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JESUS 1 Designer Sermon.
JESUS Christ invites Each And All to be 1, so the dust and critters are invited to Ascend to become Human Firmament Level, and the Human Firmament Level Census is invited to Ascend to become fully repentant Law abiding and Ascendingly Baptized Christian in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Heavenly Father Together As 1 with Ascending through Eucharizing rather Leading the Way from Perfect Civilization unto New Higher Level Discoveries Levels Of Perfect in JESUS Christ Spirit 1 Father making All Worthy hence Cizilizing so All Leading as 1.
"Justin Martyr AD 100-165 'We do not receive these as common bread or common drink. But just as our Savior Jesus Christ was made flesh through the Word of God and had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so also we have been taught that the food which has been Eucharized by the word of prayer from Him is the flesh and blood of the Incarnate Jesus.' First Apology 66.2" ( [in former tongues, rather as much as the JESUS Christ Way applies]) and "Incarnate" means JESUS Christ Spirit in the Faithful Baptized Ascending Humans Giving Best For All Hence The JESUS Christ Way.
Many have been afraid of being a martyr, and pointed at the many martyrs in history, yet JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series invites to likewise be Victory Over those former ways according to JESUS Christ UN Good Broadcasting Best For Each And All, with recordkeeping such as pertinent in remembrance of the longsuffering of the Chosen People Of Israel enslaved and 40 years wandering in the desert and yet rather in JESUS Christ (1 Corinthians 11:24) for discovering the New Better as to Design and Create Heaven On Earth (see conditions below on "prototype").
JESUS doesn't want You to be harmed nor suffer, the thorns shown below were against Him in the past sense.
JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Of Good invited All to the New Higher Level, the New Current Civilization Level, and to Best Ascend with Making All More Worthy!
Shown here are symbolic thorns on the Heart as if to prick you, yet JESUS is Victory Over harming You As Much As Faithful through temporary Longsuffering(s) Ascending His Way.
Ascending is with Churches Uplifting the Faithful rather than about resisting, for instance JESUS Christ Uplifted a blind Person according to the Person's Faith In JESUS Christ Living Creative Spirit Invitingly, rather than about passing an exam about how to focus on being unfaithful (of record examples such as at biblehub "destructions", or "wars") that older Children already are aware to rather be about the Ascending Way Best For All, yet before the fact of production for sale to destroy a car in a controlled safety prototype test can be for goodliness values normally rather than about "destructions".
Yesterday's Sermon spoke of JESUS Spirit Design Creative Trend as a flower, as much as Good and Best For All.
Expertise can properly control a "safety prototype test" as explained above, yet as in Yesterday's Sermon, hardly can a person test the Creator of the beauty of a flower.
Even so let the Best Artist Be Better, and even the above gif has an awesome beauty, see above "safety", also as a volcano erupting the flower sprouts from the dust.
9 July 2023.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, speaks of the All as 1 Creating the future New Discovering of Higher Level Faith, thorns on JESUS heart, prototype, conditions, car crash test, safety, train wreck, bridge collapse, gif, volcano erupting as a flower that sprouts from the dust, JESUS Love Spirit, Victory, over, Martyr.
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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.
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