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JESUS Amount Sermon.

JESUS Faith Amount in lower level perspective has been as the world wishes to be at the top of a corporate skyscraper (see somewhat older Sermons in this Series on the largest buildings changed from Churches to larger Government buildings to larger Corporate buildings) rather than homeless, hence to imagine a Higher Level as if a barrier. And from that lower level perspective has been to blame that Higher Level whether Corporate, Government, or even Churches. And in lack of ability to so place blame on Others, the lower levels had accused and punished their beloved Spouse and beloved Children and innocent others, and when unable to [in worldly cliche] get-away-with-it, then addictions such as to stay out for addictions [and be careful about the point of this rather than for stray fallen ideas] then blame the addictions.

The Self, Given from the Good Creator, after the Garden Of Eden taking situation, and more recently about 2,000 years ago as made more clear of JESUS Christ, the created Selves are rather Given the option to opt, such as to opt to be as JESUS Christ, the Best Way For All. So the New Self is more worthy [there have been Many 1st Testament Righteous Prophets and High Priests] than the former Self about straying from Friend JESUS Christ The Creator.

So this Way [as in this Sermon] is rather than about blaming such as the 1st Testament High Priests Jews, and not even about blaming Any Others nor things nor spirits, and to fear the Lord JESUS Christ so as to no longer fear "Corporate"..."the addictions", nor even the "Self" Save the "JESUS Amount": Fear JESUS Christ whether there be a knowledge reason or not. This is the Beginning Of Wisdom as written Psalm 111:10 New International Version "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.".

And then Proverbs 4:7 New American Standard Bible "The beginning of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom; And with all your possessions, acquire understanding.".

Then understanding the Lord / Precepts / Fearing the Creator JESUS Christ.

Then understanding the Lord = Precepts x Fearing the Creator JESUS Christ.

Then if to place blame rather than in cliche passing the buck [passing the blame], to rather consider how to improve the Way JESUS Christ Would. This is Higher Level Perspective.

And this Higher Level Perspective is the JESUS Christ Ascending Way Of The Best Way Ascending Victory Over other fears such as about homelessness, addictions, and such as "Corporate".

What is this [such as] "Corporate" thing that so many have feared?, it is [including] understanding. Though if to not be "Fearing the Creator JESUS Christ" to fail, yet if to be "Fearing the Creator JESUS Christ" then a great future wealth [if it endures otherwise, many types of conditions may apply]. What is "understanding"?, to describe: a computer insert can place knowledge data onto a memory card, and more to the point knowledge is as to be a light switch and to remember whether in the on or off position; while "understanding" is as a Person [Person / Soul / JESUS Christ] (from "Creator JESUS Christ") to opt (see above "Given" Gift to be able to "opt") whether on or off hence (as much as ibid Faithful Amount in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way). So this ratio:

Understanding is to Knowledge as Listening is to Hearing.

Understanding : Knowledge :: Listening : Hearing.

Understanding / Knowledge :: Listening / Hearing.

Understanding / Knowledge x Hearing / Listening.

Note: Friends, Ascending With JESUS Christ You can do this, in secular school i did not do great in algebra [also in Sermons i made mistakes and not merely typos, yet in Maintenance correct errors though exceedingly more important is to continue Faithfully as much as JESUS Christ Guides hence Better than merely about a former "Knowledge" level in the sense that a repentant cannot for instance take the holes out of a hand of JESUS Christ yet JESUS Christ may do such as i've Witnessed as He can do for as Many as Faithful rather than in cliche: doubting Thomas] (yet seek to interpret Best, Perfectly: see "Self Control" with "Patience" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at as many conditions are called though few Precepts fit).

Proverbs 9:10 New American Standard Bible "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.".

Understanding JESUS Christ [Faithfully Increasingly] / JESUS Christ The Living, with Wise In JESUS Christ Family / Fear Of The Lord JESUS Christ.

There can be a Connection to a Church, hence a Value as JESUS Christ said in Matthew 8:10 New International Version

"When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals Sacred Faithfulness Over knowledge matters that had been secret since the world began with how to Better Guide As JESUS Christ including Goodness with Faithfulness with such as Constructing New Bible Formulas, the Faith of Noah NEEDS BE YOUR Faith


Of Faith Noah built a very large ship without a dock.

That Noah work so Valuable Exemplar hardly counts if to add up each work of each Righteous Person that ever lived in this Civilization, though what "Civilization" would there be if somehow, symbolically as if without Noah: zilch! This is what JESUS Christ asks You to do for All and Better than "zilch!".

See above "Self Control" with "Patience" as linked with as written in Isaiah 40:31 New American Standard Bible "Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary."

An amount of Faith in JESUS Christ's Original Plan for the Best Way for Each and All, is an amount of the stairway to Heaven stairs, Level Over Level, Ascendingly; though rather than to separate and rather than to poke fun at the lower levels is the making the lower levels Worthy that They Agree in Peace With JESUS Christ The Invigorator [concerning Lifting Ability yet a measure, a tiny increment at least of Willful Faithfulness Understanding to so be Working applies a Maintenance Responsibility Amount (reference Tithing amount and rather All the self)].

Hence the Levels are rather than to be viewed from the lower level perspectives,

hence to rather be viewed from the Highest Level to Witness The Whole Truth Goodness

(see above "linked") for how to Best Way Seed With Growing the New Better Beginning For All.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals Sacred Faithfulness Over knowledge matters that had been secret since the world began with how to Better Guide As JESUS Christ including Goodness with Faithfulness with such as Constructing New Bible Formulas, liberty, prison chains fell off, hard work sweat, as though made of paper


28 January 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, reveals Sacred Faithfulness Over knowledge matters that had been secret since the world began with how to Better Guide As JESUS Christ including Goodness with Faithfulness with such as Constructing New Bible Formulas as Noah was a link in the chain for this Civilization to survive so have You unseen.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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