though referencing what a human is, is rapidly changing in many respects).

So to prepare for a Higher Level is such as study, approval, orientation, and work experience under an Expert.

So if in a lab as discussed above, the Person, such as Sally, is trained and experienced per se

so hardly about the former "Sally" and rather the Appropriate Holder Of The Higher Level Position

as Authorized as Agreed Best [For Some, rather Best] For All. So any so Authorized can go into

the lab and manage the "plagues" and control the "death rays" powers, like unto the High Priest,

and like unto as written as JESUS Christ explained in "Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers

(18) All power is given unto me.--Literally, all authority was given"

( the New Leadership Better Translations as coming more "rapidly" ibid.).

Pertinent is, if a Church have criteria that a Person must be Baptized if to be a Member of [His, nicknamed] Their Church, then hardly to defend the innocent Youth that need no repentance yet are Legally Allowed to opt for as much as Innocent [Good], so Christening in the sense of Church Membership should apply until of age to opt whether of such Faith, that is, of age to be aware of what at least full repentance means along with Awareness there is a Best Way;

People are anxious to protect Children And [His, nicknamed] Their Souls but do the "People" go to school for the "Children", no, do the "People" eat for the "Children", the "Children" eat for the "Children": it is the Legal Right of the "Children", when a Child is 30 does a Parent have legal right over Demanding what that "Child" must to do today?, hardly, slavery was abolished.

So settle in Your Heart Soul Spirit whether JESUS Christ As Sent To Be Exemplar opted Righteously [as already very often Proven]. I was sprinkle Baptized as a recent newborn, and such as a Christian Leader Agreed as was sufficient though as We Agreed henceforth more appropriate is Immersion Baptism (see specifics in previous Sermons in this Series).

"Exemplar" was age 30 years as was required for Priesthood, when Baptized ( (similar is the Oath On The Christian Bible as required for Senate

Note i thought i was Baptized too young since later the Preacher instructed me to obey the law the did not make perfect, though when able to consider strayed types of ways, to rather see the JESUS Exemplar Righteous Best For All Path Wisdom, so "later" was my full repentance. Rather is the "full repentance" when Best. Many Christians stray, why? (previous sentences as much as pertinent).

"Meaning 'having the manner and spiritual character proper to a follower of Christ' is from 1590s" (

A Baby is under authority hence the falling as counted in the "purple line" (previous in this Series), at age 12 JESUS humbly went DOWN to "follower" level (Luke 2:51).

Obedient JESUS at age 12 left the High Level Holy Temple Faithful LEADERSHIP to go DOWN to the lower level and follow secular plans of Parents going to Nazareth.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, discussed the Biblical age for Baptism and when signing Your name as JESUS can be appropriate, went down, purple line, obeyed parents.


If a Church has criteria that a Person be a certain age for anything, Pray Be it Be for Best Way For All to Ascend Best For All. So do You force a Stranger to be a Church Member?, as from Matthew 17:26: then are the Children free [at liberty lest unpaid slaves hence unable to Tithe]?, so such "force" has been immoral and illegal; save if criteria of a Church allow such as Newborns to be Members, since innocent, and not forcing any without Tithes to pay as normal, then Newborns are Welcome to be Members.

Why does this not apply to Baptism?, the unaware "innocent" Child little [relative to Tube Parameter Significance] aware of the Tree Of Knowledge and the temptations per se, hence able to become a Christian Church Member, Biblically Speaking, and the "Way" as Agreeing with JESUS Christ Spirit Speaking as He Preached [as i Preach].

Is JESUS Your Name?, when able to be Victory Over the Tree Of Knowledge Level amount of Faith appropriate to Baptism, and even some Grace amount applies. For instance do all People associated with a particular Child find that Child Perfect (see above such as "at age 12") such as in "High Level Holy Temple Faithful LEADERSHIP" Discussions, or has the particular Child been found less Biblically Ascended than previous as quoted?: the norm is "less". There are knowledge prodigies though hardly Faith prodigies as merely in recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons We have just started this New Beginning in Grace [at least] Measuring Faith.

Another example is do You force a 1 year old to ride a 2 wheel bike, such would be irresponsible (see above on lab). To walk out of a tomb is real power, and to do so might entail therefore powerful snags, traps, pitfalls, and involve going contrary to the Best Way Flow at least as much as has been historically counted hence confusing to the far less than Kindergarten Student.

Will You Send Your Newborn To Overcome such as written in Mark 5:4 New International Version "For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him"?: the Newborn can't even put up the sign that says Visitors Welcome. The Newborn can't even sign the paper to have such done, and within an amount of reasonability Edifyingly they have not yet as much as learned to merely sign their own name.

Let Us sign Our own census Given names, and as JESUS Exemplar let Us Ascend from Member to Usher to Officer to Priest [Preacher, Minister] to High Priest In JESUS Name and then after found Worthy already as JESUS Christ Would that such signing be Accomplished in JESUS Christ nomenclature, then be pleased with Exemplar JESUS Christ The Original of 2,000 years ago in the census.

So to be in such Faithful Worthiness is to be in His Given Mission, Best For All.

16 June 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, discussed the Biblical age for Baptism and when signing Your name as JESUS can be appropriate.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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