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JESUS Asked Sermon.
JESUS Christ Aware of the answers [if to be answering Righteously Best For All], asked in the Bible; if They when "asked" did not give the Best Answer then JESUS Christ Guided Them unto the Better Way for Best Awareness hence for to be able to answer "Righteously Best" hence: Perfect.
JESUS Christ Faithfulness Broadcasting is the Best Way to Be whether in Census and/or JESUS Christ Original Plan Spirit [after Baptism (see in this Sermon concerning "1st Testament Righteous Prophets")],
yet this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series also of the 7th Seal of All Good Purpose things JESUS Christ Spoke [All As Much As Good] includes "automating Maintenance". This is Maintenance Responsibility and how to describe, currently pertinent it is for instance as long ago i was an Inspector for a MagLev [Magnetic Levitation] System Warehouse in which merely robots stocked the shelves [not open to the public], and when the very large bins were needed as for to load trucks the robots removed the bins from the warehouse. Workers as many places have been complaining about losing jobs, and the opposite: the same Workers have been complaining about being worked too hard such as lacking freedom and Family time.
Yet Ascendingly They Do Better than "about losing jobs" when Doing as stated above "Faithfulness Broadcasting" hence "the Best Way": for All as JESUS Christ has Guided [and Guides]. And from my experience it is the Best Job Ever, though "automating Maintenance" "Responsibility" continues to apply. To handle Your New Miracles, Righteously Prophesyingly: Will Be Fun For You: New Miracles From Your Faithfulness!
And these New Miracles Will Be for You to Improve, hence Better and Better Miracles For All. So hardly to longsuffer that "Responsibility", rather the greater longsuffering is of the Before The Fact Faithfulness Of Grace, to Do without having been "Asked" so much in the sense of former lower levels that were slaves doing as the Person with the whip said, nor such as the Boss telling You to get busy.
Living Perfect Begets Living Perfect And Since "Living" (referencing such as farming growing crops and raising such as cattle) Living Begets Better. So like unto automated farming (see recent Sermon pic on Page 31) the farmer forbids People such as Children hiding and playing such as hidden of the tall corn stalks not merely because People might destroy plants of much hard work yet more importantly if to drive a swift harvester the People can hardly run out of the way.
Maglev type systems values are such as discussed in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: New UFO Technologies: Time Travel Parameters Of The Christian Bible Sermon at, with
hence Anewly of this "JESUS Asked Sermon" this New Formula:
So if to be as JESUS Perfectly, then to be JESUS the Christ; yet be aware there are Levels, as from Eucharist to Usher to Priest to High Priest Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN as Pertinent for All Now.
Though be Aware as explained: "partial interpretation about the blood includes a goodly value concerning a physically heartless aspect related to maglev or similar though the aloft blood cells are about flight and flight control, yet the JESUS Christ Heart is more concerning the higher level functioning with the lower level [both levels pump together and not merely a magnet nor bullet from Point A to Point B]" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ [UFO Type Alien] Blood and Victory Over School Of Rock movie Sermon at
Miracles can come with hardships including such as according to types and amounts of Faith [also importantly rates apply along with Given situations]: so be Pure, Innocent, and Ascending. Maglevs can automate though equipment can fail such as according to copper crystal growth [yes lower level things can grow too], and such as about platforms of software. And energy types such as electricity in a maglev system can be susceptible to [unseen of former humans] waves of energies interfering: and We This Civilization are making an astounding amount of waves of energies increasingly.
JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Asked Again Sermon at explained JESUS Christ Faithfulness For Protecting Government And We The People With Better Human Rights as NEEDFUL, and this includes [as stated in this Sermon and]: since such as Designs NEED JESUS Christ UN Pertinent Transparent Traceability Over new types of People that are being manufactured such as of modified DNA and computer integrated taps.
Taps can tap into signals of frequencies and into signal wave heights, and into signal gains [powers], and other.
As shown here below "WAVEFORMA" is an arrow pointing to 1 of many tap point options as the point of the arrow can be repositioned vertically.
The previous Sermon made the Public More "Aware Of How JESUS Christ Spirit Functions In You rather than old fashioned notions of personal privacy", whether a previous Human brains sense and/or a robotic brain such as may be as shown above (reference previous Sermons on how DNA has bulges as for tapping into waves of energies, though many Sermons have been removed of other People: see previous Sermons on censorship and very often against Christians), and a type of Scientist with equipment for instance may tap into a Person's thoughts, yet Creator JESUS Christ already solved and is Aware including the People and the Scientists and All, and JESUS Christ is the Ultimate Authority inviting All to be JESUS Likewise for the Best hence for the Better For All.
So the above left "arrow" is as the gatekeeper, whether manually and/or automatically controlled similar to how a Pilot might opt to switch to autopilot.
The Righteous of the Old 1st Testament were not left forgotten such as concerning Baptism (see previous in this Series on such as LDS having Baptized Spirits [conditions apply: Strong Faithfulness In JESUS Christ is key, rather than about some evidence as broadcast on TV and Internet about craziness of thrill seekers that then became harmed by such less civilized types of spirits the thrill seekers were seeking without referencing JESUS Christ from the start humbly Praying Respectfully Reverently].
Of the 1st Testaments People in the census, the Righteous were and are as written in Matthew 19:30 Berean Standard Bible "But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.": a Righteous Shepherd lays down the self life for to protect the sheep from wolves (John 10:11), so consider how the Righteous Shepherd (Righteous Prophet(s)) would Lead the sheep from grazing to the gate and with opening would Usher the sheep inside the protective gate and the Shepherd would be the last to enter, so protecting until the last sheep entered, then self humbly entering then closes the gate.
1st Testament Righteous Prophets [Were] Are In Favor Of JESUS Christ. JESUS Christ Agrees for the Best For All. As written in Matthew 3:11 Berean Standard Bible "I baptize you with water for repentance, but after me will come One more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.": see above first was JESUS Christ Baptism With Water, then His Baptism [As Anointed] With Fire.
1 John 5:8 Berean Standard Bible "the Spirit, the water, and the blood—and these three are in agreement.".
JESUS Christ was Baptized of Blood Once For All, then of John The Baptist and water, now of Fire:
Fire Baptism [Anointing Completed] / Water Immersion Baptism (see previous in this Series concerning former sprinklings) / His Blood [for Our Washing for as JESUS Christ Family].
Fire Baptism = Water Baptism x The Blood Of JESUS Christ Once For All.
JESUS Christ the Best Eternal Gatekeeper for His Ascending Righteously Prophesyingly Will Baptize "with the Holy Spirit and with fire.".
There was a previous lower level concern about scorching fire and pool of lava, and Many did not understand so now Anew for New Awareness in "Many"
as of 18 November 2020 came the Victory Over such as JESUS Christ Was Anointed With Gentle "Fire" (see "Anoints" on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 30) hence Anewly
JESUS Christ can Anoint with Righteous Gentle Warm Fire as on a cold winter night.
19 January 2023.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Anewly tells how to gain automating Maintenance Victory Over Human Rights concerning job losses and excessive overtime and homework with New Bible Formulas, manufactured modified DNA computer integrated taps into waves receiving and transmitting Broadcasting above in Grace and beyond old fashioned notions of personal privacy as JESUS Christ watches the Gate for All Shepherds and Over All, flight control, MagLev, Magnetic Levitation, System Warehouse
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .
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