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JESUS Asked Again Sermon.

As written in John 21:16 Berean Standard Bible "Jesus asked a second time, 'Simon son of John, do you love Me?” “Yes, Lord,” he answered, “You know I love You.' Jesus told him, “Shepherd My sheep.". What does it mean?: Preaching Level [Word of JESUS Christ Name With Spirit, including such as Discussion Groups too], and Maintenance level Ministering including responsibilities over Miracles [things]. What does this Generation NEED to Hear per se?: Ascending right to left from the start of the Industrial Revolution:

Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Value Grace / Preaching With Writing The Living Bible / [full repentance] / Love People rather than merely pets / Sheep Herders.

"Sheep Herders" was as farming [not about "pets"]. Animals were where JESUS Christ was born as for the humble beginning, and for Better Way Higher Level Loving Grace Guidance, including over lower levels ways so People wouldn't [in secular cliche] "look down on" other People. In cliche, "the thing is" People know the situation but do other stuff [and i confess the need to be more as JESUS Christ].

There are some shows on Internet and TV that have redeeming social values though audiences routinely laugh such as when a dog knocks over a Toddler even if very clearly the Child might have suffered census lifespan injuries.

In this strayed generation many prefer that dogs have homes rather than that People have homes.

As shown here the Person opted to live with dogs in the "home"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, exposes Sacred JESUS Christ Faithfulness For Protecting Government And We The People With Better Human Rights as new types of critters are being manufactured more poisonous and worse with tax breaks and grants, pets in homes, dogs, cats, tax, funds


Percent of households owning: Dogs 38.4%, Cats 25.4% (

On the news yesterday was that here at "West Charlotte" grocery stores were having problems about putting foods on shelves. Generally pets breed faster than Humans, and the multitudes of bigger pets eat very much, often such as the foods Humans prefer for Humans.

Zoos have values though too many are a Human Rights Grace concern "wild lions"..."estimated that they eat between 10 and 25 pounds of food per day" (

Critters spread poisons and diseases, People already have too much of such. There once was a tortoise about a meter long that was on the road, and since it might have caused a traffic accident i moved it off the road, then itched and rubbed my eyelid and had eye troubles for perhaps a half year. Yesterday a reptile bit a Child's nose and held tight as the Child asked the Parent for Help, as the Parent laughed and as shown obviously cared more for the reptile than the for Child (above is stated "Ministering including responsibilities" and it's the Law). Teens have grown up some and remember much about the ways They have been treated and/or exploited, maltreated, oppressed, left destitute and distressed, needy and oppressed such as if a slave in the 1st Testament sense prior to Moses ([Parents are examples, see previous Sermon on "Perps fight against Perps").

I spoke in favor of Human Rights, does this make me a flamethrower as if against People carelessly?, though many Christians Preaching the Word of JESUS Christ have been maltreated as if such. It stated "in favor of Human Rights" right there in the question. A properly controlled petting zoo is far from such as the running of the bulls. Rather than about such as taxing pet owners as evidenced and rather than about quoting many various types of animal laws that many People already know, this concerns JESUS Christ Grace Spirit hence Eternal Good Wisdom, so to Edify with Clarity: critters are not People, critters are not Family.

"Top" "Tax Deductions for Pet Owners in 2022":

"Veterinary bills.

Medical treatment.

Food and supplies.

Training classes.

Grooming services.

Transportation costs.

Boarding fees.

Pet insurance." (

Do any People lack Food, Homes, Health Care, Transportation, Insurance...?, Many, Yes.

Are there big poisonous snakes in Your apartment building thriving on Your hard earned tax money?, snakes coming out of toilets is old news and was on TV this week and the audience laughed. Are there dangerous spiders escaping?, and are there new types of critters being manufactured?: yes.

What is the JESUS Original Plan?, pertinent is that it includes John 15:2 "He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit, and every branch that does bear fruit, He prunes to make it even more fruitful."

JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesied About This Generation In John 14:29 "And now I have told you before it comes to pass, that when it shall have come to pass, you might believe."

For His Apostles, after the tomb and showing Himself to some, on the road to Emmaus (map at talking with Apostles JESUS Christ "beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them what was written in all the Scriptures about Himself" (from Luke 24:27): the length of a Sermon, generally.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS  on the road to Emmaus taught Apostles from Moses to current this generation, map, JESUS Spirit, exposes Sacred JESUS Christ Faithfulness For Protecting Government And We The People With Better Human Rights as new types of critters are being manufactured more poisonous and worse with tax breaks and grants

[To paraphrase]"walking with Jesus" "They" became able to "recognize him"


27 December 2022.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, exposes Sacred JESUS Christ Faithfulness For Protecting Government And We The People With Better Human Rights as new types of critters are being manufactured more poisonous and worse with tax breaks and grants.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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