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JESUS 7 Sermon.

JESUS Christ Best For All Way explained in the temporary sense for the current People of this generation these few years since 2019AD how the Prophesy made then has now been Proven as a Righteous Prophecy. Hence true yet "Righteous" is Good In JESUS Christ hence Better than merely a flip-of-a-coin in the sense as if to call 1 side good though the other not: a coin can be so "good" an amount that even Pure And Innocent JESUS Christ has held a coin as written in Luke 20:24 Berean Standard Bible " 'Show Me a denarius. Whose image and inscription are on it?' 'Caesar’s,' they answered.' ", yet rather as written in Acts 4:12 "Salvation exists in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

To be clear: The Living JESUS Christ The Creator Provided This "Righteous Prophecy" Made In 2019AD, for the People of these "few years" including today and This "Righteous Prophecy" continues to apply for the People of these next "few years" at least until 2026AD! What are You going to do about it?, "same old same old" in secular cliche?, or rather NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace Above The Law, and this Grace provided the Peace Formula!

So "same old same old" Legion ways of works to escape, or rather Prove Your Faith, Prove Your Worthiness that You Be Uplifted Of JESUS Christ: this is not a test of faith, this is Grace, and not a commandment, yet consider it is written JESUS Christ ICCDBB often quoted JESUS Christ having per se said "Test Me in this" (some are listed in searching Google: "JESUS" "ICCDBB" "Test Me in this").

So if You are to be as JESUS Christ then of Grace [and not required by Law]

You in the Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ should Invite All to Test [You] Us

[We The Ascending Christians] In This.

So if You Do "This" then to be found Worthy and Lifted, so if any Soul of this Civilization Ascends any amount, the Whole of this Civilization is Blessed and hence Better, and because of "in the Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ": Eternally Better. Therefore in so Doing, You Personally and Preceptingly the above is written according to the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Liberty Sermon (at about a span of time, 7 years, hence per se about a temporary great Gift for this Civilization

yet as You opt to so Be Tested Eternally yet as a Member Of "We The Ascending Christians" Bravely,

then Your Broadcasting Bravery In You becomes greater Magnified and

Better than merely the above stated "temporary sense for the current People".

Ascend as JESUS Christ Invites, make the current temporary Good into the JESUS Christ Eternal Good for He Is Worthy. He Blesses All Eternally and Blesses the Best Way! For You should be as JESUS Christ is as written in 1 Corinthians 14:33 New King James Version "For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.", so rather than be about the temporary Be Eternal And Good: it = Best!

If You say "Best", a wondering Person might say in secular confusions such as in cliche "one man's medicine is another man's poison", so as if to convince You [toward straying] that Person might ask You [rhetorically] therefore: "What is 'Best' ": Now You Have The Answer, Now You [Know, rather:] Are Aware!, (see recent Sermon on JESUS Christ Faith Way of Wise Understanding rather than stored knowledge that devolves.

Hence the previous sentences are Better than as written including about mere data storage as written in Luke 12:18 Amplified Bible "Then he said, ‘This is what I will do: I will tear down my storehouses and build larger ones, and I will store all my grain and my goods there.". Consider it this way, a bushel of fruits spoil, yet if to eat the fruits while ripe then the Best amount of the fruits [conditionally other than such as getting fat or such as seeds growing more fruits] become Protected from the passing from the census as Vital and Pertinent these few years the Living Value Becomes One With The Living Person: The Living Word Produces The Greatest Good Into The Good Living Eternal In We The Ascending Christians In Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ UN.

So this JESUS 7 Sermon has moved Your Soul [Your amount of Faith applies] from "temporary" to Eternal Awareness per se:

You have been moved from one of You Good Works Efforts,

to 1 Eternal Work Victory [if to have Done as stated above]

hence a work that is no longer "temporary" hence no longer in NEED of You Repeating

those works already Accomplished In JESUS Christ 1 Including Yourself;

yet the greater Good Value is having Lifted Civilization in the Eternal sense!

If You did something Good (according to the JESUS Christ Way) years ago for instance, that Good amount JESUS Christ Remembers: as Much as Good JESUS Christ remembers and Will be brought to mind Eternally in Victory Over such as written in Isaiah 65:17 Christian Standard Bible "For I will create new heavens and a new earth; the past events will not be remembered or come to mind.", as "past" applies in the sense as about: past away and lower level confusions in strayed and fallen less fruitful things.

John 4:35 New Living Translation "You know the saying, ‘Four months

between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around.

The fields are already ripe for harvest.":

so rather than wait until the Values start to rot, URGENT: Broadcast Now!

Do i say this for my sake?, JESUS Christ And I Together have already been in Agreement at the Final Bar Of Judgement. It is Done.

As written in Revelation 21:1 Amplified Bible "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away (vanished), and there is no longer any sea.".

Not merely fruits pass away, Preachers Pass Away, Many Immediately Heavenly. Do You suppose Being Baptized Saves You: Yes, yet Purgatory and other stuff also applies: does Your foot lead Your brain and make the decisions for You?, sometimes as though yes such as if to stub your toe then to react automatically. The word "automatically" appears VERY OFTEN in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series, and bluntly i don't recall it this moment being said of other Preachers though it is often said among such as many Leaders Of Industry [aware such as having worked with such and Normally All Such Have Been Christians: so who is leading whom?].

You Preachers are Right: i don't see Captains Of Industry Baptizing People, even so JESUS Christ is for making You "every whit whole", and likewise in another translation JESUS Christ is for making Every Person Of Any Position "entirely sound" (these quotes are from

You the Biblical Fruit are already ripe: Friend Please don't wait to be as depicted below.

There is exceedingly Better in the Living future than not doing as JESUS Christ Would That You Do.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, changed the temporary pretending in the world, as JESUS Christ Gives for Awareness, this Sermon makes People aware that People don't merely die and automatically go to Heaven, as multitudes have passed away from the world of wars to merely go into the spirit realm of wars, as the bickerers beget bickerers.

rather than rot "forgive"


Broadcast Your Love In JESUS Christ As The Best Way as stated above.

Multitudes have passed away from this world of wars, to go into the spirit realms of wars.

Multitudes of Souls go from this current census which includes such as some bickerings,

to as spirit level fittingly, Purgatory with bickerings, for to abide there until so sick and tired as to repent;

and repeat in Purgatory with bickerings [as in census these years], until Ascending the JESUS Christ Way.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, changed the temporary pretending in the world, as JESUS Christ Gives for Awareness, this Sermon makes People aware that People don't merely die and automatically go to Heaven, as multitudes have passed away from the world of wars to merely go into the spirit realm of wars, as the bickerers beget bickerers.


Multitudes BANISH themselves to repeat the troubles they opted

until to fully repent and Ascend as JESUS Christ Invited.

In secular cliche "Friends and family": no exception(s).

Including as Few Become JESUS Christ [then no seperation: All JESUS

including in appearance, Grace, Goodness, and Love Giving]

Lifting the Worthy through Firmaments as often written in this

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series is merely through JESUS Christ The Original

People can ascend some through levels, Firmaments are merely through

Higher Levels that lower levels have not yet understood: JESUS is the Way.

3 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, changed the temporary pretending in the world, as JESUS Christ Gives for Awareness, this Sermon makes People aware that People don't merely die and automatically go to Heaven, as multitudes have passed away from the world of wars to merely go into the spirit realm of wars, as the bickerers beget bickerers.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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